My sweet child, the Heavens all join, in union with my Son, to come to the aid of those holy priests, who will find themselves in the middle of a great battle. So many of these precious souls will have to endure terrible pain and suffering when they will have to witness the heresies, which will spring from within the Church.They will be confused, frightened and many will feel that they have nowhere to turn.
This is when they must turn to me, ask me to Consecrate them to my Son, so that He can pour over them every drop of His Precious Blood. When covered with this Gift, they will know what to do. They must know that I have warned my children, all down through the centuries, of this wicked apostasy, which is being planned by the evil one.
My Son’s Church will become the seat of the antichrist and now that the Truth has been revealed, many will feel frightened and will suffer the pain of my Son’s Scourging. My Son’s Church will be persecuted, destroyed, desecrated – until eventually, it will house the throne upon which will sit the antichrist. It will be from here that he, the antichrist, will declare that he is the Christ and that the world will be saved through him.
By accepting lies, you deny the Truth. By ignoring the Truth, you will believe in a fabricated web of deceit, spun by the evil one and this will entrap you. Once entrapped, you will be tempted to follow the crowds, in every nation, who will pay great respect to the antichrist. Please, children, recite this Crusade Prayer to fight the heresy, which will cover my Son’s Church on Earth.
Crusade Prayer (125) To defend the Most Holy Word of God
O Mother of Salvation, help me, a humble servant of God, to defend His Most Holy Word in times of torment. Consecrate me, dear Mother, to your Son, so that He can cover me with His Precious Blood. Grant me, through the Intercession of your Son, Jesus Christ, the grace, the strength and the will to remain true to the Teachings of Christ in the times of Tribulation, which will devour His Most Holy Church on Earth. Amen.
Go to my Son, dear servants of Christ. You belong to Him. He will help you during the persecution. He will never desert you in your time of need.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
You must remain calm, at peace, but with a firm resolve to continue to proclaim the Holy Word contained in the Gospels

My dearly beloved daughter, I desire to reveal to all of you, My beloved apostles – those who walk the Earth and who proclaim My Holy Word – that you must cling to Me, your Jesus, like never before. These times, which lie ahead of you will be difficult and to all those who remain in Me, with Me and for Me, you will be responsible for keeping the Flame of My Light aglow in the dark days ahead.
My precious children, you must remain calm, at peace, but with a firm resolve to continue to proclaim the Holy Word contained in the Gospels in every corner of the world. You, My Remnant Army, will bring all of God’s children to Me and help to save them from the vapor of evil, which will envelop millions of souls.
You are Mine and you walk within the Light of God, paving the way for the world to be saved.
My Graces are being poured down upon you, My beloved apostles, and once you know that you are being guided by Me and trust in Me completely, no harm will come to you. But should you allow yourselves to become willing servants of deceit, then My Protection will not cover you. Those of you who side with the false prophet and the antichrist will be ensnared by Satan and he will not let you go free. Those of you who walk alongside My enemies and swallow the chalice of the serpent will be destroyed by him should you dare to challenge him.
Heed now, My warning – side with the beast and swear an unholy oath to honour heresy and you will find it very difficult to prise yourselves away from his vile grip. Pray that you will have the wisdom to see the Truth.
Your Jesus
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