Mother of Salvation: By the miracle of the Illumination of Conscience, He, my Son, will bring joy, love and hope to the world December 22, 2013My child, please let it be known that my precious Son is preparing for His Great Intervention of Mercy. The world will be renewed as a result and many will rejoice in their new-to-be found freedom from doubt about the Existence of God.
How lonely are those who do not know my Son. When my Son stood on the mount, just before His Ascension into Heaven, His disciples were confused and frightened because of the separation they would have to face without Him. Many of them panicked and begged my Son not to leave them. He comforted them by patiently explaining to them that this separation would only be temporary and that He would send them help. The help He was referring to was the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

For, although He told everyone that day that He would come again, they did not truly understand what He meant. Some thought that it would be weeks before He would make Himself known. But, remember, a day in God’s Time, can be any time. Now that Day is drawing close and all the prophecies foretold, as to the signs of the time of the end, are happening. Have no fear in your hearts, dear children, for the time for rejoicing is almost upon you. There will be no more tears or sadness, for my Son’s Great Day will dawn suddenly and He will gather all of His own into His Sacred Arms.
Pray for God’s Great Blessings and for the Great Mercy, which my Son holds, in great abundance, for each one of God’s children. This includes the good, the bad and the indifferent. By the miracle of the Illumination of Conscience, He, my Son, will bring joy, love and hope to the world.
Be thankful for this great Mercy. My Son’s Love for you will never die, fade or be withheld, because you belong to Him. You are His. You are the children of God. You do not belong to Satan.
Pray, pray, pray that humanity will choose the Merciful Hand of my Son over the deceit and the wicked stranglehold, which the evil one exerts over the weak.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Soon you will see Me in all of My heavenly Glory and then you will finally understand the Mystery of My Divinity
My dearly beloved daughter, how the world will soon sit up and acknowledge My Presence. My Presence will be felt in every nation, country and home and no one will deny My Presence, yet some will not want to witness My Intervention. You must all accept that when The Warning takes place, that it is a Great Sign from Heaven.
It will confirm the Love, which God has for all of His children.
Your lonely separation from God will come to an end that Day. For those who want the Protection they desire, from the sorrow, which exists in the world today, know this. I will wipe away your tears. Forgive you your sins. I will Bless all of you, including those who will turn their backs on Me, in the hope that they will come running back to Me, so that I can save them.
The world is Mine. God’s children will be gathered together and all of those whose names are in the Book of the Living will be swept up into My Arms. Pray that those who have doubts will be rid of them, that those who are in terrible darkness will ask Me for Mercy and that those who deny Me will finally recognise Me.
You must never allow the detractors of My Holy Word to take you away from Me, your beloved Jesus. Soon you will see Me, in all of My heavenly Glory, and then you will finally understand the Mystery of My Divinity.
Your Jesus
My dearly beloved daughter, the preparations have commenced today for My Intervention of Great Mercy to turn the hearts of the man from stone to gold. The signs in the weather will be witnessed for those with eyes who can see and those who are alert to My Promise to give everyone an equal chance of salvation.
You have been prepared now for three years. Rise and take up your cross and follow Me

Those whose faith has weakened will be renewed with the Fire of the Holy Spirit. So powerful will the Holy Spirit be, when they witness the Light, the Rays of My Mercy, that many will be struck to the ground by the force of it.
Those who detest Me, and whose sins mean nothing to them, will die further in spirit and crawl away from Me in terror. Some will not survive My Intervention, because it will shock them beyond their endurance.
I Am preparing all chosen souls, at this time, by instructing them to seek Confession and to pray for the sins of others. My Time is soon. My Intervention will be swift and powerful and from that day forth, the world will divide into two.On that day, the world will be turned inside out and only those who remain in My favour will endure the trials which will be seen everywhere.
You have been prepared now for three years. Rise and take up your cross and follow Me. Be strong. I will give you courage, for you will need it as the darkness of those souls, who will reject My Mercy, will fall over the Earth and then spread. Only those who are blessed with the Holy Spirit will provide the light, which will lead all those who want to enter My Kingdom, so that they can navigate their way towards Eternal Life.
Your Jesus