Mother of Salvation: The more you pray, the stronger will be your relationship with God

When you are in a loving relationship with another person, it is important to speak with each other. Without communication, the relationship will flounder, until eventually the relationship will die. The same is true when communicating with God. You may not see Him, touch Him or feel Him, but when you speak with Him, He will respond. Such is the Mystery of God’s Divinity. In time, those who speak to God, through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, will forge a strong bond.
Children, when you call out to my Son, in your own words, He hears every cry of anguish and every request made of Him. As you continue to speak with my Son, in your own way, after awhile, you will know that He hears you. Those souls who cry out for Mercy, either for their own souls or for the salvation of others, will always receive special Gifts from Heaven.
Prayer is not complicated. It is as simple as calling out to anyone you love. And when you love another, you can be assured that God is present for He is Love. When you love someone truly, there is always trust in your heart. If you love my Son, you must trust Him. If you trust Him, then know that He will always await you with love and tenderness. He rejoices when you call on Him, for He will do anything to bring you His Peace and Comfort.
You must never be reluctant to speak with my Son, through prayer. He craves your company and soon you will be in no doubt as to His Existence. The more you pray, the stronger will be your relationship with God. Those blessed with such a deep and abiding love for my Son, will have a peace instilled within their hearts that no suffering on this earth, can unsettle.
Pray every day. Speak with my Son during your daily chores. Call on me to bring you closer to my Son. And, when you want to love Him more, I will ask Him to Bless you. To love God with a deep intimacy is a Gift from God and it is only through regular prayer that you will attain it.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Crusade Prayer (23) Prayer for Pope Benedict’s safety
O, my Eternal Father, on behalf of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and the suffering He endured to save the world from sin, I pray, now, that you protect Your Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict, Head of Your Church on earth, so that he too can help save Your children and all Your sacred servants from the scourge of Satan and his dominion of fallen angels who walk the earth stealing souls.
O, Father, protect Your Pope, so that Your children can be guided on the True Path towards your New Paradise on Earth.
O, Father, protect Your Pope, so that Your children can be guided on the True Path towards your New Paradise on Earth.
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