The Sacraments of the Holy Confession, Baptism, Marriage and the Holy Eucharist must be preserved.
My dearly beloved daughter how sin crushes Me at this moment and how I suffer the torment of rejection.
My head is being crushed like the thorns in My Crown just as the Head of My Church, My Holy Vicar on earth, suffers the pain through the persecution he endures at the hand of his enemies.
My Church on earth, My Body on earth, is one. The crucifixion is being prepared.
The doctrines of My Church, just as My teachings on earth were torn asunder by those Pharisees and those who thought they knew the Word of My Father more than I did, will soon be thrown asunder.
You must all pray for My Church on earth. You must always remember that no other doctrine exists other than that proclaimed by Me during My time on earth.
All that is the Truth will never be changed for if it is you will be forced to swallow a lie.
My daughter never allow those who continued to reject My Word at this time to discourage you, or My followers, from helping Me to salvage My Church on earth.
For once the enemy attacks My Church you must join together and ensure that the Gospels are spread to the ends of the earth.The Sacraments of the Holy Confession, Baptism, Marriage and the Holy Eucharist must be preserved. Even these will be made difficult to access.
My sacred servants who love Me must begin preparation now. Very soon you will be forbidden to offer such Gifts to God’s children.
The time for preparation has begun.
Allow Me to instruct you, lead you and help you bring My Remnant Church to the gates of Paradise.
Your beloved Jesus
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