Thursday 12 October 2023

God the Father: No man can explain how I created the universe or humanity no matter how they try for it is impossible.. BOOK OF TRUTH..


God the Father: No man can explain how I created the universe or humanity no matter how they try for it is impossible.

My dearest daughter help Me in My grief as I weep for all of My children who refuse to accept that I exist.

How I yearn for them.

How I weep for their poor souls.

So intelligent and smart in the way of human understanding, they fail to grasp the Truth of who I Am.

I Am the beginning.

I Am the creator of all that is.

I am their Father, although they reject Me.

If they could only see the Truth.

If they could only allow Me to touch their hearts so I could show them My wonderful and glorious plans which await them.

Many of these souls do not know Me, through no fault of their own.

Those souls will be shown the Truth so that they will choose My Path.

Then those who were given the Truth, but who allowed human reasoning and the glorification of human intelligence to blind them, are now lost to Me.

Many such souls will convert but many will refuse the Cup of Salvation presented to them by My Beloved Son.

Children of My Heart I beg you. Help Me save My precious children.

My tears flow at this time and I ask you to bring them to Me through the Divine Mercy of My Son.

So many of these souls include young children, who defiantly and publicly reject Me, in order to show others how smart they are.

An exaggerated respect for human intelligence is a temptation driven into the souls of My Children by the enemy.

The Beast devours My children’s souls and they have no idea what he is doing to them.

So many fallen angels convince humanity that human intelligence is faultless.

When mankind believes, or convinces himself, that he knows the Divine Law of Creation he has fallen into a deceitful trap.

No man can explain how I created the universe or humanity no matter how they try for it is impossible.

When will they learn?

When will they see that those children of Mine, pure, simple and humble souls who accept Me, understand the simple truth?

They do not need proof because they feel My Love in their pure hearts which they leave open so I can flood their souls with Divine Graces.

I Am your God, your Creator and your Natural Father.

My children must come to Me through My Beloved Son and through their own free will. I cannot force them.

You, My children have been given the power to help save their souls.

All of you who respond to My plea to save your brothers and sisters through prayer and sacrifice will be granted special graces.

My power is infinite.

My miracles, aligned with the suffering and prayers of My children, will be used to save lost souls from eternal death.

I love you My beloved children.

Come and help Me unite My cherished family and help My Son to defeat the beast before it steals any more of My children.

Your Loving Father

God the Most High

For Clergy:Crusade Prayer (56) Priests seeking Protection for Holy Eucharist

O Dear Father, in the name of your Precious Son, Who sacrificed Himself on the Cross for the whole of mankind, help me to stay true to the Truth.
Cover me with the Precious Blood of Your Son and give me the Graces to continue to serve You in faith, trust and honor, for the rest of my ministry.
Never let me stray from True Meaning of the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass or the Presentation of The Holy Eucharist to Your children.
Give me the strength to represent You and feed Your flock, the way in which they must be fed, with the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Son, Jesus Christ, The Savior of Mankind.

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