Mother of Salvation: When times seem difficult or painful, children, always call on me
My child, my Son is so happy at the way in which His beloved Army obey His Holy Wishes to recite His Crusade Prayers.
These prayers are for modern times, to help all of God’s children to seek the protection they need to deal with the difficult times, which so many souls are facing.
When times seem difficult or painful, children, always call on me, your beloved Mother, to intercede with my Precious Son on your behalf.
Always remember that your personal sacrifices, offered up to God, help to save so many souls on Earth.
Your prayers are always heard.
They are never ignored, but are dealt with according to the Will of my Father.
So you must be patient, children. Always place your full trust in my Son.
Hand Him over all your fears and suffering. Then, you must trust that all will be dealt with, by Him.
For those of you, believers, who find it hard to pray or to keep your love for my Son alive, here is a special Crusade Prayer (47)to help rekindle your love for Jesus.

“O blessed Mother, Mother of Salvation, for the whole world, pray that my love for Jesus can be rekindled. Help me to feel the Flame of His Love so that it fills my soul.
Help me to love Jesus more. Pray that my faith, love and devotion for Him, becomes stronger.
Allay any doubts, which torment me and help me to see clearly the Divine Light of the Truth, which radiates from your beloved Son, the Saviour of all humanity. Amen.”
Go in peace children. Remember when you ask me to pray for you, from the heart, I, the Mother of Salvation, will present your request to my beloved Son.
I will never ignore one request once it is in line with the wishes of my Son and according to the Holy Will of the Father.
Learn to trust more, children. When you trust my Precious Son you demonstrate your love for Him.
If your love is weak then your trust in Him will also be weak.
Only those of you, who humble themselves before my Son, will be blessed with the Graces given to strengthen your faith.
Never give up when you feel despair.
Despair is created by the evil one.
Just turn to me and I will pray for peace to return to your soul.
When you do this you will be able to reject temptation placed by the evil one and you will become free.
Your Blessed Mother
Queen of the Angels
Mother of Salvation
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