Mother of Salvation: Never before has there been so much opposition to Divine Revelations

Satan’s days are almost at an end and he will use every weapon, especially some sacred priests, to try and discredit the word of me, your beloved Mother, and my precious Son, Jesus Christ.
Never before has there been so much opposition to Divine Revelations, as there are today.
The darkness continues to invade the Church, and many within the Church are doing all they can to quieten the word of visionaries. They do not want the Truth to emerge and will block the prayers, given to visionaries to save souls, from being proclaimed.
Pray, children, that their efforts will not block the Work of my Son or blind believers to the Gift of the Holy Spirit, as it continues to be poured over souls who see these Messages.
Your prayers and loyalty to my precious Son have never been so important, as this cloud of darkness continues to fall upon my Son’s Church.
Pray, pray, pray for the Light of my Son to shine through, so that lost souls can be enlightened through His Most Holy Word.
Thank you for responding to my call, my child, especially at this time of great sadness in your soul, caused by the torment you have had to endure at the hands of those who profess to speak in the Name of the Lord.
Your heavenly Mother
Mother of Salvation
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