Mother of Salvation: I am the intercessor. Through me, I will bring your prayers before my Precious Son

My Son’s Holy Word will always be rejected by those who refuse to listen to Him.
Human opinion is not important.
My Son’s communication to the world, at this time, is too important to allow those who oppose these Messages to delay and divert you from this Work.
Now is the time for humble reflection on my Son’s Passion on the Cross.
My children must honour the Sacrifice He made, for the whole of humanity, by making their own private sacrifice for Him during Holy Week.
Pray, pray, pray, children, for peace in the world.
Pray, too, for the protection of the pope, during these times of fierce opposition to the Catholic Church.

Prayer, humility and simple allegiance towards My Son, is necessary, for you to become close to My Son’s Heart.
I am the Intercessor. Through me, I will bring your prayers before my precious Son.
Through me, I will help you to love Him more and give Him the comfort He needs at this time, when the world commemorates His death on the Cross.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
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