I wish to form an Army of Prayer Groups

These Groups will form the army as dictated by My beloved Father, which will tackle the darkness of evil caused by Satan and his believers and followers.
Yes, My daughter, hard though it is to understand, but there are many people, who, not only acknowledge Satan, but who pay allegiance to him. There are many souls in darkness who pay homage to and idolize the king of darkness. Many churches, hidden from the eyes of My children of the Light, have been built in honour of Satan. They bow before him, hold black masses and insult Me with every kind of blasphemy and insult, which would shock and disgust you.
Their numbers are growing and many of Satan’s dedicated and committed followers work in very respectable senior positions in business, banking and political circles. They unite as one in defiance of God, My Eternal Father, in the full knowledge as to what they are doing.
Just as Satan hates humanity, because it was created by God the Father, Creator of all things, these satanic devotees hate mankind. The hatred they feel is so deep that they will try to form an elite army to destroy millions of lives on Earth. In their pursuit of power and wealth, they will aim to clear the way for their own needs and desire to control mankind.
These are among the hardened sinners, for whom I seek your help, children. I need your prayers to open their hearts to the lies they have been led to believe by the deceiver. They are lost to Me, unless they beg for My Mercy. This is why prayer may be their only saving grace.
This powerful army, led by the deceiver, will attempt to cause terrible destruction. They are already trying to poison My children in the most cunning ways through your water, medicine and food. Please stay alert at all times.

The Hand of My Father will fall, soon after The Warning, on these wicked souls if they continue to reject My Mercy. Meanwhile, children, you must stand up and do not allow your nations to be bullied.
Pray for My protection and keep your lives simple. Pray and receive the Sacraments. Ask for My help in all things and I will respond to your pleas according to My Most Holy Will.
Pray, pray, pray to mitigate the evil plans to control the world, which this wicked group is plotting. They are gaining power in the Middle East and are making attempts to control Europe, before they target other parts of the world.

Pray for them to convert, for without conversion, their wicked deeds will cause much grief and distress. My Eternal Father will however, serve down His punishment, but they can still inflict damage, which will cause untold suffering among My children.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ.
Crusade Prayer (4) Unite all Families
Unite all families, Jesus, during The Warning, so that they may receive eternal salvation.
I pray that all families remain together, in union with You, Jesus so that they may inherit your New Paradise on Earth.
I pray that all families remain together, in union with You, Jesus so that they may inherit your New Paradise on Earth.
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