Time for waiting – tell others to know what to expect

My dearly beloved daughter, the world each day falls into further decay. Among My children there is a mixture of hope, worry, anger and despair because of war and the lack of money to feed and clothe your family properly. But heed this. You will not have to fend for yourselves much longer, for very soon now, after The Warning, there will be a more positive feeling of Light and Love in the world. All is not lost, My daughter.
Pray for those who convert during The Warning that they will stay on the path of Truth. Pray that love for Me and My Eternal Father will become stronger among those followers who already know the Truth.
As long as My children embrace the Gift of The Warning then there is nothing to fear.
For those who do not stay on the path and who turn back to sinful ways, they have much to fear. My Father will not allow them to infest others through their wayward and wicked ways. They will be stopped. Sadly, many will turn away from the Truth and try to continue to inflict power and control over the rest of My children.
Pray that the Chastisement will be diluted. Your prayers will help to convert and avert such situations. This is now the time of waiting, praying, preparing and ensuring, that as many people as possible know what to expect.
This month of August, “Salvation of Souls Month,” is so important, children. Please persevere in your devotion this month, for the souls you will save will be in the multitudes.
Heaven rejoices at the love and generosity of heart and soul of all My followers who have made this commitment, a precious gift to Me, so that people be saved during The Warning.
Go now, My daughter, and spread My Word. Go now in peace and love.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
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