+++ Book of Truth Seminar +++
This was my third time hosting The Book of Truth seminar and by far the most difficult to plan.My plan was to run a "new faces" campaign so that the JTM mission would grow,my thought process was that while its important to keep the already gathered together its equally important to gather the "scattered"..The brutal attacks and obstacles thrown at me in the months,weeks and days leading up to the seminar were at times were very over whelming,and I knew that this was red legs trying to break me.I really have to thank Our Most Holy Mother of Salvation for intervening because this was the best seminar to date.I was disappointed when I walked in and saw very few people,my Faith,Trust and Surrender was being tested,Our Lord then brought his flock to "his" seminar and filled the room with approx 95+ people with many new members whom never attended a Book of Truth seminar before.We started with the Rosary,Chaplet of The Divine Mercy and Crusade Prayers.We then listened to a guest speaker Michael explain what the Holy Sacrifice Mass truly is then Joseph took took over for the rest of the night with his POWERFUL presentation in which he IS lead by The Holy Spirit.People were listening to Joseph's every spoken word followed by Questions and Answers.We had Remnant members fly in from Hawaii,Michigan,Kansas,Missouri and Canada,The Holy Spirit was linking his Holy Remnant Army and it was rewarding and beautiful to witness and to be a part of.Maria was given her first message November 2010,nine years ago,I finally met so many of the beautiful souls that I have communicated with in my social media groups at this past seminar and the graces bring me to tears.I witnessed two people from PA who have been separated come together at the seminar without knowing that each of them would be attending.I would like to take this moment and thank two very special Angels close to me.The first angel who supplied all of the SEALS and Remnant Army handbooks that were given out freely to the attending members and the second Angel who without hesitation gave me the hall rental fee in full quickly so we can lock into last years price,for this your reward will be great in Heaven.I would also like to thank my very humbled friend who handmade the gorgeous green Vestment of the Twin Hearts for Maria's appointed priest when the time comes.The material is flown in from Russia and the painting/glitters are all done by free hand.the first Vestment made for Maria was Our Lady of Mount Carmel with the Seal Scapular and Medal of Salvation sewn inside of the vestment for the priests protection as he serves The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.I want to give my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Maria's rep Joseph Gabriel who without him the seminars wouldnt be possible.Joseph's dedication and pillar of strength is remarkable as he suffers walking the narrow and thorny path to Calvary following Our Lord and trying to reach every single soul that crosses his path,I've witnessed him talking to random people next to us,know that nothing is "by chance" we need to take the mission to the next level which is "boots on the ground" and together we CAN Seal all four corners of the world as requested by Our Lord and form the "physical" JTM Prayers groups again requested by Our Lord.Thank you to ALL of the Remnant members who came to the 2019 Book of Truth Seminar in New Jersey,you came because Our Lord called you
A special thank you to my beloved husband and children for your support as I worked tirelessly and what seemed to be endless in your eyes to make this seminar a success.Thank you Father Chris for offering The Traditional Mass for The Remnant.Thank you Mother of Salvation for intervening when I needed you most and ALL GLORY TO GOD THE FATHER for within him ALL things are possible,your graces and presence were felt throughout the night.Please remember to always include Maria Divine Mercy and The Jesus to Mankind Mission in your prayers.I love you all and may Our Most Holy Mother cover each of us with her Holy Mantle of Protection as we fight Our Lord's final battle for THE SALVATION OF ALL SOULS +++
In JMJ+++
Gianna Rae ❤️
+++ Book of Truth Seminar +++
This was my third time hosting The Book of Truth seminar and by far the most difficult to plan.My plan was to run a "new faces" campaign so that the JTM mission would grow,my thought process was that while its important to keep the already gathered together its equally important to gather the "scattered"..The brutal attacks and obstacles thrown at me in the months,weeks and days leading up to the seminar were at times were very over whelming,and I knew that this was red legs trying to break me.I really have to thank Our Most Holy Mother of Salvation for intervening because this was the best seminar to date.I was disappointed when I walked in and saw very few people,my Faith,Trust and Surrender was being tested,Our Lord then brought his flock to "his" seminar and filled the room with approx 95+ people with many new members whom never attended a Book of Truth seminar before.We started with the Rosary,Chaplet of The Divine Mercy and Crusade Prayers.We then listened to a guest speaker Michael explain what the Holy Sacrifice Mass truly is then Joseph took took over for the rest of the night with his POWERFUL presentation in which he IS lead by The Holy Spirit.People were listening to Joseph's every spoken word followed by Questions and Answers.We had Remnant members fly in from Hawaii,Michigan,Kansas,Missouri and Canada,The Holy Spirit was linking his Holy Remnant Army and it was rewarding and beautiful to witness and to be a part of.Maria was given her first message November 2010,nine years ago,I finally met so many of the beautiful souls that I have communicated with in my social media groups at this past seminar and the graces bring me to tears.I witnessed two people from PA who have been separated come together at the seminar without knowing that each of them would be attending.I would like to take this moment and thank two very special Angels close to me.The first angel who supplied all of the SEALS and Remnant Army handbooks that were given out freely to the attending members and the second Angel who without hesitation gave me the hall rental fee in full quickly so we can lock into last years price,for this your reward will be great in Heaven.I would also like to thank my very humbled friend who handmade the gorgeous green Vestment of the Twin Hearts for Maria's appointed priest when the time comes.The material is flown in from Russia and the painting/glitters are all done by free hand.the first Vestment made for Maria was Our Lady of Mount Carmel with the Seal Scapular and Medal of Salvation sewn inside of the vestment for the priests protection as he serves The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.I want to give my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Maria's rep Joseph Gabriel who without him the seminars wouldnt be possible.Joseph's dedication and pillar of strength is remarkable as he suffers walking the narrow and thorny path to Calvary following Our Lord and trying to reach every single soul that crosses his path,I've witnessed him talking to random people next to us,know that nothing is "by chance" we need to take the mission to the next level which is "boots on the ground" and together we CAN Seal all four corners of the world as requested by Our Lord and form the "physical" JTM Prayers groups again requested by Our Lord.Thank you to ALL of the Remnant members who came to the 2019 Book of Truth Seminar in New Jersey,you came because Our Lord called you

In JMJ+++
Gianna Rae ❤️
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