Heed not the roars of opposition for human opinion means nothing in My Kingdom

The Graces, which I lavish on those who love Me the most, and who have shelved every aspect of self-love and pride, includes the Gift of discernment. This is a very special Gift from Heaven and blessed are those who have the grace to discern the Truth for they are the ones who will never be swayed by falsities.
Those of you who are given this Gift will bring Me souls. But for every soul you bring Me, and because of your prayers and suffering, the evil one will try to stop you. Know that the Glory of God which is present by your side will draw forth a terrible venom and you will be cursed in My Name by those weak souls, who are like fodder for Satan and every demon he has released to destroy souls on earth.
Be at peace and know that when you uphold the Truth – the Word of God – in the face of adversity, all Power of Mine is wielded to save souls. For each soul you bring Me I will lavish more Graces upon you and so it will continue. Heed not the roars of opposition for human opinion means nothing in My Kingdom. You must always see one another as if through My Eyes. Have I not told you this before? Don’t you understand the most basic lesson, which I taught during My Time on earth? Love one another as I love you. If you cannot love your enemies then you will find it more difficult to come closer to Me. If you place yourself before others, then you cannot say you love Me unconditionally for if you did you would say to Me
“Jesus I am not worthy to stand before You, but do with me, what You will, as I will do as You desire.”
Go all of you and remind yourselves as to Who I Am. Only when you live your lives according to My Teachings can you really say you are of Me. You cannot take one part of My Word and proclaim it loudly and then deny other parts. To those who declare their superiority over others, and who present their twisted versions of My Word, and when this results in the drawing of souls away from Me, I say this. The day when I withdraw My Presence in the world, will be when the mighty and the proud will cry tears of anger, and then despair, for they will know then how their deceit caused many souls to fall and the anger of God will make them tremble. There will be screaming and gnashing of teeth. But by then, they will have nowhere to turn. They will have no one to answer to for they will never see My Face.
Your Jesus
Crusade Prayer (6) Prayer to stop the Anti-Christ
O Jesus, I pray that God, in His Mercy, will prevent the antichrist and his vile army from causing terror and inflicting hardship on your children.
We pray that he will be stopped and that the hand of chastisement will be avoided, through the conversion achieved during The Warning.
We pray that he will be stopped and that the hand of chastisement will be avoided, through the conversion achieved during The Warning.
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