God the Father: I will wipe away your tears; unite the world and bring peace

My dearest daughter, does man truly know the extent of My Love for My children? Does he know that with love can come a terrible pain? Love that is pure can create great pain when this love is repudiated.
I love My children, My Creation, My Flesh and Blood. Because of this I feel great pain at the way in which sin has created separation between My children and Me, their Eternal Father. I cry when I see the hatred, which can fester in their hearts for each other. I cry when I witness the sins of lust, jealousy, pride, greed and their desire to outdo each other and the hurt and anguish, which they inflict upon one another.
When they take away the Life I bequeathed to man, My Pain is so great that I cry out, with such anguish, that the entire Heavens spill tears of sorrow with Me.
My Time is soon and when you hear of the wars; the pestilences; the famine and the earthquakes increase with frequency, know then that will be the hour when I say – enough!
I will banish the wicked in just one breath; the murderers with just a whisper and My enemies in the blink of an eye. Then, I will declare the hour, the time for My Son to reclaim His Rightful Kingdom.
I will wipe away your tears; unite the world and bring peace; banish those who persecuted My children and bring, into the Light of My Kingdom, those who suffered in My Name, for they will be exalted in My New Kingdom on earth.
Prepare My children for the joyful life in My New Paradise will be yours soon. The suffering on this earth will become extinct and the tears of sorrow will be replaced with tears of joy. That is My Promise.
So when you feel that you cannot take anymore know that the time is close for the New Era to dawn.
Your Eternal Father
God the Most High
Crusade Prayer (10) Carrying the flame of your love
Help us, dear Jesus, to rise fearlessly in Your Name to carry the Flame of Your Love across all nations.
Give us, Your children, the strength to face the abuse we will be faced with among all those who are not true believers in your mercy.
Give us, Your children, the strength to face the abuse we will be faced with among all those who are not true believers in your mercy.
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