Sunday 28 August 2016

Know that the 1,000 years referred to in the Book of Revelation means just that

My dearly beloved daughter when man questions the Teachings contained in the Holy Bible this is normal human nature.
When man twists the teachings in the Holy Bible to suit his own agenda this offends Me.
But when My sacred servants denounce parts of the Holy Bible and throw them to one side, as if they are of no consequence, they deny Me, the Son of Man.
Everything contained within the Holy Bible comes from My Eternal Father who has sanctioned every single word through His anointed ones.
Believe that the Holy Word of God is contained in My Father’s Book, not one word a lie.
Why then do those who profess to be scholars and experts in the Truth contained with the Holy Bible question My Holy Word as I present it to you in these Messages?
My Truth is being given to you now, once again, to refresh your memories, to remind you of the Teachings contained therein.
To My children on earth, know that prophecies contained in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation still have to take place.
Know that the 1,000 years referred to in the Book of Revelation means just that.
If it was meant to be something different then it would have been given a different time.
My Church, the Catholic Church, has not declared their beliefs because they have not done this yet.
My Remnant Church, the remaining tendrils of My Catholic Church on earth will understand the true meaning of My Era of Peace on earth.
You are in the end times but the earth will be renewed.
I call out to all of you, My sacred servants. My voice is hoarse as I beg you to respond to My Holy Call from Heaven.
I, your beloved Saviour, have sent many seers and visionaries to you up to now. These helped open your minds to those events still to come.
I have waited until now to proclaim to the world the final revelations. I now send My last messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, the seventh messenger to prepare the final chapter as it is unveiled to you.
My voice is like thunder. It will continue to be heard all over the earth. It will not stop until the day I come to judge.
You may not listen to Me now. Many of you will dismiss My Word with an arrogance which wounds Me deeply.
Others will, through fear, ignore Me for it is easier that way. But soon the changes I speak about will come to pass. Then the Truth will begin to dawn on you.
I call you now and tell you this. I await your response whether or not it is now or in the future.
I am waiting. I will continue, patiently, until the day you come running to Me seeking My Protection.
I never give up on My chosen servants those whom I called out to in the first instance.
Do you remember the first time I called you? You felt My voice speaking to your soul urging you to join in union with Me. Can you hear Me now?
Ask Me to reveal to you now, that it is I, your Jesus begging you to come, rise and follow Me on this last arduous journey to Eternal Life. Do not fear My Call. Trust Me and say this prayer asking Me to let you hear My call.
Crusade Prayer (57) Prayer for the Clergy – Jesus let me hear your call
O my dear Jesus
Open my ears to the sound of Your Voice
Open my heart to Your loving call
Fill my soul with the Holy Spirit
So I can recognise You at this time.
I offer You my humble allegiance to all
That You ask of Me
Help me to discern the Truth, rise, respond and
follow your voice so I can help You to save the
Souls of all of humanity
Your will is my command
Give me the courage to let You guide me
So I can take up the armour needed to lead Your
Church towards Your New Kingdom.
Remember, I Jesus Christ, will never allow My Sacred Servants to wander off the Path of Truth. I will stand at every corner, every avenue and point you in the right direction.
You may find this frustrating at times. You may be confused. You may not want to hear the Truth. You may be fearful. But know this.
I will always love you. I will always be at your side.
I will never desert you.
Your beloved Jesus

Crusade Prayer (114) For Priests to receive the Gift of Truth

My Lord, open my eyes.
Allow me to see the enemy and close my heart to deceit.
I surrender all to You, dear Jesus.
I trust in Your Mercy. Amen.

Satan will convince you that My messages come from him.

My daughter so many of My followers question why many of these prophecies cause fear in their hearts. Many believe that I create fear. But this is not quite true.
The fear which floods many souls is the realisation that what I tell you is the Truth.
Like any good parent a child is warned of the dangers in life.Sometimes the dangers which a parent warns about can cause fear. Yet the fear relates to the evil caused by man which lies ahead.
The same is true of evil in the world. It is caused by man who, in turn, is influenced by the deceiver, Satan.
The prophecies given to the human race by God, since the beginning of time, has struck fear in the hearts of some.
Yet they caused much laughter in other quarters. This is what happened before Noah began to build The Ark. While he was laughed at, sneered at and ridiculed those in fear did what was asked of them. They built The Ark to save themselves.
Those who laughed, ridiculed and dismissed Noah were destroyed.
All prophecies which come from God include warnings to encourage humanity to be prepared for such events.
It is only through preparing your souls that you can withstand the torment caused by the sins of man which lie ahead.
To those of My followers who question why My messages may cause fear I say this.
Do not believe the lies, planted in your hearts by Satan, that God would never give the world messages which strike fear in the hearts of His children.
Many of you now, especially those who love Me, are being turned away from My Holy Word.
One of Satan’s favourite taunts is to convince you that Divine Messages do not contain prophecies which cause fear.
Surely such messages can only from the evil one?
How Satan laughs at his own cunning deceit.
Satan will convince you that My messages come from him, so desperate is he to convince you not to follow my instructions.
You My followers must be told the Truth.
I must prepare you and that means warning you in advance of things to come only to protect you. To save you.
Never listen to this lie.
My messages are given to you out of My Divine Love for the whole of creation. Allow Me to guide you like any good parent.
By listening to Me and following My instructions of prayer I will protect you.
Fear does not come from Me. When you believe in Me and trust Me you will not be fearful, no matter how much evil is presented to you through the sins of mankind.
One thing you must never do is to hide and assume that all will be well.
For to do so you dismiss the existence of evil in the world.
Accept that Satan exists. Believe that prayer can, and will, dilute his powers.
Then stand up and take responsibility, as a follower of Me, Jesus Christ.
When you face the truth, allow Me to lead you and fear will not enter your heart.
Your Beloved Jesus

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