Monday, 13 January 2025

Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory.. BOOK OF TRUTH.. VOL 4.


Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory

My dearly beloved daughter, My Throne will be placed upon the renewed Earth and soon all will live in peace and harmony, in accordance with the Will of My Father.

The world will become as it was in the beginning and no discord will be felt. All of God’s children, who are chosen to join with the angels and saints, will live a perfect existence. But know this. Those who do not accept the reality of the New Paradise, when they have been given every chance to decide which path they wish to choose, will not be given a second chance.

Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory. The only path souls will take, who refuse to accept My Mercy when it is handed to them freely, will be the one which leads to Hell. Many will be so stubborn, because they rely almost completely on intellectual reasoning, that they will, unwittingly, choose to spend eternity in the fires of Hell.

Those who do not believe in God, or accept the Truth, do not believe in the existence of Satan. He, the deceiver, will cloud their minds with lies, so as to entice them into the chambers of torture. Once there, because of his hatred of man, he will make them suffer non-stop for eternity. I cannot help these souls then. How I weep with bitter sorrow for the souls of the arrogant, the ignorant and those with hardened hearts. They are so stuffed with pride, that they will never see Me because they can’t. It is not possible for a person to see Me or to be filled with My True Word, if they are stricken with the sin of pride. Those of you, on the other hand, who know Me, but who accept Me on your own terms – you too distance yourselves from Me.

Why do you say you know Me and then twist what I told you about following Me?  How can you call yourself a Christian and be prepared to accept false theology and lies, which you have twisted to suit your own lifestyles? Who are you if you do not follow Me and accept the full Truth of My Teachings? You are a traitor. You betray Me. When you betray Me once, you will be tempted to do it again and again, until finally, you will no longer be a Christian in My Eyes.

I must call on all those who believe in My Word and ask you, when have I ever condoned sin? I forgive sin, but I never condone it. If you believe that I condone sin, then you justify sin. You will suffer for the error of your ways and you are no better than those who betrayed Me, mocked Me, laughed at Me and crucified Me.

Remember, I taught you the Truth. Nothing but the Truth will bring you to accept the salvation I now come to bring to the world, at this, the final stage of My Covenant to save humanity.

Never forget that I Am the Truth. Only the Truth comes from Me.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (159) Plea for God‘s Love

O Mother of Salvation, I ask you to intercede on my behalf as I plead for God‘s Love. Fill my soul, an empty vessel, with the Love of God, so that when it is overflowing, it will spill over the souls for whom I struggle to show compassion.
By the Power of God, I ask that I am freed from any feelings of hatred I may harbor for those who betray your Son.
Humble me in spirit and fill me with generosity of soul so that I can follow the Teachings of Christ and spread His Love into every part of my life. Amen.


New Crusade of Prayer from God the Father
Crusade Prayer 172 The Renewal Prayer to God
Sunday 5 January 2025 @ 15:00hours
We are asked to pray the Renewal Prayer as often as we can.

Renew my mind, body and soul.
Renew my belief in You.
Renew my desire to serve You until my dying breath.
Renew my faith.
Renew my love for You and all Your children.
Renew my courage to honour You.
Renew my strength when I face persecution.
Renew my ability to be fearless.
Renew me with the passion and vigour needed to help you save the souls of the whole of humanity.
Renew my desire to prepare my soul to enter Your Kingdom.


Chain of Prayer to protect Europe and world peace
Dear friends, as the facts show that the fulfillment of prophecy is coming, , and Jesus has asked us more prayer for Europe, we invite you to join us to this Chain of Prayer to protect Europe, January 13th
Also to ask for the Consecration of Russia to Maria, and world peace since the Mother of Salvation has urged us to pray for peace. This chain of prayer will take place on the thirteenth day of each month.
That day is requested that each of us pray at least three Rosaries (joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries), the Crusades of Prayer: 54, 33, 31 (for Europe) and 27, 164 (for peace)
Second Seal: World War 3
Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 @ 03:10
My dearest beloved daughter I must inform you that a Third World War is about to unfold in the world
My tears flow this morning as you can see.*
The Second Seal is about to unfold as foretold to John the Evangelist in the Book of Revelation.
It will start in Europe.
Your banking system will be the cause and Germany, once again, will be involved in this tragedy as it was on the last two
When it commences much will be over saving the economy and catastrophe will affect Greece with much fallout in France.
The Middle East will also be involved with Israel and Iran at war and Syria will play a serious part in the downfall of Egypt.
My daughter I wake you to tell you this, not to frighten you, but to urge much prayer for Europe at this time.
To read the complete Message, here
Please recite this Crusade Prayer as it will help dilute the impact of these events:
Crusade Prayer 54
Prayer to the Father to dilute impact of World War III
O Heavenly Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Who suffered greatly for the sins of mankind, please help us in these difficult times we face. Help us to survive the persecution being planned by greedy rulers and those who want to destroy Your Churches and Your children. Dear Father, we implore You to help feed our families and save the lives of those who will be forced into a war against their will. We love You, dear Father.
We beg You to help us in our time of need. Save us from the grip of the antichrist. Help us to survive his mark, the mark of the beast, by refusing to accept it. Help those who love You to remain true to Your Holy Word at all times, so that You can bestow on us the Graces to survive in body and soul. Amen.
My daughter, I realise that this news may come as a shock but remember that prayer and the Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer number (33) will protect My followers. My Remnant Church, you My children, will survive although it will not be easy.
Crusade Prayer 33
Seal of the Living God Prayer
(To acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.)
God the Father asks that all accept this Seal as a Protection for each and every one of us and our families during the future difficult times we will have to life in.
O my God, my loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You, my beloved Father. I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. I love You, dear Father. I console You in these times, dear Father. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the Salvation of all Your children. Amen.
My followers span many countries. Now you must join together in prayer to stop European leaders, some of whom are intrinsic in bringing about terrible hardship on innocent people, in their wicked ways. I urge you to say this Crusade Prayer (31) to stop them. To read the complete Message, here
Crusade Prayer 31
Chain of Protection Prayer
O my Jesus, let my prayer invoke Your Holy Spirit to descend on those leaders driven by lust, greed, avarice and pride, to stop the persecution of Your innocent children. I ask You to stop poverty, famine and wars from devouring Your children and I pray that European leaders will open their hearts to the Truth of Your Love. Amen.
Pray for Russia to be consecrated to My Blessed Mother
They still refuse to acknowledge that these events were foretold in the Book of John. So, so many will now suffer because of lack of faith. Pray now that Russia will finally relent and allow itself to be finally consecrated in My Blessed Mother’s Name. Pray, pray, pray for this to happen because it will be through prayer that this great achievement will be possible. If this happens, then millions will be saved. For the danger is that the communist forces will rise with the serpent and join together leaving you, My children, powerless.
November 26, 2010
Mother of Salvation: Pray for peace in the world
August 24, 2014
My dear children, I urge you to pray for peace in the world, for very soon many countries will be involved in wars, which will be difficult to contain and many innocent lives will be destroyed.
The peace I ask you to implore of my Dear Son is to reduce the impact of hatred, sown in the hearts of the misguided, who inflict terror on others. Peace, when poured upon the earth, through the Power of God, will deliver an insight as to how you must treat one another with love and respect, irrespective of your differences.
Crusade Prayer (27) Prayer for Peace in the World
O, my Jesus, I beg for Mercy for those afflicted by terrible wars.
I plead for peace to be instilled in those tortured nations who are blind to the Truth of Your Existence. Please cover these nations with the Power of the Holy Spirit so that they will stop their pursuit of power over innocent souls.
Have Mercy on all Your countries who are powerless against the evil atrocities, which cover the whole world.
Crusade Prayer (164) Prayer of Peace for Nations
O Jesus bring me peace.Bring peace to my nation and all those countries torn asunder because of war and division.
Sow the seeds of peace amongst those hardened hearts who cause suffering to others in the name of justice.
Give all of God’s children the Graces to receive Your Peace so that love and harmony can thrive;so that love for God will triumph over evil and that souls can be saved from the corruption of falsities, cruelty and evil ambition.
Let peace reign over all of those who devote their lives to the Truth of Your Holy Word and those who don’t know You at all.

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