Tuesday 15 October 2024

Mother of Salvation The Medal of Salvation offers the Gift of Conversion... BOOK OF TRUTH ..VOL 4


Mother of Salvation The Medal of Salvation offers the Gift of Conversion

medal of salvationMy child, I wish it to be made known that, from now on, I am to be addressed by the last title, given to me by my Son, on Earth. In this, the Final Mission, I am to be referred to, at all times, as the Mother of Salvation.

My Image is to be created and a Medal struck where, on one side, I am to be placed with the sun behind my head and where twelve stars woven into a crown of thorns sits on my head. On the reverse side of the Medal, I wish to depict the Sacred Heart of my Son with the Two Swords of Salvation, which are to be crossed on each side.

backofmedal_grey0000_3The Swords of Salvation will have a dual purpose. The First Sword will slay the beast and I have been given the authority to do this on the Final Day. The other Sword will pierce the hearts of the most hardened sinners and will be the Sword by which their souls will be saved.

This Medal is to be made available in bulk and then, when received by those seeking them out, must be blessed by a priest and then given freely to others. The Medal of Salvation offers the Gift of Conversion, and Salvation.

All those who receive the Medal of Salvation must recite this Crusade Prayer (115) For the Gift of Conversion:

O Mother of Salvation, cover my soul with your tears of Salvation.

Rid me of doubts.

Lift my heart, so that I will feel the Presence of your Son.

Bring me peace and solace. 

Pray that I will be truly converted.

Help me to accept the Truth and open my heart to receive the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.


My child, please have this Medal designed and made. I will guide you every step of the way and then you must ensure that it is made available throughout the world.

Go in peace to serve my Son.

Your Mother

Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer (72) The Disciple’s Prayer

Dear Jesus I am ready to spread your Holy Word. Give me the courage, the strength and the knowledge to impart the Truth so that as many souls as possible can be brought to You.
Take me into your Sacred Heart and cover me with your Precious Blood, so that I am filled with the graces to spread conversion for the salvation of all of God’s children in every part of the world no matter what their creed is.
I trust in you always. Your beloved disciple.

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