Thursday 5 September 2024

My Voice, as It rings out, will draw millions towards Me in the next stage, and then billions in the final stages.. BOOK OF TRUTH..VOL 3


My Voice, as It rings out, will draw millions towards Me in the next stage, and then billions in the final stages

c96dae22-0b08-4dca-95f8-f03be06aec92My dearly beloved daughter, I Am preparing every part of the world, right now, for My Second Coming.  I will sweep every nation up – not one excluded – into My Arms of Mercy, so that I can bring them into My Kingdom.

My Plan is very detailed and, yet, it is simple. My Voice, as It rings out, will draw millions towards Me, in the next stage, and then billions in the final stages. Many more will hear the Truth now, but they won’t accept it, until what I have told you happens. My Mission will expand quickly and then when everyone knows that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who makes this Call from Heaven, they will join Me. My Mission will be responded to, by even those who renounce these Messages.

You, My followers, may be disheartened because of the abuse, which you will have to endure because of Me, but it will not last long. My Love for God’s children is so great that it can be likened to that of a parent, who has a number of children. Some children will honour their mother and father and respond to the love shown to them.

Other children will push their parents away, treat their brothers and sisters badly, before finally breaking all ties. Because of the ties of blood and love, every effort will be made, not only by the parents, but by the siblings, to draw those lost children back into the bosom of their family. And when that happens, all sins, anger and rejection, will be forgotten.

My followers, while you will have to face the wrath of others, you must remain calm and patient. Your perseverance will be tested and some of you will fall away. When you do, everything will be done, by My loyal followers, to bring you back, so that you can respond to My Call.

Your beloved Jesus

Crusade Prayer (32) To stop abortion from being legalized in Ireland

O Mother of Salvation, pray for your children in Ireland to prevent the wicked act of abortion from being inflicted upon us.
Protect this holy nation from sinking deeper into despair from the darkness, which covers our country.
Rid us of the evil one who wants to destroy your children, yet to be born.
Pray that those leaders will have the courage to listen to those who love your Son, so that they will follow the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


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