Wednesday 3 July 2024

The greatest horror I witnessed in My Time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end.. BOOK OF TRUTH.


The greatest horror I witnessed in My Time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end

agony_in_the_garden_s1My dearly beloved daughter, the greatest horror I witnessed in My time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end. During the vision, shown to Me by Satan, I saw the fall away of mortal man from God’s Laws. He, the evil one, showed Me terrible images; tempted Me with every reason why I should turn away from the Will of My Father. He wanted to torment Me and so he displayed the power he would still have, despite My death on the Cross.

I was shown the final destruction of My Church on earth; the seizure of power within it by masonic sects; the immorality of man; the lack of shame on the part of God’s children, as they engaged in vile sins of the flesh; the murder of innocents and the falling into error by those who profess to speak in My Name.

So powerful is Satan that he planted doubts in My Mind about My being the Son of man. I, in My Divinity, could not succumb to sin but I tell you this, so that humanity can understand how evil can tempt you to turn away from Me.

Satan does not present evil in the most obvious ways. Instead he disguises evil as good. He is cunning and can trick even the most holy amongst you, into believing that a lie is the Truth.turningaway

As people fall away from My Teachings they will embrace sin willingly and with greed in their hearts. Without direction they will always fall from grace. When My Name is being wiped off the face of the earth, man will be unable to find God.

Whatever religion you follow it does not matter because your only route to God is through Me, His only Son. Because of My death on the Cross, I saved you – including every man, woman and child alive in the world today- from the fires of Hell. If you do not accept this then you cannot enter the Gates of Paradise. It is only through the Son that you can be presented to the Father.

Reject Me, Jesus Christ, and you reject your salvation.

How little you have learned about sin and the way in which it separates you from God. The spread of sin has never been so rampant since God created the world.  You sinners have reached new depths, which disgust Me. You have exposed even the little ones, who were entrusted into your care, to behave like demons. You lack charity, love and compassion for one another and yet many of you display your acts of faith for the world to see and admire. Just as the Pharisees dictated the Laws of God, but did not practice them, nor did they show humility, so too, will those of you who say you come in My Name cave in to the sin of pride.

battle-between-good-and-evilSo much do you still need to learn about My Voice and My Teachings, which still fall on deaf ears. Then there are those who spend all their time proclaiming their knowledge of God, say they know the prophecies, which have still to be revealed, but know nothing.

Were it not for My great Mercy you would be unfit to enter My Kingdom.

The time has come for all those who claim to guide God’s children, in the ways of the Lord, to beg Me, Jesus Christ, for the Gift of Humility.

It is time for you to listen to the Truth, as it was given to you, for you don’t have much time to redeem yourselves in My Eyes.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (144) To protect the Christian Faith

O Mother of Salvation, please intercede on behalf of the souls of Christians all over the world.
Please help them to preserve their faith and to remain loyal to the Teachings of Jesus Christ. Pray that they will have the strength of mind and spirit to uphold their faith at all times.
Intercede, dear Mother, on their behalf, to open their eyes to the Truth and to give them the Grace to discern any false doctrine, presented to them in the Name of your Son.
Help them to remain true and loyal servants of God and to renounce evil and lies, even if they have to suffer pain and ridicule because of this.
O Mother of Salvation, protect all your children and pray that every Christian will follow the path of the Lord, until his dying breath. Amen.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

My Mission is not to give you a new Bible, for that could never be, as My Father’s Book contains the whole Truth.. BOOK OF TRUTH.


My Mission is not to give you a new Bible, for that could never be, as My Father’s Book contains the whole Truth

churchcandlesflickerMy dearly beloved daughter, when you are asked by those who love Me, what is the purpose of your Mission, your answer must be – to save your souls. When you are sneered at, mocked and asked what gives you the right to proclaim the Word of God – the answer is, so that Jesus can save your souls.

Then, when those who do proclaim My Holy Word already, and who follow My Teachings, accuse you of heresy – then the answer to them is this. You, who are faithful to Christ, do you not think that you, too, are sinners in the Eyes of God? Don’t you, too, want to salvage your souls?

Sin will always stand between you and God. Every single soul, including the most hardened sinner and those amongst you who are chosen souls, will never be free from sin, until I come again. You may be redeemed every time you confess your sins, but your soul will remained cleansed for only a short time.

Never feel you are not in need of the Food of Life. My Light draws you, now, to Me, through this very special Mission. I give you great blessings and special graces when you respond to My call, as I beckon you towards My New Kingdom – My New Paradise.

You may believe that God would not need to send another prophet – that mankind was released from the stranglehold of Satan, after My death on the Cross, that you have been given the Truth through My Teachings already, and that the Truth is contained in My Father’s Book, the most Holy Bible. And you would be correct, but for this. There is still more you have to know as the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are not known to you. You have been given the summary – and yet many of you refuse to acknowledge its contents. You snub the Book of Revelation and have no wish to understand it.

My Mission is not to give you a new Bible, for that could never be, as My Father’s Book contains the whole Truth.  My Task, in a world, which has plunged into paganism, is to remind you of the Truth on the one hand, and on the other, is My Desire to prepare your souls, for the time of My Second Coming.

Many of you say you honour Me, but many have fallen away from the Truth. Many do not believe in Satan or the existence of Hell, and as such, do not take sin seriously. You have been led into grave error through your tolerance for sin. And now the gravest errors will come about, throughout all Christian Churches, when sin will be cast to one side. You will be led into a doctrine of deceit. This is a plan crafted by the Evil One to take you away from Me.

Because My Divine Presence, My Body and My Blood, is contained in every Tabernacle in the world – you have been able to fight sin. But now, when the plan to remove the Holy Eucharist comes about, you will be helpless.

This is why I reveal to you the Truth of what is to come, so that I can prepare you. It is only because I Love you that I call out to you now.

When the errors are exposed, you will then realise how much you have to learn and how pride prevented you from accepting My Hand of Mercy and how you are nothing without Me.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (143) To protect the Mission of Salvation

O Mother of Salvation, protect this Mission, a Gift from God, to bring Eternal Life to all of His children everywhere. Please intervene, on our behalf, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to give us the courage to carry out our duties to serve God at all times and especially when we suffer because of this. Help this Mission to convert billions of souls, in accordance with the Divine Will of God and to turn those hearts of stone into loving servants of your Son. Give all of us who serve Jesus in this Mission the strength to overcome the hatred and the persecution of the Cross and to welcome the suffering that comes with it, with a generosity of heart and with full acceptance of what may come ahead. Amen.

Monday 1 July 2024

Mother of God: my Son’s Body was torn to shreds.. BOOK OF TRUTH.


Mother of God: my Son’s Body was torn to shreds

scourging at the pillarMy child, many do not understand my role as Co-Redemptrix. Nor do they know why this is so. When I accepted the call to become the Mother of God, I was bound to the Covenant of God’s Salvation for humanity.

When I bore my Son, I felt the same love, which any mother would have for their child. This pure, beautiful little boy was part of me, my own flesh and blood. Yet, I was also aware that He was not just any child. His Spirit entered my soul as soon as I set eyes on Him. He and I were entwined as one, where I felt every Emotion, Joy, Pain and the Love, which coursed through Him. I also knew that He was Divine and that I was, as such, merely His servant, although He never made me feel like so.

As a baby, he would lay His Divine Head close to my chest and murmur words of Love with such emotion that it would fill my Heart and I felt like it would burst with happiness. He, this little child of mine, became all that I lived for. Every touch filled me with such unbelievable tenderness and joy. All those who saw Him, even as a baby, would tell me how special He was. His piercing Eyes would stir their souls and many did not know why.

This special bond between me and my beloved Son could never be broken. I knew that I had been born only so that I could become His Mother. This role was the only reason for my being.

And so, to His every need I responded, and He, with such Love and Compassion, put all my needs before His. His desires were always met by me, His Mother, His humble servant.

When He was not believed to be the Son of man, when He proclaimed the Truth and did as His Father desired, I cried bitter tears. How it tore me apart when I had to witness His persecution.

I endured His pain, not just as any mother would – were they to see pain inflicted on their child – His pain became mine, and mine, His.

They forced Him to walk, hands bound in front with ropes around His Waist, which meant He could walk – only with a shuffle, and a little at a time. While the Cross was thrown upon His torn and shattered Body, my pain was so excruciating, that I fainted continuously.

My pain was not just physical; my sorrow pierced my Heart and tore it into two. To this day, my Heart is entwined with that of my Son, and so, during Holy Week, I relive the pain, torment and persecution with my Son all over again.

Children, to explain the savagery inflicted upon my Son would be impossible for you to fathom; so vicious was the scourging. My Son’s Body was torn to shreds.

Never forget that He was the Son of man, sent to redeem every soul on earth, including those alive in the world today. He died in terrible agony, in order to save each and every one of you today. His Suffering did not end on Calvary. It will still be endured, by Him, until the Great Day of His Second Coming.

Those who ignore these warnings from Heaven are free to do so. They will not be judged because of this rejection.  But, as they move further away from the Truth of these revelations from Heaven, they will be tempted into sin.  The sins which they will be tempted with, will be those which will be declared no longer to be sin by those enemies in my Son’s Church on earth.

Thank you, children, for opening your minds, your hearts and souls to this call from Heaven, sent to you because of the Love, which God holds for all of His children.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer (142) Preparing for death

My dearest Jesus, forgive me my sins. Cleanse my soul and prepare me to enter Your Kingdom.
Grant me the Graces to prepare for my unification with You. Help me to overcome any fear.
Grant me the courage to prepare my mind and my soul, so that I am fit to stand before You.
I love You. I trust in You. I give You myself in body, mind and soul for eternity. Let Your Will be mine and release me from pain, doubts or confusion. Amen.
If you have to face death or if a loved one has to face death then always turn to Me, your Jesus, to help. When you do I will lift you in spirit, wipe away your tears, banish all fear from your hearts when you recite this prayer.