Saturday 5 November 2022

Do not be frightened, conversion will create a great sense of love and peace... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Do not be frightened, conversion will create a great sense of love and peace

My dearly beloved daughter, for many of My children who are frightened by My Messages and find them hard to face up to, then please listen to Me now. The evil that is escalating in the world is by the hand of mankind through sin. This cannot continue. Please do not fear, for it will not change the plans now underway by the evil One World Group.

You, My children, need to be made aware of what is happening. It is important that everyone is warned about the actions of this Group and their sinister plans which they have created to control you.

divine-mercy-confessionPlease welcome The Warning
My Warning, the great Act of Mercy, is such a great Gift of Love, so please welcome it, for it will result in much conversion. Conversion will be so widespread that it will create a great sense of love and peace when My children have been humbled by this Great Event. Then there will be strength in their numbers. The more people who believe in the Truth, the weaker then will be the impact of the New World Group.

Prayer and much of it can avert much of the damage they will attempt to inflict. So please never forget to pray the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy, for both combined will help wipe out much of this pending evil. Go now do not fear. Look with enthusiasm for a new beginning, a new peace where evil will be stamped out for good.

That is My promise to you, children.

Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

For Clergy: Crusade Prayer (66) Help me to remain true to Your Most Holy Word

Oh Dear Jesus help me to remain true to Your most Holy Word at all times.
Give me the strength to uphold the Truth of your Church in the face of adversity.
Fill me with the grace to administer the Holy Sacraments in the way in which You taught us.
Help me to feed Your Church with the Bread of Life and remain loyal to You, even when I am prohibited from doing so.
Free me from the chain of deceit I may face in order to proclaim the true Word of God.
Cover all Your sacred servants with your Precious Blood at this time so that we will remain courageous, loyal and steadfast in our allegiance to You, Our Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ.

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