Pope Benedict’s days are now numbered

My dearly beloved daughter, you have just been tested yet again, in My Most Holy Name, to deviate from the Truth. This will be a regular occurrence, for not a day will pass when the deceiver will not stop to try and take you away from this Work, by placing doubts in your mind.
You must not look at other visionaries’ messages, or listen to any other person who claims to come in My Name, if they give you a message, which is contrary to the Word you receive from Me.
My prophecies are accurately communicated to you, My daughter. Satan will continue to chip away and hurt you when you least expect it. So be on your guard at all times. My beloved Vicar’s days are now numbered. He will have left the Vatican before The Warning takes place.
Trust in Me. Obey Me. You are now progressing well. But never take your eyes away from Me.
Do not, however, be afraid to live your life as you would normally, as long as prayer and devotion to Me is an integral and important part. I Am going to ensure that you are not alone in this Work from now on and that only those who are being directed by Me will have any influence on your discernment.
Trust Me when I say, Satan will not sabotage My Words, nor contaminate these Messages you receive from Me. That will not happen in this instance, for this Mission is paramount and every protection is offered to you, My daughter. If you ever feel concerned about any Messages, simply ask Me for the answer and it will be given. Do not ask anybody else for their views, for they are not qualified to comment on My Divine Word.
Never get involved with other visionaries’ messages. This is very important, for it will damage your Work.
By now you know that I, your Saviour and King of Mankind, Am in Authority. No man shall sully My Word. Ever. Be thankful you are being afforded the Gift of prophecy and obey Me at all times. Never offend Me by doubting. Those times are well behind you. Seek Me out with humility in your heart and soul. Keep silent when My Word is mocked, attacked, denied, contradicted and questioned, for it is not up to you to answer for Me. You will learn so much more from Me, My daughter, if you will sit down and listen to Me. I infuse your mind with the Gift of discernment. Accept this Gift. Do not doubt. Rejoice with Me.
This is a very important Mission, unlike anything I have sent to mankind since the early prophets.
It is going to require strength on your part, in human terms. What is important right now is to simply communicate with Me through prayer, Adoration and the Blessed Sacraments. Anything else must be kept outside of this. Your family is very important at all times. Everything outside of these two entities falls into a much lower category.
Try to relax and feel My Love. Don’t waste valuable time worrying. Just join with Me in full union and you will be safe from harm. I love you, My daughter, and I trust you.
Your devoted Saviour and Teacher
Jesus Christ.
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