Monday 30 May 2022

I need you just as you need Me.... BOOK OF TRUTH..


I need you just as you need Me

My dearly beloved daughter, it is I, your Jesus, your Redeemer who speaks.

So many people who read these messages are fearful. Fear brings with it a form of hatred because so many do not want to acknowledge Me. Fear is understandable but must not be allowed to cloud your trust. I only call out to you so you will come to Me. I have no desire to cause you anguish. Your time on earth is short-lived but the time you will spend with Me is for eternity.

If I love you why then would I not warn you of the consequences of rejecting My Mercy? All I need and desire is to bring all of you into My Kingdom. I do not tell you of things that are not contained in My Holy Book. No. Instead, I simply remind you of the Truth and of all things to come, so that you will come to Me.

Come, My little ones, do not fear My Love. Do not fear My Kingdom for it is your natural birthright. It was for this that I gave up My Life on earth. I need you just as you need Me. I Am humble in My Wanting and simply desire to envelop you into a life of great glory where you will enjoy Everlasting Life. Why then do you fear My Call? I love you. I would never harm you. The only harm you face is from yourselves.  I Am here always, awaiting with great expectation your love.

My world without end surpasses anything you could ever desire on this earth. Your life on earth pales when compared to the exquisiteness of My Kingdom. It was to ensure that you have Eternal Life – your rightful inheritance – that I died for your sins.  Do not forsake this great Sacrifice for it was with great Glory that I was crucified on your behalf.

Do not reject Me, the second time.

Your beloved Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (86) Release me from the torment of doubt

I come before you confused, unsure and frustrated, dear Jesus, because I am worried about the Truth You proclaim within Your Messages.
Forgive me if I have wronged You.
Forgive me if I cannot hear You.
Open my eyes so that I can be shown what it is You need me to understand.
I implore You, to give me the Power of the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth.
I love You, dear Jesus, and I beg You to release me from the torment of doubt.
Help me to respond to Your call.
Forgive me if I have offended You and bring me closer to Your Heart.
Guide me to Your New Kingdom and grant me the favour, so that through my own prayers and suffering, that I can help You to salvage souls so precious to Your Sacred Heart.

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