Wednesday 30 March 2022

When love diminishes, God is diminished in your lives


When love diminishes, God is diminished in your lives

Jesus-Christ-3109My dearly beloved daughter, how cold the hearts of men have become. How little do they care for the needs of others or the Gift of life. They have allowed their hearts to fester because they no longer have the capacity for true love to reign within their souls. Once love is weakened, and when charity for each other’s needs becomes scarce, then nothing but injustice will be forthcoming.

When love diminishes, God is diminished in your lives. For those who may once have loved Me, and who no longer believe in Me, their hearts will turn to stone. When you turn your back on love for one another, you will become barren and restless. Your lack of love will lead you into accepting every kind of practice, which is abhorrent to Me. Everything that I stand for will be dismissed by you. All life, given to humanity, by the Power of God, will be tampered with and, in many cases, destroyed by you. Your respect for God’s Laws and human life no longer mean anything. Your attachment to all earthly things, and the worldly goods they yield, will leave you without satisfaction.

When you harden your hearts against God, humanity suffers greatly. When the power of evil replaces the love that the world once had for Me, Jesus Christ, know then that the times are almost upon you.

Give up your wayward and foolhardy pursuits of pleasure. Do not attempt to change the Laws of God to suit your sinful lives.

Ask, ask, ask for My Intervention, so that I can show you the Way. If you do not turn back to the path of Eternal Life, which was carved out for every child of God, then you can never be part of My Kingdom.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (25) For Protection of visionaries around the world

O, God of the Most High, I plead with You to offer protection to all Your holy messengers in the world.
I pray that they are protected from the hatred of others.
I ask that Your Most Holy Word is spread quickly all over the world.
Protect your messengers from slander, abuse, lies and every kind of danger.
Protect their families and cover them with the Holy Spirit, at all times, so that the Messages they give to the world are heeded with contrite and humble hearts.



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