Sunday 20 February 2022

I never criticised sinners. I never cursed them. I never hurt them

I never criticised sinners. I never cursed them. I never hurt them

My dearly beloved daughter, know that out of human weakness I draw great strength. My Power is at its greatest when I touch the souls of the weak, for it is then that I can draw upon them to enable Me to act within them.

To those of you who are weak, you must ask Me to give you the Gift of trust.  Trust in Me, My dear little ones, and then all Power is Mine. I cannot draw upon the souls of the proud, the haughty and the arrogant, as they will not humble themselves in My Eyes.

Pride is a barrier between man and God because the proud man believes that his voice is greater than Mine. That is the way it has always been.  Today it is no different. I ask that you all pray for those souls who misunderstand Me and who feel the need to declare what My Word really means, according to their own interpretation.

When a man curses another and then says this is what God would want when defending His Word, or when he justifies wrongdoing and says that this is a good thing in My Eyes, know this. When you love Me, you will never deviate from the love that I taught or the way in which you must imitate Me. I never criticised sinners. I never cursed them. I never hurt them and I never denounced them. So, too, must you do as I did.

. For, if you do not, you will defy My Will and your actions will serve only your own flawed view as to Who I Am. You cannot say you are of Me if you preach the opposite to what I taught. Never look down on those you believe to be sinners in My Eyes. Pray for them but never judge them for this is not your right.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (163) Rescue me from persecution

O Jesus preserve me from the pain of persecution in Your Name.
Endear me to Your Heart.
Rid me of pride, greed, malice, ego and hatred in my soul.
Help me to truly surrender to Your Mercy.
Take my fears away.
Help me to unburden my pain and take all persecution away from me, so that I can follow You like a little child, in the knowledge that all things are within Your Control.
Free me from the hatred shown by all those who proclaim to be Yours but who really deny You.
Let not their cutting tongues scourge me or their evil acts divert me from the Path of Truth.
Help me to focus only on Your Kingdom to come and to persevere, with dignity against any insults, which I may endure on Your behalf.
Bring me peace of mind, peace of heart, peace of soul. Amen.


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