Thursday 24 June 2021

My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals


My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals

harvest_sickle_1_My dearly beloved daughter, it is a mistake to believe that God would not mete out His Justice in the world at this time. My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals as the purification of the Earth begins.

The preparations are now underway and soon the enemies of God will be weeded out and punished, for they will never turn and ask for My Mercy. My Father’s Anger is great and woe to those who defy the Word of God, for they will be felled and trampled upon, as the final cleansing of the Earth will clash with the infestation of the evil one – all at the same time.hand of god cloud

When you see nature’s elements react fiercely, you will know that the Hand of Justice has fallen. The pride of man, his self-obsession and his belief in his own flawed intelligence in spiritual matters, have brought upon the human race the outpouring of fire from the four bowls upon the four corners of the Earth.

You have ignored the warnings and so the battle to destroy sin has well and truly commenced.

Jesus Christ

Son of Man.

Crusade Prayer (98) For the Grace of God to cover world leaders

O my Blessed Mother of Salvation, please ask your Son to pour out His Graces and Love over those leaders who control the world. Pray that the Light of God will cure them of blindness and unlock their hearts of stone. Stop them from inflicting persecution on innocent people. Please pray that Jesus will guide them, and stop them from preventing the Truth of His Teachings from being spread to nations, throughout the world.


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