God the Father: I will strike every nation according to the extent of the number of innocents they have murdered
My beloved daughter, I Am the Beginning and the End. I Am the Creator of all that is and will be. I Am Master of life and death. No one has the authority to intervene in life or death, as only I, your Almighty Father, can intervene in either.
When man begins to believe that he is as good, if not more powerful than I, he will try to emulate Me. When man wants to take control over My Creation, he is being tempted by Satan to sin. When the sin of pride infests the soul to such an extent, man will defy Me by destroying life on Earth.
Why would man want to do this? He wants to obtain power over what has been given freely by Me, when he takes the life of a child in the womb. When he wants to control the population, he will destroy life before birth and kill those he feels must no longer sustain life.
There is a plan, My daughter, by a group to destroy the growth of the world’s population. And that is through the terrible evil that is enacted through abortion. The increase in abortion and the rapid introduction of it across the world is no accident. It is being spread throughout every nation. Those nations who object to abortion will be pushed to one side by the beast with the ten horns and forced to introduce this abomination.
By My Hand, I will cast a severe punishment upon those nations who have introduced abortion. You will see this happen as soon as such laws are introduced and by the punishment I will inflict. You will know that it is My Hand, which has been cast down upon such wickedness. Those of you who think that you have the right to take a life, know that this right does not exist. Take a life and you will have no life. No Eternal Life will be yours, if you assist in any act, which brings such wicked laws into existence. The same punishment will be inflicted on those of you who dare to justify euthanasia.
My Mercy is abundant and I will forgive those who do not understand the difference between right and wrong. But when you deliberately take part in the global plan to destroy life, as part of a satanic group, you are doomed. Your future has been sealed by the promise you have made to the beast, and shortly, your alliance with the antichrist.
By taking the life of the innocent and forcing such laws into being, you are openly defying one of My most important Commandments – thou shalt not kill. When you plan such genocide on such a global basis, you are carrying out the work of the devil and for this, I will destroy you.
I Am giving you warnings first, and then, if these wicked laws are not curtailed, you leave Me with no choice. The Earth will shake with such force that it will swallow you. I will strike every nation according to the extent of the number of innocents they have murdered. If I do not intervene, very soon your nations will be devoured by the beast and no one will be left. I need you to know that sin has infested the Earth to such an extent, that there is only a flicker of Light left. That Light is the Light of God and it is present in My Son and His Mystical Body. Your sins continue to scourge Him and this will escalate until the stage when His Church will be crucified. When this happens, the darkness will descend and then will come the end.

My Anger has reached its limit.
Your prayers will help to mitigate some of the punishment, which I will cast down upon this ungrateful world and upon such wicked sinners, but not all, for these punishments must take place, so that I can stop these plans from destroying you. If I did not try to halt the spread of such abominations there would be no remorse. No shame. No awareness of the fact that I, God the Most High, create life and take it away according to My Will. No one else has the power to do likewise.
My Anger has shown itself to My children down through the ages, but until now, you have withstood the punishments, which I will now pour down on those who are guilty of introducing the act of abortion.
Your Father
God the Most High.
Crusade Prayer (111) To consecrate your children to Jesus Christ
O dear Mother of Salvation,
I consecrate my children (name of child/children here) before your Son, so that He can bring them peace of spirit and love of heart.
Please pray that my children will be accepted into the Merciful Arms of your Son and keep them from harm.
Help them to stay true to the Holy Word of God especially in times, when they are tempted to turn away from Him. Amen.
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