Stairway to spiritual perfection

It is not easy to retain your faith in Me, My children, as there are so many obstacles, which block your devotion. You will, from time to time, feel a complete emptiness in your soul. This can leave you in an agitated state because you feel alone without a crutch.
For, My faithful followers, you must understand this. I, despite the loneliness you may experience, Am never far away. All of these episodes have one goal, to strengthen your faith, in such a way, so as to ensure that you move a few steps towards Me each time. This is what is called the stairway to spiritual perfection, that is Heaven. It is a long stairway and can take a very long time to reach the upper steps.
Each step can represent a new revelation into what lessons you must experience before you can attain the Graces you need to elevate your souls to the spiritual perfection needed to enter My Father’s Paradise.
As each step is mounted, a new awareness of which I expect of you is realised. Hard, at times, unfair it may seem, at other times. But for each step you climb, the more astute you become in understanding the Truth of My Teachings.
Some climb these steps quickly, while others take their time. Some of My devout followers may lose courage and back one step, two steps or three at a time. This is natural. Others who move too quickly, gain a confidence that convinces them they understand all spiritual matters. But this is the deceiver’s way of making you believe and accept this false confidence. All gifts bestowed on you can only come from Me. They are given to you, My faithful followers, out of My boundless Love for you. You must never assume that because your faith is strong that this is all your doing. Yes, your faith may be strong because of your tenderness of heart. Yet, this is also a Gift from Me. You must, in order to reach the top step, be humble in your love for Me. Show virtue at all times.

Strive always to accept everything, even the trials I may send you, as a Gift from Me. All My Gifts are bestowed to make you strong in your love for Me.
I Am so very proud of all My children, who believe in Me and show Me honour and respect. So that I can lift you up to the full Glory of My Father’s Paradise, you need to aspire to the glory of perfect union in Me.
To do this, My children, takes a little time and requires patience, before you yield to the total abandonment of your soul to Me. Once that happens you become part of My Mystical Body for eternity.
Surrender, My children, to My absolute Pure Love and you will never have to look back or fear, for you will be safe in My Arms.
Keep strong, My faithful children, even in the face of obstacles, for I will never desert My beloved devoted followers. Ever.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ
Crusade Prayer (150) To save the souls of non-believers
Dear Jesus, I ask You to save all those who, through no fault of their own, refuse to acknowledge You. I offer to You my suffering to bring You the souls of those who reject You and for the Mercy You will pour out over the whole world. Have Mercy on their souls. Take them into Your Heavenly Refuge and forgive them their sins. Amen.
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