Tuesday 20 December 2016

The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome

The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome

My dearly beloved daughter, the schism within the Catholic Church, as foretold, will now be witnessed, for all the world to see. The departure of My dearly beloved Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, marks the beginning of the end. I have, through you, My chosen prophet, over the last two years, tried to prepare My Church on earth for this sad event.
The Masonic elite have grasped control over My Church and they will wield the most wicked deceit upon Catholics. The Keys of Rome are now within My Hands having been passed over to Me by My Father. I will direct all of My followers so that the Truth can be sustained and that My Holy Word remains intact.
The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome and My Word, just as it was in My Time on earth, will be treated as heresy.
Make no mistake, for as the deceit is presented to the world, as if the new reign represents the Truth, you, My daughter, will suffer terribly in My Holy Name just as the prophets, which came before you.
My followers must remain calm and pray for the salvation of all of My most sacred servants who will be caught up in this abomination. I call on them to respond as follows.
Continue to follow My Teachings. Never waive from the Word of God. Remain loyal to your sacred duties and administer the Holy Sacraments as you have been instructed by Me.
The Teachings of the Catholic Church, based on its formation by My Apostle Peter, remain infallible. Now this will change once the foundation is rocked by the changes to come.
Shortly, you will no longer recognise My Church and you will feel very uncomfortable when you witness how My Holy Word will be tampered with.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (52) Prayer to the Father

My dearest Father, in the Name of Your precious Son and in remembrance of His Passion on the Cross, I call out to You. You, God the Most High, Creator of the World and all that is, hold our Salvation in your Holy Hands. Embrace all of Your children, including those who don’t know You and those who do, but look the other way.
Forgive us our sin and save us from the persecution of Satan and his army.
Take us into Your Arms and fill us with the hope we need to see the way of the Truth.

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