The power of death over humanity will be defeated finally

While I prepare all of humanity for this great event, the day will come unexpectedly. The time for the beast to be cast into the abyss is near, and then the twelve nations will enjoy peace and unity.
During this time the saints in Heaven, and all those who died in My Favour, will be raised with the righteous who will survive the Tribulation. All will be resurrected and be given the Gift of perfect bodies, which will overcome the death known to humanity since the sin of Adam. They will enjoy peace and prosperity under My Spiritual Reign until My Kingdom is handed over to My Father.
This will be the first resurrection and will be followed by a one thousand year reign of perfect harmony according to the Divine Will of My Father.
During this time, sinners who denied Me will suffer. The Second Resurrection is not known to mankind, nor have the details been revealed to anyone other than the prophets Daniel and John the Evangelist.
These secrets will be revealed, in time, for they are not for your knowing now.
The Power of God will be manifested when the battle to salvage souls will succeed.The power of death over humanity will be defeated finally. This is My Promise. I will fulfil the prophecies laid down by My Father.
Those among you who are confused, have no fear. All is now in My Holy Hands, but be assured all that matters is the forgiveness of sin. This will be when all of you ask Me for the Gift of Redemption. It is that simple.
Your love for Me will yield the Gift of Life. Death, as you know it, will have no control or hold over you again. Your future is something to welcome with joy in your hearts for it is the greatest Gift of God and only those deserving souls will be bequeathed with such wealth. Be at peace. Trust Me. Love Me. That is all that matters.
Your Jesus
Crusade Prayer (23) Prayer for Pope Benedict’s safety
O, my Eternal Father, on behalf of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and the suffering He endured to save the world from sin, I pray, now, that you protect Your Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict, Head of Your Church on earth, so that he too can help save Your children and all Your sacred servants from the scourge of Satan and his dominion of fallen angels who walk the earth stealing souls.
O, Father, protect Your Pope, so that Your children can be guided on the True Path towards your New Paradise on Earth.
My dearly beloved daughter, it is important that My disciples do not cause fear in the hearts of their friends and families because of My Messages to you at this time.
O, Father, protect Your Pope, so that Your children can be guided on the True Path towards your New Paradise on Earth.
I bring hope. I bring Mercy. I bring salvation

I come to you all at this time to speak with you from Heaven in order to prepare you. I do this with love and joy in My Heart.
I come to help those who believe in Me so that they will be ready to accept Me in the state of grace needed to reign with Me in My Kingdom.
I come also to plead with those who cannot understand the meaning of God’s Creation, especially those souls who use human reasoning to define everything in their lives. They believe only in what they can see or touch. These same souls will accept lies from those they believe are to be respected in their societies and nations. How easily they are fooled by the lies of man and how weak they are in that they reject the Truth of their Creation.
My task is to help you all. Not to threaten, but to draw you closer to Me so that you will receive comfort.
My Kingdom is your home. You must not feel any pressure to reject your family, so that you can unite your heart with Mine. Instead bring to Me your family through your prayers. Many will hurt you when you proclaim the Truth of My Word. But that is okay. Do not challenge them and try to force them against their will.
I will take them into My Light of Protection when you recite Crusade Prayer (13) Prayer calling for immunity
I Am full of love for you. Those who believe in Me will be greatly comforted by My Second Coming. Those other souls can be saved by your prayers. This is why I prepare you now. It is to save all of you so that you can enjoy the New Heavens and the New Earth.
I bring hope. I bring Mercy. I bring salvation. I bring to a conclusion the final covenant, the final age, which will be the fulfilment of My Father’s Will.
Never fear Me for I Am your family, joined by My Flesh and Blood, by My Humanity, as well as by My Divinity.
Be at peace, My beloved followers. Rest on My Shoulder for My Love and Mercy is greater than any of you know. This is a time for rejoicing, not sorrow, for I have given you the Gift of Salvation. This Gift is for you as well as those who are lost. It is for everyone.
Your Beloved Jesus
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