Pray that you can recognise the true prophets from those who do not speak in My Holy Name. May 20, 2012
My dearly beloved daughter tell God’s children that My Prophets in the world today will be rejected just as they were in the beginning.

Those who profess to come in My Name today, but who do not receive messages from God, will be embraced and accepted.
Those who proclaim My Holy Word and who prophesy in the Name of My Father will suffer the biggest rejection.
Priests and clergy will attack My Prophets today because Satan blinds them to My Holy Word.
Let any man who tries to stop the true prophets of God know that they will commit a grave sin in the Eyes of God.
Sacred servants and those who proclaim the truth of My Teachings will be punished should they try to sabotage this Holy Mission.
For if you don’t and denounce Me you will be held responsible and you will weep and beg Me to forgive you.
By then the damage you caused will have been felt where souls will be lost.
Never reject My Holy Word given to you through the prophets.
Embrace it and accept it for much work is needed to prepare all of mankind for My New Kingdom.
Remember this.
When Man denies My Word that is to be expected when Satan roams the earth.
When a faithful servant of God rejects Me this is like a sword cutting through Me.
It is the most painful rejection of all.
Come to Me all of you. If you do not believe then pray that you will be shown the Truth soon.
If you are in any doubt turn to Me and ask Me to open your heart
Let me fill you with graces so that you will help Me gather souls in every part of the world in time.
Let me fill you with graces so that you will help Me gather souls in every part of the world in time.
Do not believe that The Second Coming can or will take place without the help of My prophets, sent to prepare you so that you are fit to enter My Kingdom.
Pray that you can recognise the true prophets from those who do not speak in My Holy Name.
Woe to those who tear apart My prophets for they will have to answer for their offenses against My Holy Father, God the Most High.
Go open your eyes.
Look when I reveal to you the truth.
Do not turn your head.
Do not close your eyes.
It is time for you to choose.
Follow Me and help lead My children to Eternal Life.
Turn your back and you deny those souls the chance of redeeming themselves in My eyes.
Your Jesus
Crusade Prayer (138) Protection from hatred
O Mother of Salvation, protect me from every kind of hatred. Help me to remain silent, when confronted by hatred. Keep me strong in my allegiance to Jesus Christ, when I am at my weakest. Seal my lips. Help me to turn my back on those who engage me with words, which deny the Teachings of your Son or those who taunt me because of my faith.
Pray for these souls, dear Mother, so that they will renounce Satan and feel the peace of your love and the Reign of the Holy Spirit, within their souls. Amen.
Pray for these souls, dear Mother, so that they will renounce Satan and feel the peace of your love and the Reign of the Holy Spirit, within their souls. Amen.
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