Saturday 24 October 2015

This fire will also be cast down upon the enemies of the Earth and those who persecute these Two Witnesses

My dearly beloved daughter, you and all those who have been blessed with the Truth, must know that the wrath of Satan is increasing against this Mission. His daring interference has meant that he has now manifested physically before you, for the third time. He groans in pain, but cannot withstand My Light, which is present within you. You must gain the strength you need, through the recital of the Holy Rosary, in order to prevent him from attacking you. Oh, if souls could witness what I permit you to endure for the sake of this Mission, they would faint with shock.
Those who insult Me during My preparation to save souls, will be cast aside as this battle intensifies, before the antichrist is presented to the world. When you become obedient and question nothing, which I demand of you, I can save more of you and pluck you from the grip of deceit, which will be planted within your minds by the evil one.
Don’t you trust Me to protect you? Don’t you know that when you accept the Graces I give, to help you withstand the pain of rejection, that they are meaningless if the receiving soul has reservations or doubts? I cannot fill you with the strength, the courage and the Gift of the Holy Spirit, if you cower and hide. You must be open to My Call, My Love, My Gifts.
The Seals contained within the Book of Revelation have already opened. Now that they have opened, fire will fight fire. As the fire of hatred erupts, when the beast prepares himself, fire will be poured over the Earth by My Father. This war will not just be a spiritual one. The Earth will be rocked, split and the fire will burn it, as My Father inflicts punishments, so that He can delay the actions of the evil group.
My Father’s Power is to be feared by those who follow, blindly, the lies, which are inflicted upon the world by the evil one. He will retaliate for every wicked act carried out by any of you – knowingly or unknowingly – when you pay homage to the enemy of God. The Power given to My Two Witnesses – the Christian Church and the House of Israel – will mean that fire will pour from their mouths, as they spread the Flames of the Holy Spirit. This fire will also be cast down upon the enemies of the Earth and those who persecute these Two Witnesses. Do not underestimate the battle for souls, for it will be a terrifying one for those who deny the Word of God. Those who uphold it, will be protected, so that their proclamation of the Truth can be given to those who have no idea what has befallen humanity.
This is why you must accept My Graces, to give you the strength you need to fight in My Army, so that I can bring an end to the wickedness.
Your Jesus

Litany (6) Gift of Graces

O dearest Jesus, my beloved Saviour,
Fill me with Your Love.
Fill me with Your Strength.
Fill me with Your Wisdom.
Fill me with Your Perseverance.
Fill me with Your Humility.
Fill me with Your Courage.
Fill me with Your Passion.

God the Father: Children we are but just a short time away from the Great Day

My dearest daughter, while the world strives to make sense out of the despair they witness, know that all of these turmoils must take place, before I bring all those who love Me into My Place of Refuge. 
You will soon know Who I Am, children. Those of you who are unsure of Me will see the Truth at last and this will bring you great peace. The evil in the world increases now and the deceit descends. You must be strong, I plead with you, as I await now the day when the renewal will begin and all of My children will find solace on the Day, when My beloved Son declares Himself.
What you are witnessing is a battle between My Heavenly Hierarchy and Satan and all his demons. It is frightening and very upsetting for many of you, but know that I will intervene to ease your pain. Know that you are Mine and that I will bring peace to the world, when I have rid it of infestation.
Children, we are but just a short time away from the Great Day and while much still has to take place, where the Sacred Name of My Son will be torn apart, it will be swift. You must look now to the future, as it is a glittering jewel of such magnitude that on the Day when you enter the New Era of Peace, you will have forgotten the persecution inflicted upon the world by the evil one. You must do as My Son instructs you. You must remain calm as the Seals are revealed to you, which are all for your own good and those whose souls I ask you to plead for My Mercy.
If you stay true to My Commandments and live your lives in union with My Son, you will be half way there. If you remain firm to the Sacraments and refuse to participate in pagan rituals, which honour the beast, then you will find much favour with Me.
Go and remember that I Am the Almighty One and that all Power is Mine. Soon, I will destroy the wicked and unveil My New Paradise to you. Be patient. Trust in Me. Follow My Son and accept the Gifts, which He and His beloved Mother, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, bring you, in the form of the Crusade Prayers and the Medal of Salvation.
Finally accept My Seal as one of the greatest Gifts I have given humanity since I gave them Life. I give Life again with My Special Graces when you hold close to you, the Seal of the Living God. All those with the Seal are granted a place in the New Paradise.
I love you, children, but I Am your Father and I must allow these trials, as they will help Me to weed out those who will never deviate from the side of the beast. The time I spend trying to win over their hearts creates a terrible and hateful battle, with millions of fallen angels and demons, even though it be just one soul.
Remain comforted in the knowledge that I bless all of you, who are pure and humble of heart. I love all of you, so you must never give up when all seems hopeless, for My Power means that the destruction of evil is under My Control. You must place all your trust in Me, especially at this time, when you feel that My Justice is harsh.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High

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