Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The four parts of the world I refer to are the four big empires – the US, Russia, Europe and China.. BOOK OF TRUTH .. VOL 4


The four parts of the world I refer to are the four big empires – the US, Russia, Europe and China

michael-morningMy dearly beloved daughter, the four parts of the world I refer to are the four big empires – the US, Russia, Europe and China. All prophecies foretold will involve these powers, around which all the upheavals in religious and political structures will occur.

Syria and Egypt, through the unrest in their countries, will become the catalysts for a greater war, which will involve the four great powers. Each of these powers will be connected in order to create a unified regime, which will be used to control the global wealth and population.

The religious war will be central to this control and the appointed leaders in My Christian Churches will be overcome and destroyed in preparation for the beast, who will control all four empires. None of the rulers, who defy the Word of God or who try to destroy His children, will be given the authority by God to take, by force, those whose names are in the Book of the Living.

And while I speak of Christians and the need for them to remain true to Me, I also refer to the Jews because their protector, Michael the Archangel, will watch over them and help them to withstand the persecution which they, as God’s chosen people, will also have to endure.our-lady-of-russia

God’s Plan has been created and all the angels and saints in Heaven prepare now, to help Me in My Mission to unite all and protect those who love Me from the great deceit, which has been created to fool the world. Never before has the wickedness against God been so coordinated by the human race as it is today.

Never before has mortal man been capable of inflicting so much suffering, through the seizure of power in order to control, as it has at this moment of time in history. The great persecution against God’s children, created by Satan with the willing support of evil, power hungry men and women, in positions of great power, is unfolding before your eyes. Yet, many of you cannot see because you have been fooled.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (146) Protection against deception

Dear Mother of Salvation, protect me with the Grace of protection against deceptions, created by Satan to destroy the faith of Christians. Protect us against those who are the enemies of God. Keep us safe from lies and heresy, used to weaken our love for your Son. Open our eyes to untruths, deception and every attempt we may encounter to encourage us to deny the Truth. Amen.

Monday, 30 December 2024

Mother of Salvation for priests: To remain true to the Church of my Son on Earth you must be prepared to feed His flock.. BOOK OF TRUTH.. VOL 4


Mother of Salvation for priests: To remain true to the Church of my Son on Earth you must be prepared to feed His flock

vierge-marie-mere-pretresMy child, many signs will be made known from the Heavens, upon the roofs of my Son’s Churches, when the final changes are made in the Liturgy of the Holy Mass. All those who keep their eyes open and their ears alert will witness the Anger of my Son in a way in which they cannot fail to notice.

My Son promised that He would make known His Anger when they, within His Church on Earth, crucify Him again by defiling His Body and Blood during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Thunder and lightning, followed by great storms, will sweep people off their feet. More floods will be witnessed, when the sins of man will be swept away as they begin to see punishments from God, which will pour down upon humanity.

Slaves to sin – even those who love my Son and who remain loyal to the Holy Mass – and so they will not know the difference when the abomination is presented. Remember, it is to commemorate the death of my Son that the Holy Mass is said and where the True Presence of my Son is made known. Soon, they will not acknowledge the Truth and the new mass will become a pagan ceremony. That day is still to come and it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly – so fast will the false prophet move. Now is the time for preparation. All those sacred servants, who are to remain loyal to the Most Holy Eucharist and who will adhere to the Holy Word of God, must begin their preparations now.

To remain true to the Church of my Son on Earth, you must be prepared to feed His flock with the Food of Life, that is His Holy Eucharist. This is the vow you made to Jesus Christ when you said you would serve Him and provide His Body and Blood, through the Holy Mass, to all those who seek salvation. This vow must be honoured until the last day.

Do not fear the times ahead, when the enemies of God will try to use His Holy Name to condone sin and make it acceptable to all; when they will deprive all of His Body and Blood. This will not matter if you continue to serve my Son in whatever way you can.

Go in peace in the hope that all of you who love my Son will be blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, so that you will be able to discern the Truth.

Your Blessed Mother

Mother of Salvation.

Crusade Prayer (145) Fill me with Your Gift of Love

Dearest Jesus, fill me, an empty vessel, with the Gift of Your Love. Flood my soul with Your Presence. Help me to love others as You love me. Help me to be a vessel of Your Peace, Your Calm and Your Mercy. Open my heart always to the plight of others and give me the Grace to forgive those who reject You and who trespass against me. Help me to proclaim Your Love through example, as You would do were You in my place. Amen.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Many will betray Me by accepting falsities... BOOK OF TRUTH VOL .. 4


Many will betray Me by accepting falsities


My dearly beloved daughter, My Power will surge within the hearts of believers now as they, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, will feel a sense of calm despite the great apostasy, which they are beginning to witness in My Church.

I will, by the Power and the Glory of My beloved Father, give you, My cherished disciples, great strength and courage during these trials. You are being given these Gifts through the Crusade Prayers, because without them you would find it impossible to withstand the religious persecution, which lies ahead.

You are being given these Gifts so that you can save the others, who will refuse My Call from Heaven and who will wander, innocently, into the lion’s den, where all Hell will break loose. Once, within the den of darkness, they will be swept up into pagan rituals. Their souls will be opened up to the spirit of evil and, within a very short period of time, they will become blind to the Truth – the Holy Word of God, laid down since the beginning.maryand-jesus-on-cross

Many will betray Me by accepting falsities. Yet, they were given the Truth by My death on the Cross. Many of My disciples, when I walked the Earth, betrayed Me on the days leading up to My Crucifixion. Imitating the Pharisees, they shouted these words: “Get away from me, You speak heresy. You mock the Pharisees, who speak in the Name of God. You are a liar and You speak evil. You are the son of Satan.”

Now that I prepare all of you for My Second Coming, you will spit out these very same accusations again. I come now, through these Divine Messages from Heaven, to bring you the Truth, although you know all about Me. I do this for the Truth will be abolished in My Church. You will soon accept lies in My Name and the Truth will be nowhere to be found.

Remember these Words. I come only to complete My Promise to My Father. I come to bring you the final salvation you were promised. Satan does not want this to happen, yet he cannot stop Me. But what he will do is to prevent many of God’s children from accepting My final Mercy. He will do this through the help of My enemies, whom he has now seduced within My Church on Earth.jesus-christ-31091-e1458658923715

Wake up those of you who are asleep.

I will come like a thief in the night.

Only those who are prepared will be saved.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (144) To protect the Christian Faith

O Mother of Salvation, please intercede on behalf of the souls of Christians all over the world.
Please help them to preserve their faith and to remain loyal to the Teachings of Jesus Christ. Pray that they will have the strength of mind and spirit to uphold their faith at all times.
Intercede, dear Mother, on their behalf, to open their eyes to the Truth and to give them the Grace to discern any false doctrine, presented to them in the Name of your Son.
Help them to remain true and loyal servants of God and to renounce evil and lies, even if they have to suffer pain and ridicule because of this.
O Mother of Salvation, protect all your children and pray that every Christian will follow the path of the Lord, until his dying breath. Amen.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Four powerful empires will emerge as the main source from which wars will be surmounted.. BOOK OF TRUTH .. VOL 4


Four powerful empires will emerge as the main source from which wars will be surmounted

battle-between-good-and-evilMy dearly beloved daughter, much will happen in the world as the power of the false prophet rises and anyone who dares to challenge him will be ignored, even in the highest places within My Church.

Political disagreements will result in four parts of the Earth. Four powerful empires will emerge as the main source from which wars will be surmounted. As these empires increase in power, they will control many parts of the world, but not all, as this would not be permitted by My Father.

Each of these nations will fight amongst themselves, although they will claim to be working together. As mistrust builds, they will each try to outdo the other and then the fighting will bear forth. They will destroy many parts of their poor nations. The people over whom they will govern will have little power left, where democracy will hang like a thread.

SealScapular_1It is these innocent and suffering people who will be given the Protection of God if they have the Seal of the Living God.

Never underestimate this free Gift from God. The Seal of the Living God will protect you from physical and spiritual death during wars. Please get this to as many people as you can in every nation.

Egypt and Syria will be embroiled in a power struggle ,which will have repercussions for Israel. The enemies of the Jews are many. All wars which target and involve these two countries will result in a final battle, which will involve Israel and they will suffer the worst genocide witnessed since the Second World War.

The demise and rise of Jerusalem is foretold and these battles must take place before the prophecies are fulfilled.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (143) To protect the Mission of Salvation

O Mother of Salvation, protect this Mission, a Gift from God, to bring Eternal Life to all of His children everywhere. Please intervene, on our behalf, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to give us the courage to carry out our duties to serve God at all times and especially when we suffer because of this. Help this Mission to convert billions of souls, in accordance with the Divine Will of God and to turn those hearts of stone into loving servants of your Son. Give all of us who serve Jesus in this Mission the strength to overcome the hatred and the persecution of the Cross and to welcome the suffering that comes with it, with a generosity of heart and with full acceptance of what may come ahead. Amen.

Friday, 27 December 2024

No man, no priest, no bishop, no cardinal, no pope, has the authority to rewrite the Word of God..BOOK OF TRUTH.. VOL 4


No man, no priest, no bishop, no cardinal, no pope, has the authority to rewrite the Word of God

image-of-jesusMy dearly beloved daughter, My poor sacred servants will, after the Liturgy has been tampered with and desecrated before Me, come running to Me in great sorrow. Only when that happens, will they realise that the Word of God is being made known through God’s prophet, and that it is the Truth. The Word of God is the Truth. It can only be the full Truth or not at all, if the prophecies given to God’s children are from Him.

Many will gather and unite to prepare to pay homage to Me, in the way which honours Me, for nothing will stand in their way to uphold My Holy Word; My Holy Sacraments; My Holy Mass and the Most Holy Eucharist. But even then, many will not see the errors, which are going to be presented to unsuspecting souls.

Only when the Church of God is declared to be in union with pagans, and their ludicrous practices, will more of My sacred servants truly understand what is happening. Only when the pagan symbols and satanic signs begin to be shown inside of, upon and at the exterior entrances to Christian Churches, will they run for their lives.

There will be great fear in their hearts, because many of them, at that stage, will have nowhere to go, as they failed to prepare for this day. These will be the ones who will be hunted down because they did not respond to My Call. Their pride and their egos prevented them from recognizing My Voice. So many of My sacred servants will be caught unawares, and many will be powerless against the reign of the false prophet and his cohort, the antichrist. These two will be ruthless in their quest to control all nations and anyone who dares to stand in their way will be destroyed.

While those sacred servants within My Church on Earth will be trapped, unless they are jesus_scrollprepared, it is the souls of the faithful, the loyal followers of Me, Jesus Christ, who will be misled into grave error, which causes Me such bitter sorrow. Many will be afraid to show disloyalty to the Church, even when My Teachings, My Holy Doctrine, and all the Sacraments have been altered.

Let them know now that no man, no priest, no bishop, no cardinal, no pope, has the authority to rewrite the Word of God. When they do this, they have broken God’s Law. Only the Church of God, which remains faithful to My Teachings, is infallible. Once that bond – the bond where only the Truth is declared in My Name – is broken, they become separated from Me. I Am the Church. You, My followers, My sacred servants, are part of Me when you adhere to My Holy Doctrine.

The Church – My Church – will remain intact, for the Truth can never change. Those who separate from Me can not be part of My Church on Earth.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (142) Preparing for death

My dearest Jesus, forgive me my sins. Cleanse my soul and prepare me to enter Your Kingdom.
Grant me the Graces to prepare for my unification with You. Help me to overcome any fear.
Grant me the courage to prepare my mind and my soul, so that I am fit to stand before You.
I love You. I trust in You. I give You myself in body, mind and soul for eternity. Let Your Will be mine and release me from pain, doubts or confusion. Amen.
If you have to face death or if a loved one has to face death then always turn to Me, your Jesus, to help. When you do I will lift you in spirit, wipe away your tears, banish all fear from your hearts when you recite this prayer.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Recite this special Crusade Prayer to consecrate all those close to you so that I can cover them with My Precious Blood.. BOOK OF TRUTH. VOL 4


Recite this special Crusade Prayer to consecrate all those close to you so that I can cover them with My Precious Blood.

DivnemercyMy dearly beloved daughter, I ask that you all recite this special Crusade Prayer to consecrate all those close to you, so that I can cover them with My Precious Blood. Crusade Prayer (122) For the consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

Dear Jesus, I ask You to consecrate me, my family, friends and nation to the Protection of Your Precious Blood.

You died for me and Your Wounds are my wounds as I gracefully accept the suffering, which I will endure in the lead up to Your Second Coming.

I suffer with You, dear Jesus, as You try to gather all of God’s children into Your Heart, so that we will have Eternal Life. Cover me and all those who need Your Protection with Your Precious Blood. Amen.

All you need to do is trust Me and I will protect those who call on Me for the salvation of their own and other souls.

Go and prepare for the Day of the Judgement. I bless you all and I grant you the strength to continue with your devotion to My Crusade Prayers.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (153) The Gift of Protection for children

“You must recite this Prayer once a week, before an image of me, your beloved Mother, and bless yourself with Holy Water before you recite it.”
O Mother of God, Mother of Salvation,
I ask that you consecrate the souls of these children (list them here…) and present them to your beloved Son.
Pray that Jesus will, through the Power of His Precious Blood, cover and protect these little souls with every kind of protection from evil.
I ask you, dear Mother, to protect my family in times of great difficulties and that your Son will look favourably upon my request to unite my family in one with Christ and grant us Eternal Salvation. Amen.

Monday, 23 December 2024

At My Second Coming, I will judge every person who remains alive on the Earth at that time according to what they have done for the Glory of God.. BOOK OF TRUTH .. VOL 4


At My Second Coming, I will judge every person who remains alive on the Earth at that time according to what they have done for the Glory of God

Divine-Mercy-SundayMy dearly beloved daughter, when I said that I would come again to judge the living and the dead, I meant just that. The First Judgement must be fulfilled and by this, I mean that at My Second Coming I will judge every person who remains alive on the Earth at that time, according to what they have done for the Glory of God. My Judgement will be harsh, for My Mercy will have, by that stage, already been poured over the Earth.

Those amongst you who remain defiant to the end, through your rejection of Me – although the Truth will have been made known to you – will be cast away from Me. You will never accept My Mercy, no matter how I plead for your salvation. Your denial and hatred of Me will bring you eternal suffering and I will shed bitter and sorrowful tears for you. Oh how you will crave the comfort of Earth, though you wasted your time there in the wicked pursuit of sinful pleasures and power and where you oppressed others. Earth will seem like a long lost paradise when you scream for My Help in the depths of darkness.

Those amongst you who love Me, but whose souls have been blighted by sin, must have no fear for I will devour you with My Mercy when you ask for it. All sinners will be saved once they redeem themselves in My Eyes, no matter how grievous their sins are.

The living who are in My Favour will be lifted into My Glorious Paradise. They include every sinner, every creed, every race, who have called out to Me, their Saviour, the Son of man, and all those who ask Me to save them.

I will raise the dead, those who have been purified in the depths of Purgatory, as well as Jesus-Christ-3109those who are awaiting, patiently, in Heaven, for the arrival of this Great Day. The rest will be banished.

Your time on Earth has been decided by My Father and this day is still unknown to Me, but I tell you this. You, of this generation, will be gathered and taken into My New Paradise when Heaven and Earth will become one.

You have been given the time to prepare, so use it for good measure, so you can have Eternal Life and share it with your loved ones. I now ask you to consecrate every loved one, your family, your friends and your nations to Me, so that I can cover them with the Protection of My Precious Blood.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (141) Protection against persecution

Dear Jesus, defend me in my battle to remain true to Your Word at any cost. Safeguard me against Your enemies. Protect me from those who persecute me because of You.
Share in my pain. Ease my suffering. Raise me in the Light of Your Face, until the Day You come again to bring Eternal Salvation to the world.
Forgive those who persecute me. Use my suffering to atone for their sins, so they can find peace in their hearts and welcome You with remorse in their souls on the last Day. Amen.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

I come for you to take you to My Father. I come to fulfill His Divine Will and to complete the Covenant.. BOOK OF TRUTH .. VOL 4


I come for you to take you to My Father. I come to fulfill His Divine Will and to complete the Covenant

My dearly beloved daughter, when you find this Work difficult and hesitate to give the world bad news, you must understand that you are only the messenger. You are an instrument of the Holy God, the Most High and it is your duty to respond to His Call. Your obedience is essential and you must not fear the repercussions, which may befall you as a prophet of the Lord.

All events foretold have been laid down in the beginning and form part of God’s Plan to complete the Covenant to gather His children, finally, so that they can live in harmony in His Divine Will.

The final battle between My Father’s hierarchy and the evil one means that many people, who leave themselves exposed, will become infested by sin and will turn against their brothers who remain loyal to God.

When the battle is being fought many wicked atrocities will be carried out, by the enemies of God, against His beloved children. But as I have told you before, they can only go so far, because they do not have the power to destroy humanity, although they believe that they do.

Take comfort, all of you, because My Father will intervene with the wicked actions of those who want to control all nations and He will strike them dead – those who dare to hurt His children. Many poor souls will suffer during such persecutions, but My Father is ever-merciful. His Power cannot be touched. His Hand is Almighty. He can, at any time, cast away His enemies. But the prophecies foretold, and which must take place before My Second Coming, are a reality.

They will unfold in a way, which may not be obvious to all of you, but know this.

Prayer is your weapon. Prayer will provide you with the armour you need to defeat the evil one. Prayer will dilute the impact of war, suffering and every kind of persecution inflicted upon the human race by the enemies of God. Prayer will save you and all those for whom you pray. Your prayers will destroy evil and when the Great Day comes you will cry tears of joy when you witness the New Generation, those billions of people who have been salvaged because of your response to My Call.

While My Messages bring a mixture of sadness, fear, frustration – they also bring hope because they create much conversion. My Father’s Plan is unknown to most of you. What you need to understand is this. His Plan will destroy all His enemies. By allowing all these trials to take place, He will free the human race, at last, from its bondage to sin.

Be patient. Be calm. For soon joy, love and peace will finally be yours for eternity.

I come only because we are as one – one holy family in God’s Kingdom. I come for you to take you to My Father. I come to fulfill His Divine Will and to complete the Covenant. I come to bring you the Truth.

Your loving Saviour

Jesus Christ.

Crusade Prayer (140) Protection of Hierarchy of Angels

Dearest Father, God of all Creation, God the Most High, grant me Grace and Protection through Your Hierarchy of Angels.
Enable me to focus on Your Love for each of Your children, no matter how they offend You. Help me to spread the news of the Final Covenant to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, without fear in my heart.
Grant me Your special Graces and Blessings to rise above persecution, inflicted upon me by Satan, his demons and his agents on Earth.
Never allow me to fear Your enemies. Give me the strength to love my enemies and those who persecute me in the Name of God. Amen.