Saturday 28 March 2015

At this time in the world, the mere mention of a belief in Me, your Jesus, creates embarrassment

My dearly beloved daughter, you must know, by now, that the suffering you endure, in My Name, will continue until the very last day of this Mission.
This is difficult for you to hear, but know this. This Mission is the most difficult of all the Missions, which came before you. You will be cast into the wilderness and you will feel isolated and lonely. Your voice will be ignored, but My Holy Word will touch the hearts of millions.
My Holy Will, will be heeded by you at all times, although you often feel that you will not be strong enough.
Your weakness is your strength, because of your trust in Me. Because of this I will never desert you or leave you without the help of others. Yet, you will walk alone in this Mission. Your only companion will be Me. I conjoin our suffering as one.
You, My daughter, will always need My Graces of endurance. To endure this Mission, and proclaim My Holy Word to an ungrateful world, will not be easy. It will require a great sense of determination and courage.
This applies to all of My disciples, including those who love Me, but who do not accept these Messages.
The obstacles you will face, at this part of the Mission will increase for all of you, My devoted army.
You must accept, with dignity, that when you follow Me, that you will suffer. Very few souls can handle the suffering, which affects everyone who aligns themselves with My Teachings.
At this time in the world, the mere mention of a belief in Me, your Jesus, creates embarrassment.
Not only does it cause you discomfort, when your allegiance to Me is declared in public; you will suffer because of Me.
Remember, to suffer is a special grace. It is very difficult to endure and many souls turn away from Me because of it. But you must remember this. When you suffer in My Name, I will hold you and pour over you My Graces. Despite your sufferings, this will bring you a peace of the soul.
Please, My daughter, never give up. Never feel abandoned for I am even closer when you feel alone. I am even closer to you during these times of torment. You must keep asking, for all the help you can, get by requesting My beloved Mother and all the saints to come to your aid.
Very soon you will accept that the increase in suffering is a direct result of the opposition to this Mission by the evil one. He is extremely frightened because his battle is at an end. He hates you because of the souls, which are being saved through this Mission of salvation.
Your Jesus

His great chastisements, of a magnitude never witnessed in the world, before now, can be mitigated

My dearly beloved daughter, as I have said, the tide of change has begun, as the Hand of My Father now falls in chastisement, not only in the USA, but in other countries.
All these ecological upheavals will continue everywhere, until humanity, has been purified.
You must pray that those souls who reject God can be saved from the Fires of Hell, through the generousity of others, through their prayers.
These signs are to show humanity that times have, indeed, changed. Nothing will, nor can, be the same until the earth is purified, to enable the Second Coming to take place.
At this moment, when sin ravages the earth, it is not worthy to receive the Messiah.
These signs are of the end times, My followers, and you must prepare your souls.
Very soon there will be few, including those atheists with hearts of stone, who will be able to ignore the Hand of My Father.
However His great chastisements, of a magnitude never witnessed in the world, before now, can be mitigated and weakened through your prayers.
Nevertheless, they will continue until mankind accepts the Truth.
The day of the Lord, the day of the Second Coming, is drawing close, although many events must take place first.
This will be a difficult time for all of God’s children, including those who have strong faith. Yet, for those who show love and loyalty to Me, their Jesus, many will be at peace, for they know that I come to bring them into My New Paradise.
The prosperity of this New Kingdom must be sought out and you must long for this great Gift.
Keep strong and trust in Me. You must understand that My Father must punish those who plan terrible acts. He has promised to bring their actions to a halt and they will be swept away.
The signs will now be seen in every corner of the earth to ensure that humanity can be left in no doubt as to Whose Power is at force.
Only God commands such Power. Any other power will be short-lived. The Power of God is Almighty and no man will ever overcome the Creator and Maker of all that is seen and unseen.
Your Jesus

God the Father: It is to save the innocent souls, infected by liars, that I punish the wicked

My dearest daughter, Divine Knowledge is grasped by only a few of My children and, even then, there is only so much I permit them to know.
Understanding My Holy Word is difficult for many and, yet, it is very simple.
I love My children, but they were snatched from Me when Adam and Eve forfeited their right to My Divine Kingdom. Tempted by a jealous serpent – he who was given every honour and favour – My children turned their back on a Glorious Kingdom on earth.
They turned their backs on eternal life and because of this all their children, generation after generation, suffered.
My Son was then sent to save My children from eternal Hell by freeing them from Sin. Now He will come to instil on earth the original Paradise, which was meant to be.
My daughter, there are now preparations being made for the battle for souls to commence.
Tell My children that I am bestowing special graces upon them.
These graces will give them extra power when they pray to mitigate chastisements. Through the prayers and requests of My children, they can, not only save the souls of the heathen who offend Me, but they can halt My Hand, which will fall to stop those who speak on behalf of the beast.
I punish My children with a wretched heart. I do this, not just to punish those who cause terrible evil, but, to stop them from stealing souls through their lies.
It is to save the innocent souls, infected by liars, that I punish the wicked.
My children must be strong for the sake of all.
Prayer will be the weapon, which will slay the beast. It will not be through war, through the power of those elected in high places or those who lead My churches on earth, that the infestation will stop. It will be through the faith of those who are loyal to Me, God the Most High, and those who accept My Son Jesus Christ, as Saviour, that the world will be saved.
You, My faithful children, will be the key to the salvation of all of My children. Your prayers will be heard. Your requests to save sinners will be answered.
I love you. I thank you for the love you show My Son and I bless you.
Your loving Father
God the Most High

It will be by their hand that lightning, earthquakes and tsunamis will strike the earth

My dearly beloved daughter, there is a plan to commence a surge of global preaching.
This preaching will not be of God. Instead, it will preach a lie, which will state, that God does not, and cannot, exist.
They will say, using human reasoning and scientific evaluation, that God is just a figment of man’s imagination.
This preaching is no accident, for it is a well-planned and coordinated campaign plotted by these atheists  whose allegiance is to the evil one.
Their hearts, minds and souls have been stolen by Satan, who uses their pride of human intellect to arrogantly proclaim lies to block the Truth.
This is a plan to turn the hearts of people everywhere to stone, just as their own hearts are cold and unloving. Then there will be an announcement that a new substitute religion will be introduced into law.
The one world religion will pay homage to the beast, because it will be by the hand of slaves to the king of darkness that this atrocity will come about.
The atheists who will mastermind this plan are devout followers of Satan.
Make no mistake – they idolise the beast and think nothing of the hurt and torment which their actions will bring about.
Their mission is to abolish allegiance to the one True God, the God who loves every one of the children He created. They will reject the efforts now being made from Heaven to save humanity from final destruction.
It will be by their hand that lightning, earthquakes and tsunamis will strike the earth.
They will be stopped.
They will suffer terribly and their agonising end has been foretold.
The Battle of Armageddon will be fierce, for God will no longer sit back and allow such infestation.
Terrible chastisements, of such magnitude, will wipe out those heathen who reject the Word of God.
Prayer to God seeking Mercy is the only way to mitigate such chastisements.
Your prayers, begging for the forgiveness of their sins, is the only way in which such souls can be saved.
My daughter, much destruction will result because of the wicked work, which these atheists groups intend to force upon the earth.
Many do not know the seriousness of their actions.
Many, however, do know exactly what they are doing, for they are liars.
They do believe in God, for they have chosen His nemesis, the devil, as their god by their own free choice.
All they want is to steal souls.
God My Father will, by His Power, intervene not merely to punish them, but to salvage souls before they are stolen from Him.
Your Jesus

Those who humiliate My Word, given to you My daughter, cut Me through to the bone in agonising pain.

My dearly beloved daughter, My Kingdom on earth is about to become a reality.
For so long promised by My beloved Eternal Father, the New Kingdom, the New Paradise is the greatest gift.
The secret to understanding My New Kingdom lies in the mystery of My suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. When I fell prostrate before My Father, weeping with grief, it was because of the loss of souls in the future who would burn in the fires of Hell, despite My Sacrifice on the Cross.
My humiliation at the hand of Pontius Pilate was not painful to Me because of the public scorn, but because I knew that those same souls would be lost to Me. And so I wept tears of sadness as I watched them deceived by Satan, an evil force they could not see but who infested every fibre of their being.
When you see Me, My daughter, worried it is for good reason. For those souls who pour scorn on these messages do I also weep. They are not in the full state of being in union with Me. Because of their sin of pride, arrogance, lack of knowledge and humility, they insult My word.
They then try to prevent the hearts of those, I wish to reach, from embracing My Holy Word.
For them do I also weep for they do not know the serious consequences of their actions as they betray My True Word, as it is being presented to every one of God’s children, at this time.
So many souls, deprived of My Word, because of the actions of those who say they represent Me in the world, will be lost.
Just as I suffered a terrible agony, when facing the jeers of those who stood next to the golden throne of Pontius Pilate, I suffer today. The pain I suffer, through you My daughter, is not different today than it was then.
Those who humiliate My Word, given to you My daughter, cut Me through to the bone in agonising pain.

They have driven the final nails, through My suffering soul as I try, once again, to salvage the human race from destruction.
Pray that My Father, through His Mercy, will be tolerant of such souls who strive, by the hand of the deceiver, to render the Word of God impotent.
Be wary My children of those who vehemently oppose My word, through these messages. You must pray for their souls.
Your Jesus

They will question and analyse My Word for fear of making a terrible error

My dearly beloved daughter, so much work needs to be done by My followers to purge the earth of the infestation, which spreads, like a blanket, over many people who do not believe in God.
So many wander the world without any sense of direction. They are empty of spiritual feelings and are ignorant of the Love of God. They are the souls I yearn for, and for whom, I wish to embrace with the Truth.
You, My followers, must go to them and tell them that I, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, The Messiah, will come soon. They must know that they will not be cast away, for it is because of you, of this generation, that I come at this time.
Many others, who are spiritually aware of the existence of God, will be curious, but hesitant, in accepting My Messages.
Others, who proclaim My Word, and who are devout Christians, will be wary and slow to embrace all that I say.
They will question and analysis My Word for fear of making a terrible error. They are fearful of being fed a lie.
Then there will be the clergy in Christian churches who will rise and respond to My Call. Some will respond quickly, for they will feel My Love surge through their veins when they read My Messages.
Others will feel an instant calling through My Gift of the Holy Spirit, contained in My Holy Word. Some will be more cautious than others, but, in time, their numbers will increase to millions.
This is why you, My followers, must persevere. While many will reject you, in My Name, in the beginning, this will change. When the Truth is widely known and welcomed, you will be sought out. My Word will be treated with love and respect, although by doing so, these souls will suffer.
It does not matter how much opposition there will be against Me, for My Mission will not fail.
Endure such opposition. Accept the abuse, which will be meted out to you, because of these Messages.
This is to be expected, when the Word of God is poured over the earth. Those in darkness will not accept My Word, as it will disrupt their lives.
It will make them re-evaluate their beliefs, which they will not want to have to face.
To accept My Word would mean they would have to change their ways. They, sadly, have no desire to change their ways, for it does not appeal to them.
I will not rest until I open their eyes to the Truth. Nor, do I expect you, My disciples, to stop until as many people as possible unite, as one, in the Eyes of God.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (82) For the Victory of the Remnant Church

“Jesus, King and Saviour of the world, to You do we pledge our honour, our loyalty and deeds, to proclaim Your Glory to all.
Help us to gain the strength, and the confidence, to stand up and declare the Truth at all times.
Never allow us to falter or delay in our march towards victory, and in our plan to save souls.
We pledge our surrender, our hearts, and all that we possess, so that we are free of obstacles, as we continue the thorny road towards the Gates of the New Paradise.
We love You, dearest Jesus, our beloved Saviour and Redeemer.
We unite ourselves in body, mind and spirit within Your Sacred Heart.
Pour over us Your Grace of Protection.
Cover us with Your Precious Blood, so that we will be filled with courage and love, to stand up and declare the Truth of Your New Kingdom. Amen.”

I wish that My army recite this Crusade Prayer for the Victory of the Remnant Church

My dearly beloved daughter, you must encourage all of My followers to continue to set up Prayer Groups everywhere.
The time has come for Me to call out, and gather all of you, to form My army, so that the march to eternal victory can commence this very day.
On the 9th of November 2012, the second anniversary of My first call to you, My daughter, I wish that My army recite this Crusade Prayer, for the Victory of the Remnant Church.
Crusade Prayer (82) For the Victory of the Remnant Church
Jesus, King and Saviour of the world, to You do we pledge our honour, our loyalty and deeds, to proclaim Your Glory to all.
Help us to gain the strength, and the confidence, to stand up and declare the Truth at all times.
Never allow us to falter or delay in our march towards victory, and in our plan to save souls.
We pledge our surrender, our hearts, and all that we possess, so that we are free of obstacles, as we continue the thorny road towards the gates of the New Paradise.
We love You, dearest Jesus, our beloved Saviour and Redeemer.
We unite ourselves in body, mind and spirit within Your Sacred Heart.
Pour over us Your Grace of Protection.
Cover us with Your Precious Blood, so that we will be filled with courage and love to stand up and declare the Truth of Your New Kingdom. Amen.
I ask you, dear followers of Mine, to gather, grow and spread My Holy Word to every nation. I ask that you focus on Me, always, and work with Me towards the final victory of salvation.
Your Jesus

Virgin Mary: The swell of my Son's remnant Church will continue

My child, more and more people are being drawn to these Holy Messages for the whole world than ever before.
Many do not understand the real purpose of the Messages. What they must know is that they are a Gift to humanity, in order to bring about conversion.
They are being given to the world to draw souls into the habit of prayer, and, so that they participate in the Holy Sacraments.
Above all, these Messages provide a form of calm and peace of the soul, so that more of God’s children will be made worthy to enter the New Paradise.
Because of the fruits of these Messages, the faith of God’s children will be witnessed.
The swell of My Son’s remnant Church will continue, because of these and other holy Messages, given to genuine visionaries all over the world.
God loves His children so much, that everything will be done to ensure that the salvation of all souls is achieved.
My Son has prepared well and all His plans, to be achieved through these Messages, will be fulfilled.
This is why you must never feel despair.
Hope is all that is important.
Trust in my Son, where you surrender fully before Him, will mean that He can finalise His plans to save every single sinner, through your commitment to Him.
You must pledge your promise, children, to accept His instructions, and His Love will envelope you to make you strong.
Your Mother
Mother of Salvation

You must never reject private revelations without the qualifications or the humility required.

My dearly beloved daughter, it is important that you do not listen to those who attack My Holy Word.
Block your ears to attempts, which will now be made, especially, those by those who claim to be Catholic theologians, to reject My most Holy Messages.
As I have told you, the greatest attacks will be from those in the Catholic Church who claim to know Me, but who do not understand the Book of Revelation, nor the secrets contained therein.
They cannot know these, for I, the Lamb of God, have not revealed them all yet.
How they frustrate Me. How they hurt Me. For every cruel jibe they inflict on My Messages, they plunge another nail into My Body.
For every instruction I give, for the good of all souls, which they reject vehemently, they crucify Me again.
Yet it does not matter how they hurt Me, for I would die a thousand deaths, were it just to save another soul.
They may dismiss My Messages; ridicule you, My daughter, and reject Me, but they will not prevent the Will of My Father from being finally brought to completion.
These poor souls believe, at times, that they are behaving responsibly by telling people not to accept My Messages.
What they are doing is preventing the Word of God from being presented to God’s children. Should they continue to do this they will be silenced by the Hand of My Father.
No man will stop Me in My quest to save souls.
To those sacred servants who persist in blocking My Word from being listened to, know this.
Your constant words and your blasphemous accusations will strip you of the graces accorded to you in your vocation. Unless you call on Me, through prayer, for the answers you need, I cannot help you.
You must never reject private revelations without the qualifications, or the humility required. Even then, you can never judge such claims. Be silent.
Pray for the gift of discernment at all times. Otherwise you will be found guilty of the worst crime in My Father’s Eyes – the crime of preventing Him from saving souls, through the Holy Word of His Son.
Your Jesus

I wish to call upon all of God’s children in the United States of America

My dearly beloved daughter, I wish to call upon all of God’s children in the United States of America to pray for their faith.
Just as it will be in other Christian countries, your faith will be attacked, and every attempt will be made to wipe out all traces of Me, your Jesus.
You must form as many Prayer Groups as you can, so that united through My Sacred Heart, you will be given the graces to withstand such persecution.
The Christian faith will be banned, in time, along with other religions, which honour My Father.
You, My beloved followers, will be protected from the Heavens, but you must pray for strength, for the shift of democracy is about to turn on its head, upside down.
As the greatest nation in the world to proclaim freedom, through democracy, you will soon be denied the right to be a Christian.
This right, although denied to you, will be seen as a democratic move. These new laws, soon to be introduced into your nation, will be seen as inclusive laws, so that everyone is protected, under a one-world religion.
These laws will desecrate My Holy Name, but I will not forsake you. I will give you all the help you need. All you need to do is ask Me.
I watch and protect you, as the time for the overturn of Christian Churches is close.
They may close down, My children; tamper with My Sacraments, so that they are rendered useless; discourage My sacred servants and bully you, but it will be of no use. Their power will be no match for your simplicity of faith, humility of soul and love for Me, your Jesus.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

You must not allow fear of the future to overwhelm you for that is not My desire

My dearly beloved daughter, so many people who accept My Messages worry unnecessarily about the future of the world. This is understandable.
They must never feel that they must drop everything and ignore their day-to-day lives, neglect their job, their family, or loved ones, in order to save souls.
I, your Jesus, will look after My own, always.  You have nothing to fear from Me. All I ask is for your prayers to save souls.
You must not allow fear of the future to overwhelm you, for that is not My desire.
I do, however, expect your time in prayer and sacrifice, as I have instructed you in these Messages. Continue with your daily lives, although, My Holy Word will change the way in which you look at life, forever.
You will never feel the same about worldly goods; in the way you viewed them in the past. While they will continue to be part of your life, they will no longer be the master of your life.
You must remember that you cannot serve two masters, for there is one, and that is God.
I do not expect My disciples to renounce all to follow Me. I do not expect My followers to turn away from their daily responsibilities to follow My Messages. No, all I ask is your love. You must follow the Laws of God. Live out your lives according to My Teachings. Honour the Sacraments. Show love to each other, and pray for the souls of those who will not help themselves.
Go in peace, in the knowledge that My Mercy is great, and My Love for humanity will overcome the deeds of the beast, and the terrible suffering he inflicts in this world.
Be at peace. I bless you.
Your Jesus

When they try to create a Sacrament, in My Churches, out of an abomination, they will say it was because of the rights of same sex couples

My dearly beloved daughter, the visions I allowed you to be shown, of souls plunging into Hell, was not to frighten you. Instead, it was to show you the reality. In this way you will now understand how I suffer, every day, as I watch souls plunge into the depths of Hell.
Oh if people only knew the terror of Hell, and the way in which the beast devours such souls, they would avoid sin at all costs.
Those same souls can still be saved, My daughter, through the prayer of the Grace of Immunity. By doing so, you, My disciples, will bring Me relief from this terrible heartbreaking scourge.
Those, who die in mortal sin, are destined for the fires of Hell. Many commit these sins, in the belief that if there really is a God, then, He is merciful. And so, they continue to sin, until they justify their sins, so that they become, eventually, in their eyes, to be of no consequence.
They will say that they had no choice because their sin was necessary in order to benefit others.
With the sin of murder, they will say it was to avenge the death of another.
With the sin of prostitution, they will say it was to help their family put food on the table.
With the sin of abortion, they will say that it was to benefit the life of the mother and to make her life easier. In the case of sexual deviation, they will say that it was just a natural thing.
In the case of those who participate in the practices of the occult, they will say that it is harmless fun, yet they honour the beast when they do this.
When they persecute others and destroy not only their name, but their livelihoods, they will say that this was a necessary punishment, for the sins of others.
When they destroy another person in mind, body and soul through dictatorship, they will say it was for their own good.
When they try to create a Sacrament in My Churches, out of an abomination, they will say it was because of the rights of same sex couples who have the same rights as others.
When they destroy My Church, from within, they will say that all churches are equal. They will use the excuse that there is only one God, so they can introduce a pagan church.
These sinners are the lost souls I speak of.
To help them, you must first of all look into their eyes. Think of them as your children or your brothers or sisters. See them through the Eyes of God. Then you will feel love. But terror will fill you, because you know in your heart, the terror, which will face them. How you must pray that they will see the Truth, soon.
How you must pray for the salvation of these souls.
Every child of God, including those whose souls are black, is loved.
Their sins must be destroyed, before all God’s children can unite, as one family, in My New Kingdom.
You, My daughter, have been given all the graces and the ammunition to destroy sin and to save, not only your own soul, but, the souls of others.
Thank you, My daughter, for having responded to My Call.
You have much work to do.
Your Jesus

The billions of souls already in Hell are those who rejected Me shamelessly during their life

My dearly beloved daughter, the vision I permitted you to witness last night, was to strengthen your spirituality, and to show you the Truth of life after death.
During the first hours after death, Satan sends his demons to tempt souls – even at that stage.
He tempts them to reject the state of Purgatory. He does the same thing to those, who have died in a state of grace, who are destined for Heaven.
I showed you the speed by which souls plunge into Hell and the terrifying persecution they face, in order to warn those who do not believe it exists.
Billions of souls are there already, and there are so many entering every second, that it appeared to you like a shower of fallen stars, like a hailstorm, falling into the lake of fire.
I showed you also the shock and the joy of those souls faces, when they have been plucked, at the last minute, and saved. This is due to the suffering accepted by victim souls, for the salvation of such souls from Hell.
You saw, first, the terror, and then, the fear in their faces, as the Truth of their final resting place dawns on them. Then you were shown the joy on their faces when they realised that they had been spared.
The billions of souls, already in Hell, are those who rejected Me, shamelessly, during their life on earth. Many were smart, intelligent people, in positions of influence in the world, who went to great lengths to ensure that the Word of God was not heard. Many were responsible for ordering the murder of thousands of innocent people. They executed God’s children without one ounce of remorse in their hearts. They performed vile acts, involving sexual perversities, which are offensive to God and detested by Him.
Many, caused persecution against God’s Churches through secular activities, and in some cases, joined the enemy in black masses, where they worshipped the beast.
These are the souls you are saving, My daughter. Those with blackened souls and hearts of stone.
There are ten times more souls in Hell than in Purgatory. The billions of souls in Hell, all in different levels, outnumber those in Heaven by thirty-three for every single soul.
It is not easy to go to Heaven, and it takes much commitment to prepare your souls to enter the gates.
This is the time of the Truth. The Truth is not always pleasant, but it is necessary for all of God’s children to understand.
My Mercy is, however, great. When you ask for it, for yourselves, your prayers will be answered. When you ask for another soul to be saved, especially at the time of their death, your call will be heard. If you do not ask for My Mercy, it cannot be given.
At the time of The Warning, My Mercy will be poured all over the earth. Then you must ask Me for My Great Mercy, to protect you.
To those who reject My Mercy, this will be by their own free will.
My Mercy is plentiful, yet so few ask for it.
Your Jesus

For the Jews, they will finally accept that the True Messiah has come

My dearly beloved daughter, My Second Coming will be the final chapter in the fulfilment of My Covenant. This Covenant will see the birth of the New Jerusalem.
This New Jerusalem will signify the unification of all God’s children, who accept the Word of the Lord.
For the Jews, they will finally accept that the True Messiah has come to bring them the salvation they crave.
I, Jesus Christ, from the House of David, will come as Saviour, according to the Holy Will of the one True God.
They rejected Me, the Son of God, Who came in the flesh the first time. This time, I will come from the Heavens and will envelope My Chosen People with the gift of My New Kingdom.
They will finally be at peace, for the Truth, will be seen by them, and they will accept the Existence of the Triune God. There is only one God. There can be no more. Yet I Am in union with My Father. I Am God. I came in the flesh to show humanity My Mercy and to salvage them from final damnation. My Holy Spirit is also in union with the one God as It manifests within the souls of the prophets and inflames the souls of God’s children.
So many people will fight fiercely against My Second Coming, including those who believe in the one True God. They will not, as has happened in the past, accept the Word of God, as it is revealed through the prophets.
Many good and devout Christians will continue to reject My Word, right up to the end.
My Word will be challenged and torn apart, by the Catholic Church, in particular. But know this. The time for My Second Coming is close, and those who continue to reject Me, and the promise I made to My Father to Create His Kingdom on earth, will be left to one side.
After My Great Mercy is revealed, and when every opportunity has been given to all those who won’t accept the Truth, then My patience will be exhausted.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (81) For the Gift of the Holy Communion

“O Heavenly Host, fill my body with the nourishment it needs. Fill my soul with the Divine Presence of Jesus Christ.  
Give me the Graces to fulfil the Holy Will of God.
Fill me with the peace and calm, which comes from Your Holy Presence. Never let me doubt Your Presence.
Help me to accept You, in Body and Soul and that by the Holy Eucharist, the Graces bestowed upon me will help me to proclaim the Glory of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Purify my heart. Open my soul and sanctify me when I receive the great Gift of the Holy Eucharist.
Grant me the graces and the favors it bestows upon all God’s children and grant me immunity from the fires of Purgatory. Amen.”

Virgin Mary: The favours granted when you receive the Body of my Son

(Received during an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which lasted 20 minutes, during which an image of the Holy Eucharist appeared on her forehead)
My child, the Host, which you see on my forehead, is a symbol, to prove to all of God’s children, the Real Presence of my Son in the Holy Eucharist.
My Son is present in the world and stands beside each of God’s children every day in the hope that they will feel His Presence.
Children, it is only through receiving the Real Body of My Son, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of mankind, that you will be blessed with special graces.
When my Son died for your sins, so that every child of God would be able to defy death, He left behind an important legacy.
The Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist is Real and when consumed, brings you special protection. It brings you closer in union with Him.
He is the Bread of Life. This Gift to you, children, must never be questioned or rejected.
The favours granted to those who receive His Body and Blood include salvation from Purgatory, if received every day.
My Son will take you, at the time of death, into His Arms away from the fires of Purgatory.
The Holy Mass, which offers the Real Body of my Son, in honour of my Father, brings with it, also, great benefits.
The more daily Masses you attend and the more you receive the Body and Blood of my Son, in the Holy Eucharist, you will be granted immunity from the purification in the fires of Purgatory.
Those of you who dismiss the Existence of my Son, in the Holy Eucharist, deny yourselves a great Gift. You will not be condemned for refusing His Body in the Holy Mass, but you will not receive the graces, which He wishes to bestow on all of God’s children.
The Holy Communion you receive must be Consecrated properly. When you receive His Body, He will fill you with a deep and humble love, which will strengthen your faith and bring you Eternal Life.
The Holy Eucharist is the Gift, which will grant you Eternal Life. Never forget this.
My Son suffered greatly to give the world this great Gift, the passport to Heaven. Do not reject it. Do not challenge His generousity. Do not underestimate the Power of the Holy Host.
Please recite this Crusade Prayer (81) for the Gift of the Holy Communion
O Heavenly Host, fill my body with the nourishment it needs.
Fill my soul with the Divine Presence of Jesus Christ.
Give me the graces to fulfil the Holy Will of God.
Fill me with the peace and calm, which comes from Your Holy Presence.
Never let me doubt Your Presence.
Help me to accept You in Body and Soul, and that, by the Holy Eucharist, the Graces bestowed upon me, will help me to proclaim the Glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Purify my heart.
Open my soul and sanctify me when I receive the great Gift of the Holy Eucharist.
Grant me the graces and the favours it bestows upon all God’s children, and grant me immunity from the fires of Purgatory. Amen.
My children, you must pray that all Christians will accept and understand the Power of the Holy Eucharist. It is the armour required to salvage the souls of all my children.
Accept it with good grace and generousity of heart.
Your Blessed Mother
Mother of Salvation

God the Father: Soon, My Son will be sent to unveil the Truth of the Creation of humanity

My dearest daughter, the time for Me to send My only Son, Jesus Christ, back, to gather all of My children into My Heart, is close.
My Heart, the fountain of all Life, will open to gather all of My children as one.
My Promise, to salvage all of my little ones, is almost complete.
My greatest desire is to reveal Myself to every single person, including those who do not understand why or how they were created by My Hand.
Soon, My Son will be sent to unveil the Truth of the Creation of humanity.
This day has been prepared for so many decades. It could not have taken place, up to now, for the loss of so many of My children, would have been too great.
Soon, My children will be shown the Truth of their creation, their existence, and the immortality of their souls.
While this event will create great hope and joy in many souls, for others, it will be a torment, which they will not be able to bear.
My Fountain of Love and Mercy is to be showered upon the whole of humanity through My Son, Jesus Christ.
After this will come the great divide, when the souls who respond to His Mercy will be taken aside.
The remaining souls will be given every opportunity to hear My Call from Heaven.
I, their Father, will make Myself known by the power of the climates. My Hand will be witnessed as I reach out to each of My children, to save them from death.
My Call will be heard, but not by all. Those souls will be shown My Love, through My prophets, in a last attempt to draw them into My Heart.
The skies will unfold and be pulled back. Like a scroll, they will roll over, until the signs of the Heavens are revealed. The sounds of My Angels will entice these poor little souls of Mine, until the very end.
I now pledge that My Fountain of Love will cover the whole earth, as I unite My Heart with the hearts of all of My children.
My Divine Intervention will be witnessed by billions and many will run into My Sacred Arms in relief. The Truth of My Divine Plan, and the mystery of life on earth, will be laid bare for all to see. Only then will man accept the Truth of the existence of Eternal Life.
The end of suffering on earth is near. The final persecution, where the evil one reigns over My children, is completed.
Then, the freedom I have yearned for, My children, since the beginning, will be theirs at last.
Look to Me, children, your beloved Father, for I hold you in My Hands. I am coming, through My Son, to take you into My New Kingdom on earth.
This is the legacy I have promised My Son. This is My promise to all of My children.
The time, for these great miracles, is drawing very close.
I bless each and every one of My children.
I love you.
I cover you and unite you to My Heart.
Your Father
God the Most High

The tide of change is to begin very soon

My dearly beloved daughter, the tide of change is to begin very soon.
So many people in the world will understand, finally, the meaning of their lives and what is important and what is not.
This time ahead must be treated as the period of preparation for the New Paradise on earth. It must not be feared.
For those who know Me I have told you that you must trust in Me completely. For those who do not know Me, the Truth will be revealed to them for the first time.
My disciples must now begin to recite My Crusade Prayers including number (43) to save souls during The Warning, so that the renewal of the earth will be achieved according to My Most Holy Will.
As soon as the Truth is revealed My Holy Messages must be spread everywhere. When this happens, many will be alerted to the deceptions which they will have to face in their countries. They will learn how to recognise the antichrist and they will be able to arm themselves against his torment.
The time for uniting yourselves to My Sacred Heart is now.
When you are in union with Me you will be protected at all times.
Your Jesus

It is a difficult and lonely time for the numerous seers and prophets because each one works alone

My dearly beloved daughter, when I say that I have sent My prophets into the world, this means that each one has been given a specific mission. No two missions cross over.
It is a difficult and lonely time for the numerous seers and prophets, because each one works alone. You, My daughter, as I have told you are the last prophet. Anyone who comes forth now, and claims to proclaim My Word, since you received your Messages, has not been given this authority by Me.
Many poor souls have decided to seek attention, and in some cases, to detract from these Holy Messages, given to the world to help save My souls.
I come to plead with God’s children to listen to what I have to say, but I cannot force them to hear Me.
I can never command God’s children to do something, for this is not possible, for they have been given the Gift of free will.
All I ask is that you open your hearts, and allow My Love to fill your souls. I want all of you, including those who commit evil acts, to know that I love you. As such, your salvation is My priority. Either way, the prophecies foretold in the Book of Revelation have commenced.
Those who listen to My instructions and respond to My call can salvage many souls.
My desire is that every one of you comes to Me and shares in the Kingdom of the New Paradise.
I do not condemn hardened sinners, nor do I ask you to condemn them, for this is not your right. If and when you condemn another, you do not speak in the Name of God. If you encourage others to judge other people, by condemning them, you reject Me, your Jesus.
I call on you all to listen to just one voice at this time. My Voice is all you must focus on, if you wish to save yourselves, your families, friends and neighbours. All prayers are now being sought to help you and your loved ones to prepare for My Confession, the Warning.
The time is close now.
Your Jesus

Those who survive at the end time will not die a physical death

My dearly beloved daughter, the secret regarding the raising of the dead is important to understand.
When I died, as a man in the flesh, I destroyed your mortality. My death, not just freed you from death, but from sin, after death. My Death on the Cross gave you the gift of immortality, in My New Kingdom.
Because I died as a man, I died a mortal death. When someone dies they will become immortal, if they are in a state of grace.
When I rose from the dead I bequeathed this Gift to those who are now in Heaven, who died in a state of grace. In my New Paradise they will become perfect immortal bodies. Those on the earth will become immortal at the Second Coming in the blink of an eye.
As the trumpet of My messenger rings out, the dead will be raised, as well as, those whose names are in the Book of the Living, to enjoy Eternal Life in the 1,000 years of My New Kingdom, promised to Me by My Father. It is called the New Paradise and everything that is mortal up to the end will no longer be.
You will be united with Me, your Jesus.
Death will no longer matter, for it will not exist.
Now that I am bringing you the Gift of My final salvation, you must listen to Me.
Take heed, and encourage those, who today, just as they were in the days of Noah, are caught up in their fun-filled aspiring lives, that they would be foolish to ignore the signs. Just as in the days of Noah, they were swept away in terror when the floods came. Do not let that happen this time.
My followers have been given exhaustive warnings, but it is no use. The problem is that those who accept the Truth, mingle with those who do not accept the Truth, and this influences them.
You must keep away from those who are pagans and pray for them. If you do not keep away, you will be seduced, by lies and unclean spirits.
Those, who resist Me will pull away from My protection. They will soon find that their lives of corruption will take them over, slowly at first. Then they will block Me out, and become a slave to lies. When you keep in their company, you, too will be attacked.
Then you will find yourself apologising for speaking the Truth, the Word of God. It will be at that stage, that you will see clearly the divide in your world. The Gift that you have received from the Holy Spirit, will mean that you will know, instantly, the danger they are in.
If they only knew the Truth they would run to you. For all the false gods they idolise, made from material things, created by God, they make the same classic mistake. They adore the wonder of material things, but ignore their Creator.
In the New Era of Peace, they will have so much more, so much perfection. Yet they turn their backs.
I will always love them, but their lack of love for Me, means that they won’t enter the new life, which I have created for them.
This new life was created and made possible for two reasons.
When I died in the flesh, I destroyed death. When I was raised from the dead, I gave you Eternal Life, when the body has no power over you anymore.
This is My Promise to all of God’s children. Those who survive at the end time, will not die a physical death. They are blessed. They will be turned, instantly, into perfect physical bodies, in mystical union with My Glorious Body.
It will be then, that they will meet those who died in My favour, who will be raised from the dead. They will all live in My New Paradise.
Your Jesus

Those who carry out cold-blooded murder, can be saved through your prayers

My dearly beloved daughter, never believe, for one moment, that those who commit terrible sins, and whose evil deeds cause atrocities in the world, cannot be saved.
Those who carry out cold-blooded murder, execute their fellow countrymen, or kill their own children, who are still in the womb, can be saved through your prayers.
Many such souls will not seek redemption in My Eyes, for they see no wrong in what they are doing. Their salvation relies on your prayers.
These are the souls, which I crave for the most.
These lost souls are so far removed from Me, that, it will only be by the suffering of victim souls, and the prayers of My disciples, that they can be saved.
Even those who, knowingly worship Satan, and who know that I exist, but who continue to mock Me, can also be saved from eternal damnation.
I urge you all to call on Me, through this Crusade Prayer, to seek redemption for those souls, in mortal sin, who commit murder.
Crusade Prayer (80) For the souls of those who commit murder
O dear Jesus,
I beg for Mercy for those who commit murder.
I urge for clemency for those in mortal sin.
I offer my own suffering and difficulties over to You, so that You can open Your Heart, and forgive them their sins.
I ask that You cover all those with evil intent in their souls with Your Precious Blood, so that they can be washed clean of their iniquities.
Remember that even though their sins may sicken you, My followers, these souls need your help.
They have been infested by the evil one, and many of them do not know the difference between good and evil.
These are the souls, which cause Me the greatest anguish and pain. My suffering is being extended so that every one of them can be redeemed.
Go, My disciples, and allow My Love and Humility to flood your hearts so that you can, through your generousity of suffering, help to salvage these poor lost children of God.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (80) For the souls of those who commit murder

“O dear Jesus, I beg for Mercy for those who commit murder.
I urge for clemency for those in mortal sin. I offer my own suffering and difficulties over to You, so that You can open Your Heart and forgive them their sins.
I ask that You cover all those with evil intent in their souls with Your Precious Blood, so that they can be washed clean of their iniquities. Amen.”
Your Jesus

Then there will be the introduction of a global vaccination, which will kill you, if you accept it

My dearly beloved daughter, the prophecies foretold at Fatima, now begin to manifest in the world.
The one-world governments, created in those nations who are working tirelessly together, have almost completed their work, which is soon to be presented to the world.
In its wake, there will be the new one-world religion, an abomination in My Father’s Eyes.
My Church has been infested by the enemies within it, who are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They deceive all with whom they come into contact.
Then there will be the introduction of a global vaccination, which will kill you, if you accept it.
This is a time when only prayer, and much of it, can soften the impact of this terrible wickedness, created by an elite group of people in power.
They are working in every part of your governments; and those who work, side by side with them every day, know what they are doing.
So cunning are they, that they will present every wicked deed, as being a great thing, a great service to humanity. They will do everything they can to desecrate everything to do with God.
They will spread and promote paganism. God’s children, who accept their laws, and their teachings, will become infested with their evil ways.
You must pray for protection, but above all, you must pray for these souls. For My Father intends to punish them. He will single out each and every one of them, and destroy them. Without your prayers, they will be lost, and they will be cast into the lake of fire.
Your Jesus

There will be different levels in the New Paradise of 12 nations

My dearly beloved daughter, My Love is so powerful, that it is now being felt by those who do not know God.
Despite the evil present in the world, man now feels a love in their hearts for others, which is at odds with the corruption, which is present in souls, and which will surprise them.
So unexpectedly will this love surge through their souls, that many will be reduced to tears. These tears of love, so pure in their hearts, will tear them in two. They won’t know why they feel like this towards their brothers and sisters. They will also feel this real and unique love for their Creator, God the Father. Yet, they will not acknowledge that He exists. Instead, many will wander and ask themselves.
What is this incredible, but powerful, love that I feel in my heart? How can this be, if there is no God? How can I feel this love, if I am merely a product of evolution; a product of particles made up of the earth?
The Truth, My children, is this. You are not a particle of the earth, a remnant of time. You are a living being, a living soul, who has the capacity for eternal life, without end.
You suffer because of the sins of Adam and Eve, your original parents. You may smile, ridicule, or make fun of what you believe to be a story of fiction, but the Truth is that you are living a life of imperfection. This life of suffering is because of the sins of your original parents. Tainted with their sin, you are blinded to the Truth of God, by the same serpent, who deceived them.
You believe that you live in a real world, a world of matter, which has limited durability. Your life on earth is short. Your bodies age. Your health deteriorates. In time your body dies. Neglect your spirit, your soul, and you are nothing.
Accept that you are a child of God, and your life on earth will become more important, when you live a life according to the Laws of God. Your life will be extended, and you will be given a great Gift, Eternal Life.
Were you to be shown a glimpse of this life, for just one hour, you would never offend My Father. You must know that you will receive these Gifts.
You will live with your entire family, those who have died in a state of grace, and those who will form My remnant army on earth.
Your body will be purified and re-created into a state of perfection, based on the age in which you accepted the Love of God.
You will live in love and peace with your loved ones and your neighbours. None of you will want for anything.
There will be different levels in the New Paradise of 12 nations. At the bottom level there will be towns and villages, all working in a well of peace, love, happiness and contentment. No one will want for anything. I will be their King, their Master, and I will reign among them, in Mystical Union.
Then there will be the higher levels. They will keep all nations together, in union with My Teachings, and all men will mingle in complete harmony with each other, and with the beasts of the earth, both large and small.
All will survive by eating from the Tree of Life. No one will lack nourishment.
Then there will be the governments of the nations. They will ensure that all will be in accordance with My Teachings. My governments will be ruled by My saints and apostles.
This will continue until the very end, when the second resurrection of the dead will take place, for the final confrontation.
Satan will be released, along with his demons, for a short period. Then all evil will be destroyed. My Mercy will, finally, be presented to the world, in the New Heavens and the New Earth combined.
Then all will be revealed, as the mystery of God will be shown to all, in its full and final Glory.
Your Jesus

Many of you will deny Me by accepting these wicked new laws

My dearly beloved daughter, the difficulties facing My disciples, at this time, are twofold.
Firstly, they have to witness the lies, which are being paraded before them, by secular governments, which are being force-fed. These lies, in the form of new proposed laws, new ideas and new rules, do just one thing. They break the Laws of God. They are the laws of tolerance, which permit freely, the acts of sin to be enshrined in your constitutions and churches.
The second torment will be due to the pressures, placed upon you, for daring to speak the Truth, the Word of God. Dare to speak the Truth, My daughter, and you will be fiercely challenged. Then you will be accused of being unchristian, and lacking in tolerance.
You see how Satan works? He deceives those weak souls into believing lies and accepting sin, by denouncing it, as if it does not exist at all.
These people, joined at the hip, across all nations, are increasing pressure, in order to destroy My Christian Churches, and to make sin acceptable. They aim to silence My followers, and their ability to openly voice the Truth of My Holy Word.
You will suffer because of these abominations. When you do, know that I unite Myself closely to your hearts.
Please be strong, for My sake.  You must pray for these poor deluded souls, for they are pawns, in a wicked game, plotted by those who honour Satan.
Do not be deceived, for just as you think their wickedness, disguised as tolerance and love for the rights of others, has overcome humanity, the battle will intensify.
The Hand of My Father will strike with such force, that they, the perpetrators, will be swept away.  You must never despair and think that this group will overpower My disciples. They will never be able to do this, although, it may seem like this, at times.
Wake up, My sacred servants. You must not allow yourselves to be bullied or sucked into this cunning plan, designed to desecrate the Word of God.
You must uphold the Teachings of Me, your Saviour, and never deny Me. Yet, you will be tempted to do so. Many of you will deny Me, by accepting these wicked new laws.
If you do, I will be awaiting, because if you call on Me, I will hold you up. With My Divine Intervention, I will sustain you.
Please recite this Litany (3) Defend the Word of God
O dear Jesus, protect us from the lies, which offend God.
Protect us from Satan and his army
Help us to love You more.
Sustain us in our battle.
Defend us in our faith.
Lead us to Your refuge of safety.
Help us stand up and defend Your Holy Will.
Strengthen our resolve to be Your true disciples.
Give us courage.
Give us confidence.
Guide us on the path of Truth.
Defend us against the enemy.
Pour Your Graces of Protection over us.
Help us to avoid temptation.
Bring us closer to Your Sacred Heart.
Help us to remain loyal to You at all times.
Go, My army, with calm and peace, in the knowledge that I am close to your hearts, in these frightening times. When you are lonely, feel lost or abandoned, know this. That is when I will be closest to you. This is when your weakness will turn to great strength, just as your enemy’s, perceived strength, will dwindle into nothing.
Your Jesus

Litany (3) Defend the Word of God

O dear Jesus, protect us from the lies, which offend God.
Protect us from Satan and his army
Help us to love You more.
Sustain us in our battle.
Defend us in our faith.
Lead us to Your refuge of safety.
Help us stand up and defend Your Holy Will.
Strengthen our resolve to be Your true disciples.
Give us courage.
Give us confidence.
Guide us on the path of Truth.
Defend us against the enemy.
Pour Your Graces of Protection over us.
Help us to avoid temptation.
Bring us closer to Your Sacred Heart.
Help us to remain loyal to You at all times.

Paganism will be enforced on all of God’s Churches

My dearly beloved daughter, tell the world that they must awaken from their slumber. If they don’t, they will fail to see the wicked plans, I foretold some time ago, unfold.
I speak about global domination, which is being orchestrated to destroy Christianity.
My Church is being decimated, brick by brick. My sacred servants are being pushed beyond their endurance, deliberately.
My Church is also being desecrated by those who practice adoration of the beast.
These false imposters are not Christian. They practice in the occult and infiltrate all organisations, including different churches and different religions. They target, in particular, the Catholic Church.
This is the Church they hate the most. Their lies have meant that Catholics are embarrassed to stand up and defend their Church.
Their lies have made it very difficult, for all Christian Churches, to defend the Holy Sacraments, as dictated by God.
Paganism will be enforced on all of God’s Churches and woe to the man who stands up to defend the Truth of God.
The time has come for the division of humanity. I will come and divide the earth.
Those loyal to My Teachings will be taken into My Bosom. Those who defy God, and blaspheme against the Truth, will be cast away.
The battle has already begun. The evidence is being presented.
There is still time to choose between the lies of this satanic group, who comes dressed as lambs, or the Truth, which you will be told is a lie.
You must be alert at all times. Keep your eyes open. Turn your back when My Name, My Body, My Word. is blasphemed against.
Your Jesus

This new one world religion will pay homage to the beast

My dearly beloved daughter, many souls are watchful at this time, as they witness the rapid changes in My Catholic Church, now starting to manifest.
The signs are beginning to show all that I prophesised through you. The lack of available Masses can be seen. The Holy Eucharist is no longer easily accessible. The Sacrament of Confession is limited in many of My Churches.
Many of My churches have no priests to manage them. There are so many deserting My churches, at this time of tribulation, that soon, these churches will be given over to commercial owners.
As the faith of Christians is being tested, it is important, therefore, to continue to pray My Crusade Prayers. Soon, new servants will be introduced into the Catholic and other Christian Churches.
Religious differences will be blurred around the edges at first. Then, within a short time, you will not recognise My Teachings, for they will have subtly disappeared. In their place will be a series of vague, but poetic, utterances, which promote the tolerance of sin.
The lies, presented to unsuspecting churchgoers, will not be noticed in the beginning. Then, a deep unsettling sense that something is not right will haunt My followers.
The final deceit will be when the Holy Sacraments have been replaced by pagan substitutes.
All will be presided over by the false prophet, who will claim to be the high priest over all religions, combined into one. This new, one world religion will pay homage to the beast.
All those who follow blindly will be devoured by the beast and be lost to Me forever.
The speed at which this will happen will astonish My followers. The plan is being carefully managed. The campaign, to convert the hostility of Christians into the acceptance of secular laws, is being professionally masterminded.
It is being planned among many nations, by one group, who use personalities, celebrities and figureheads, all of whom are respected by the majority, to endorse their evil lies.
Be warned. Do not accept lies. Do not become involved with the plan to desecrate My Holy Name.
Your Jesus
King and Redeemer of all of mankind

The announcement to herald My Second Coming, will be sudden

My dearly beloved daughter, I urge all of My followers to be strong at this time.
My Holy Word, My Gift to humanity, given to you through these Messages, will be the subject of much criticism.
You must stay strong when My Word is torn apart and belittled. This will be very difficult, but you must endure this torment for it is only the beginning.
The enemy will rise and tear down My Messages, given to each of you so that souls can be saved.
He counts every soul he seduces and then takes them away from My Messages. He does this by tempting believers, first, so that they will not work with Me to salvage your brothers and sisters. He does not want you to pray to save their souls.
Any servant of My Church who forbids you to pray My Crusade Prayers needs your prayers. They cannot stop My prayers from being spread. When they do this they need your help. Sadly, many souls will be led away from My Mission, the last of its kind on earth.
These times will see the division in My Church getting bigger; one side suffering to protect My Gospel, the other trying to reinvent My Church, modernise My Teachings and bring obscene laws into My Church.
Stand up with courage and unite for this time is almost upon you and you will hear of these new practices, none of which adhere to My true Gospel, My Teachings or the Truth.
These trials will loom like great barricades. You, My disciples, will feel trapped. You will feel helpless and your tears will flow.
Your weakness will be your strength. It is through your suffering, when you witness this terrible scourging, that you will become strong.
For every trial you endure in My Name, I will make you even stronger. Persevere and I will bless you with the grace of strength, courage and conviction.
You are My army, My ray of light, in the world. Every attempt will be made to extinguish this light, but it will be useless.
The ray of your light, your love for Me, will be illuminated so that it will become like a beacon of light and then a great fire. This Fire of the Holy Spirit, which will grip each one of you, will spread its flames to every corner of the world.
It will be you, My precious army, who will do this. You will be guided by Heaven. You will march forward. You will trample over the evil army of poor souls who are being dictated to by Satan and they will be powerless against you.
Soon afterwards the Glory of My great announcement will manifest in the world.
The announcement to herald My Second Coming will be sudden. It will also be unexpected, although you have been well prepared. By then you will be bequeathed with the great Gift of Eternal Life.
Your Jesus

Virgin Mary: I cry tears of blood for them and my Heart is heavy

My child, please pray for my lost children who increase in numbers every day. They do not, nor cannot, believe in my Son and turn the other way.
I cry tears of blood for them and my Heart is heavy. How lost they are and how empty they feel.
I pray that God, in His Mercy, will open their hardened hearts soon.
The Warning is close, my child. My children need to prepare. Those who shun these Holy Messages, from my Son and my Eternal Father, will have to answer to God.
Many have damaged this Mission and have encouraged souls to turn away. Many such souls have died since, in mortal sin. Were they to have accepted the prayers given to humanity, through the Crusade Prayers, they could have been saved.
Those who will not accept these Messages must not work with the evil one to undermine the Word of God. You must pray for the help needed to find peace within you.
It has been prophesised, that the end time prophet would not be accepted, although, much conversion will be achieved, through the spread of the Word of God.
It will be at your peril to reject the help, which is being sent from Heaven, at this time, to help you save your souls.
Do not insult my Son, by failing to listen. You may turn a deaf ear when you have read these Messages from Heaven, but you must listen first.
Your free will means that you can choose which path you wish to walk.
Your free will does not mean you have the right to deliberately blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.
When the Warning takes place, you will be filled with the Light of Truth.
Your soul will be illuminated and you will see what good deeds, and bad deeds, you conducted throughout your lives. At that stage, many of you will embrace the Love of God. Sadly, many will be too stubborn to accept their wrongdoing. They will be cast away and will suffer terribly.
Be prepared at all times. Time is short.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of God
Mother of Salvation

The Light of God is present in each and every one of you

My dearly beloved daughter, in order to love Me truly, you must see others through My Eyes.
When you look at another person, look carefully and try to see My Presence, for I am present in all souls, even blackened ones.
I am there. Look and you will see Me. This is one of the most extraordinary graces given by My Eternal Father to each of His children
The Light of God is present in each and every one of you.
This is love and every soul has the capacity for love.
When you see others, through My Eyes, you will feel love and this will touch your soul in a way in which you cannot deny. This love is real, yet you cannot see it or touch it. You will also find it difficult to explain to others. Yet it is there.
If all of God’s children could honour My Father’s Divine Presence in the world, in His children, then peace would reign on earth. Seek love and you will find it.
Take time to reflect on what I tell you now. The Light of God’s Love is like a shining star present in each soul. In some, it shines brightly and you can feel the love from that person envelope you. In others, it is, but a dim glimmer, hard to find, yet it is there nonetheless.
When you look at each other, think of it like this. God created each of you. You are brothers and sisters in His Eyes. It gives Him so much joy when He sees His children show love and respect for each other.
When they fight amongst each other, cause hardship and suffering to others, He feels a terrible pain. Like any parent, it hurts Him when His children do not share His Love, the Love through which they were created.
Remember also when you hurt each other, you hurt My Father. He feels the pain you inflict on His children.
Think twice the next time you judge another harshly or show hatred, towards another. When you do these things, they are displeasing to My Father.
If someone hurts you, pray for them. For when there is tension and lack of love present between two people, it is caused by evil spirits.
Rise above this temptation. Love others. Treat them with respect. Look at them, as through the Eyes of God. When you do this you will find love. You will find it easier to live with each other and accept each other’s faults.
Your Jesus

God the Father: My Hand of Justice is waiting to chastise those governments who plot to hurt My children

My dearest daughter, I wish you to know that, while the world may have to endure a great cleansing, which may not be pleasant, My Mercy is great.
I am an ocean of Mercy and will implement great changes to ensure that all of My children will be saved from catastrophe. The catastrophe I speak to you about involves the work of a secretive evil force in the world, who are trying to control every nation, for their own wicked gain.
So many such souls reject the Mercy of My beloved Son. So many will not acknowledge Him. They continue to inflict heedless suffering over those they control and fail to accept that their sins will not go unnoticed. They may fight against the Power of My Hand but My Hand will swoop down upon them and destroy them.
They will recognise the Power of God, in time, but for many of them it will be too late.
Every Act of Mine, including great miracles, will be witnessed by the whole of humanity shortly. I will do all I can, in My Great Mercy, which will devour humanity like a great ocean, to save humanity. No man will be left untouched by My Gifts.
When that happens, I will pursue those people who will push Me away, although they will know who I Am.
Then, those leaders in the world who fail to implement My Divine Laws and who scourge the earth with their cruelty to My children, will be struck down. By then, I will not allow them escape from My Divine Justice.
They are being warned, in this Message, to stop now. They must pray for guidance, if they feel uncomfortable or under pressure, to introduce laws upon nations, which will cause hardship.
I give them this time now to stop what they are doing and to beg Me to help them stand up to the wicked regimes, which are being planned against their fellow countrymen.
They know what I am talking about.
I am the Creator of the human race. I know each child of Mine. What they see. What they feel. How they think. I also know, those among them, who have sworn allegiance to acts, which cause tremendous suffering to people all over the world.
My Hand of Mercy is waiting to bring you back into the refuge of My Kingdom.
My Hand of Justice is waiting to chastise those governments who plot to hurt My children. You will not be permitted to cause this suffering.
For as soon as you introduce laws, designed to control those whom you serve, which are abhorrent to Me, I will send such a chastisement, that no man will be left in any doubt as to what has caused such a punishment.
You are children of Mine and it is to Me you must turn for protection. Without My protection you will be at the mercy of Satan.
Lest you forget, he, Satan, hates all of you. Yet, because of his powerful and subtle seductive ways you follow his pursuit of power like slaves.
Choose power on this earth, which may exalt you and bring your recognition over the ways of the Lord, and you will be cast away.
This warning is being given to ensure that you understand that there is only one Creator. Only one, which created humanity. Only one who has the power to bring to an end all that exists on earth.
God the Most High
Creator of all that is seen and unseen

Christianity is being attacked for one main reason

I am your beloved mystical spouse, the Son of Man, born of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.
My dearly beloved daughter, every horror I witnessed in the Garden of Gethsemane, when I was taunted, by the evil one, is unfolding in the world now, right before My Eyes.
People, everywhere, have lost their faith. They wander in a sea of confusion, and in a state of apostasy, not witnessed in the world on such a large scale before.
Love for one another has died.
Respect of other’s needs is no longer deemed to be an admirable trait.
Greed, lust and envy control the minds of many in the world today. Cold in their hearts, they no longer value life, itself, and think nothing of murder. It is taken for granted.
Christianity is being attacked for one main reason. It is to allow the laws, which condone sin, to be introduced, with ease, into your countries.
The obsession with false religions and false idols is rampant.
My Church is collapsing, and My sacred servants are not, for the most part, emphasising the danger of sin and the truth of eternal life.
Hatred, war, greed, lust, envy and self-love are all bound up in one false state, a state, which bears no resemblance to the Truth of My Teachings.
I knew then, in the Garden of Gethsemane, that My Death on the Cross, would not be seen for what it was, by this generation today. This was the pain, which tore through My Heart like a sword.
The Sacrifice I made for man, to redeem him in the Eyes of My Father, is not recognised today. How much they have forgotten. How much they have not been told. All of this has to do with the sin of tolerance, presented to the world as a good thing.
The wars and hatred spread like a virus, as they are planned by the evil one. The pain of My followers will unite with My pain to witness the obscenities, which will be spewed out by those leaders of Governments, who follow the lies embedded in their souls by Satan.
Satan and his demons are very powerful. Never believe for one minute that it is easy to loosen the grip they have on a person who has allowed them to infiltrate their souls. They will not give up easily and will prevent souls who want to turn to Me, their Jesus, for help, by rendering them helpless.
These souls will find it torturous to pray. The words won’t come out of their mouths. They will feel a total aversion to thoughts of Me. Try as they may, it will be an arduous task.
To those who say that they are good people, who do no harm to others, but, who do not accept Me, Jesus, in their lives, know this. You are not a follower of Christ. If you do not come to Me, you cannot be accepted into My Father’s Kingdom.
To enter My Father’s Kingdom requires preparation. Satan can move so quickly to distract souls that many are taken unawares.
These times of great unrest in the world, and lack of awareness of My Father, God the Creator of all things, can only result in one thing.
Catastrophe.  Chastisements will be poured out over the world in order to save humanity, to purify humanity.
If people refuse to listen, they will not hear the Truth.
The Truth will save, not only their lives on earth, but will give them Eternal Life.
Failure to accept the Truth results in death, both of the body, and the soul.
The time has come for humanity to make a choice. I cannot force them to follow Me. For all the gifts, the graces and the miracles, which will be given to them, they will still turn their backs.
For all My Great Mercy, some will still choose death, over life.
Your Jesus

Virgin Mary: Many of my Son’s Church leaders say nothing. They no longer defend, publicly, the Holy Name of my Son.

My child, the moves to insult the Name of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, are increasing.
Not enough is it that they deny Him, many want to insult His image in the minds of those who believe in Him.
The Crucifixion of the Body of my Son, the Crucifixion of His Church, is escalating.
Many of my Son’s Church leaders say nothing. They no longer defend, publicly, the Holy Name of my Son. They lack the courage to defend the Body of my Son, His Church on earth.
Many do not want to draw unwanted attention because of the sins of priests in the past. Many, simply, do not have the strong faith required to be a true witness to the Truth of my Son’s teachings.
So many in the world do not believe in the Existence of my Son and this makes Him weep.
So many who do know the Truth, think it is acceptable to show disrespect by listening to blasphemy and still they remain silent.
You must, children, acknowledge the Truth of my Son’s Crucifixion openly and without fear. People will listen. You will be heard. If every servant of my Son were to remain silent, then who will speak of my Son?
Who will spread His Holy Word at this time when so many of God’s children deny the Existence of God?
Very soon they will have no excuse. When they see the state of their souls they will understand that they have a soul for the first time.
Pray that they become stronger after this and that they become true soldiers of Christ.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

God’s Love, once felt by man, is something no man can live without

My dearly beloved daughter, you must accept that when My followers believe in these Messages, it will bring them a torment of the soul from time to time.
Many will rejoice when they read My Holy Word and will accept it as a miracle.
Others will also accept My Messages, but on certain days they will be torn in two by the doubts, which will assail them. These doubts are natural.
For some they will question and question whether they are truly coming from Heaven. Then they will be full of anguish because they know that their lives are about to change and that the Second Coming will be witnessed by them.
This means that the lives they have led, up to now, will change beyond recognition.
This is frightening for many because they want to cling to their old complacent lives however unhappy they were.
Fear of the future, fear of the Hand of God and fear of Satan’s army torment them. Yet, while My Messages can strike fear within their hearts, at times, they also bring comfort.
For one thing is certain. They will feel My Holy Spirit in their souls and once this happens they will become familiar with God’s Love.
God’s Love, once felt by man, is something no man can live without. It brings peace. So, no matter how fearful you, My followers, may be, you must remember that I, your Jesus, will never forsake you.
You are Mine.
I am the Life in your souls. Through Me, you will be saved. I am full of Mercy for souls who turn to Me for help. I will not let you suffer at the hand of Satan’s followers. I will cover you with My Precious Blood. You have nothing to fear.
Instead, you are being given the graces to prepare yourselves. Now you must be brave, do not allow doubts to cloud your love for Me or blind you to the Truth of these Messages.
They are My Gift to you. They are being given to you so that you will be protected and kept safe from harm.
Always ask Me to allay your fears, for they are planted as seeds of discontent in your mind, by the evil one in order to distract you.
I bless you. I give you peace. I give you My Protection. Trust in Me always.
Your Jesus

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