Friday 31 March 2023

Virgin Mary: End times prophet guided by the Heavens... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Virgin Mary: End times prophet guided by the Heavens

My child, I come to you to bring you comfort of heart. You, my strong child, will from now on be able to bear suffering to such an extent that you will welcome it and therefore prove your endurance while fighting to proclaim the Word of my precious Son, Jesus Christ.

You, my child, are torn. Each day presents new and more challenges in this Work, many of which are difficult.

Now is the time to pick up your armour without any fear. March onwards and fight for my Son to ensure that His Holy Word is heard quickly around the world, as quickly as you can. Do not delay. Do not allow distractions.

I love you, my child. You are fully protected from harm. Do you not notice how little you are affected now when attacked by others for this Work? This is the grace of armour.

Fight the battle against Satan with your army of warriors and help save all of mankind.

You are the true end times prophet, guided by the Heavens to help convert the world. Help will be sent quickly. Prepare. Rejoice, for this is a great Gift.

You are being guided every step you take, so just trust in Jesus and obey my heavenly Father at all times.

Be brave, courageous and march without fear in your soul.

Your heavenly Mother
Queen of the Angels

Crusade Prayer (36) For those who need help to honour the one true God

Jesus help me, for I am lost and confused. I do not know the Truth of life after death.
Forgive me if I offend You by honoring false gods, which are not the True God.
Save me and help me to see the Truth with clarity and save me from the darkness of my soul. Help me to come into the Light of Your Mercy.

Thursday 30 March 2023

My children have been stripped bare in this year of Purification... BOOK OF TRUTH..


My children have been stripped bare in this year of Purification

My dearest daughter, the year of purification is almost complete and My children everywhere are now prepared for The Warning as a result.

Many of My children have suffered terribly in 2011. Wars, violence, murder and hatred, all of which was masterminded by Satan’s army, have maimed and killed those precious souls of Mine. These wicked powers will suffer a terrible punishment if they do not repent after The Warning takes place.

Many of My children have been stripped bare of material comforts and have suffered hardships they have never had to endure before.

These trials were created and inflicted on mankind by Satan, but were allowed by Me in order to purify souls. Cruel, you may think, My daughter, but it was necessary to prepare humanity and to establish humility in their souls.

Now, more pure in My Eyes, their hearts have been opened to accept the Truth of their eternal life. This means that fewer will suffer during The Warning because they have undergone this persecution.

My children are now ready to receive My Gift of Mercy. This time is almost upon the world. Be patient, My daughter. Never expect Me to give the world a date, for it is not for your knowing as I have told you many times before.

Trust in Me completely and you will be at peace.

I will bring My Gift of The Warning when the time is right and when My children least expect it.

Your beloved Jesus
Redeemer of Mankind

Crusade Prayer (35) Prayer for souls to enter Paradise

O my Jesus, help me to help You salvage the remnants of Your children on earth. I pray that You will, through Your Mercy, salvage souls from the spirit of darkness.
Accept my trials, sufferings and sorrows in this life to save souls from the fires of Hell. Fill me with the Graces to offer you these sufferings, with love and joy in my heart, so that we will all unite as one in love for the Blessed Trinity and live with You, as one holy family, in Paradise.

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Second Coming to happen soon after The Warning... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Second Coming to happen soon after The Warning

Divine-Mercy-SundayMy dearest daughter, you must always trust in Me and know that not one single Message given to you will ever be contaminated.

You are firmly held in My Most Sacred Heart and your hand is being guided by My Hand.

Only My Holy Word can and ever will be written by you to impart My Messages for the whole of humanity.

You must not keep trying to establish the date for The Warning. I cannot reveal this date, for that is not according to the Will of My Eternal Father.

The Warning will happen most unexpectedly and when man is caught unawares.

Time is very short, so spend as much time praying hard to save souls. All souls.

Chastisement has been withheld and will only occur if man fails to repent and returns in large numbers back to his wicked ways after The Warning.

My Father has given permission to herald My Second Coming within a very short period of time on Earth. It will happen soon after The Warning. All souls need to be fully prepared.

The next Crusade of Prayer (14) to save souls is as follows: Prayer to God the Father for protection against potential Nuclear War and to ask for Salvation.

O Almighty Father, God the Most High,
please have Mercy on all sinners. Open their hearts to accept salvation and to receive an abundance of graces. Hear my pleas for my own family and ensure that each one will find favour in Your loving Heart.
O divine heavenly Father, protect all Your children on Earth from any nuclear war or other acts which are being planned to destroy Your children. Keep us from all harm and protect us. Enlighten us so we can open our eyes to hear and accept the Truth of our salvation without any fear in our souls.

Go in Peace.

Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (34) My Gift of Fasting to Jesus

O my Jesus, help me, in my own small way, to imitate Your Life of Sacrifice in order to save mankind.
Allow me to offer You the gift of fasting, one day a week, throughout Lent, to save all of humanity, so that they can enter the Gates of the New Paradise on Earth.
I offer You, dear Jesus, my sacrifice, with love and joy in my heart. To show You the extent of my love through this sacrifice, I beg You for the Salvation of every soul who may have fallen from grace.

Tuesday 28 March 2023

I can't bear to think of those souls dragged by Satan into Hell... BOOK OF TRUTH..


I can't bear to think of those souls dragged by Satan into Hell

havemercyMy dearest beloved daughter, preparations are important for all of My followers as The Warning draws closer.

All those believers must pray hard for the forgiveness of their sins, in order to avoid the pain of Purgatory, which most people in the world will experience immediately after The Warning, for a short time.

Pray, pray for all those who will be traumatized when they see the condition of their souls, when their sins are revealed to them during The Warning.

They must understand that their sins must be revealed to them, before they can be cleansed of all sin, so they can enter into My New Paradise on Earth – the New Era of Peace, Love and Happiness, which each of My children must inherit.

My Heart is full of Joy because I bring this great Gift to mankind. Yet, My sadness lingers because of those who will simply reject the chance of this New Life.

I need so many prayers, children, so that Satan can be stopped from stealing their souls. He will continue to do this right up to the last minute.

I cannot bear to think of those souls who will be pulled from Me, screaming and kicking in protest as he and his minions drag them into the depths of Hell.

Help me, children, to prevent this through your prayers.

Children, these souls must reject Satan and his ways outright, if they are to enter the New Paradise. They must either turn to Me willingly or not at all.

They have two choices, the New Paradise on Earth or the depths of eternal damnation in the company of Satan.

Never ever doubt the existence of Hell, children. Be aware that every blackened soul, upon death, is dragged by Satan’s demons into Hell and tormented for eternity. For all his promises, Satan has created a horrific state of torture for such souls. Because of his hatred for humanity these souls will suffer beyond their endurance. Yet endure they must for all of eternity.

Don’t these souls know what Satan’s promises deliver?

Don’t they know that riches, fame and seductive materialism will create a clear pathway straight into the arms of the evil one?

Wake up, all of you, while you can. Save yourselves and those poor, misguided sinners from this terrible end to your existence.

You do not have much time. Let prayer for these souls begin today.

Your Saviour
Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (33) Seal of the Living God

O My God, My loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity.
I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You, my Beloved Father.
I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever.
I love you, dear Father.
I console you in these times, dear Father.
I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children.

Monday 27 March 2023

Spiritual jealousy is a terrible thing... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Spiritual jealousy is a terrible thing

jesus_scrollMy dearest daughter, spiritual jealousy is a terrible thing and afflicts many of My visionaries.

It also afflicts those followers of Mine who feel isolated and somewhat disappointed when I choose certain souls to help Me save humanity. Instead, they must know that I love all of them equally.

How it breaks My Heart when chosen souls, especially, feel threatened by other chosen souls.

Each soul I choose is given a different task and asked to follow various paths. The common denominator is always the same. I desire that all of My visionaries, seers and prophets, undertake a Sacred Mission to save souls.

I use different souls, humble of heart, to achieve My aims.

Satan will always try to turn the hearts of My chosen souls by taunting them. He knows how to touch a raw nerve in their souls by telling them that other chosen souls are more important than they are.

After that he creates a feeling of hurt in their hearts, and jealousy. This means that instead of loving one another and keeping in a state of grace, they are tempted to look down on each other. In many cases they immediately dismiss each other and allow the sin of pride to invade their souls.

So many of My followers not only dislike my chosen visionaries and seers, they can treat them with contempt, just the way in which I, too, was treated by the self-righteous Pharisees.Featured Image -- 24373

During My time on Earth they probed and probed every Word, which came from My Lips. Every cunning challenge was presented to trip Me up, so they could prove I was a liar. So too will My modern day prophets and visionaries be treated.

Satan torments those followers of Mine by planting doubts in their minds about My messengers, because he wants to discredit My Holy Word. That is his goal.

Pray hard that each of you may be given the graces to respect My Word through the pen of My precious seers.

Visionaries – never fall into the trap of succumbing to spiritual jealousy. It is unbecoming and pierces My Heart like a sword.

Love one another.

Show respect and honour for each other in My Name.

That is the most important lesson.

If you find this difficult to do, then all other works for Me will be pointless.

Your Teacher and Saviour
Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (32) To stop abortion from being legalized in Ireland

O Mother of Salvation, pray for your children in Ireland to prevent the wicked act of abortion from being inflicted upon us.
Protect this holy nation from sinking deeper into despair from the darkness, which covers our country.
Rid us of the evil one who wants to destroy your children, yet to be born.
Pray that those leaders will have the courage to listen to those who love your Son, so that they will follow the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday 26 March 2023

God the Father: Promise of Immunity for those who reject Jesus.... BOOK OF TRUTH..


God the Father: Promise of Immunity for those who reject Jesus

jesus-my-loveMy precious daughter, thank you for responding to this important calling from the Heavenly Realm when I asked you to accept the Mystical Union with My precious Son, Jesus Christ.

I Am Present in My Son, Jesus, as He is in Me, united with the Love of the Holy Spirit. Your soul, therefore, is now entwined with Mine and everything will become much clearer to you.

My child, you are being moulded into the creature I so desire, so that you will be made worthy in full for this Divine Mission. Tears of Divine intervention were given to you so you could recognize instantly this new, unexpected calling. Now that you have shed your tears, cry no more for only happiness will reign in your soul from now on.

My daughter, it saddens Me that no one recognizes Me any more in the world. Many have forgotten Me completely. I mean nothing to so many of My children.

You must help Me, daughter, when I manifest My Presence, so that I Am recognized through prayer. Please pray that the whole of humanity will accept the Gift of New Life, which will now be given to them by My beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

No one truly understands My concern for those souls who reject Me or the Existence of the Saviour I sent into the world.divine-mercy-confession

These poor souls, so full of logical explanations used to arrogantly dismiss My Existence, are lost to Me at this time. Their only salvation – as many will reject the offer of Divine Mercy during The Warning – will be through the prayer of those children who love the Father.

So many, who do not accept Me, still know very little about Me. I Am a God of Paternal Love, a heavenly Father Who watches over each child of Mine, the strong, the weak, the sick, the good and the wicked. No one is excluded from My infinite Love, no matter how black their soul is.

I urge you, children, to pray to Me in the Name of My Son, in atonement for all the sins of mankind.

My Son will envelop the whole of humanity now and when the Illumination of Conscience is past your prayers are truly needed at that stage. Your prayers, children, will help save those people who will defiantly continue to reject the Mercy My Son will show them.

My solemn promise, children, is that all those of you who call on Me, on behalf of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to save your brothers and sisters, that they will be granted immediate immunity.Featured Image -- 24965

Special graces will be given to each of you who pledges a full month of prayer for their souls. Here is what I request you to say:

Crusade prayer (13) Prayer calling for immunity

“O heavenly Father, through the Love of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ whose Passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those who still reject His Hand of Mercy. Flood their souls, dear Father, with Your token of Love. I plead with You heavenly Father, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation. Through Your Mercy allow them to be the first to enter the New Era of Peace on Earth. Amen.”

Your heavenly Father
God the Most High

(Note of Clarification: the immunity will be granted to those for whom you pray.)

Crusade Prayer (31) Chain of Protection Prayer

O, my Jesus, let my prayer invoke Your Holy Spirit to descend on those leaders driven by lust, greed, avarice and pride to stop the persecution of Your innocent children.
I ask you to stop poverty, famine and wars from devouring Your children, and I pray that European leaders will open their hearts to the Truth of Your Love.

Saturday 25 March 2023

Transition into New Paradise will be swift and without suffering..BOOK OF TRUTH..


Transition into New Paradise will be swift and without suffering

I come to you today with great joy in My Sacred Heart as your Spouse. You, My daughter, have accepted this most sacred request to join Me to save souls.

It will be through your humble obedience that much will be expected of you now. Fear will be obliterated as you move forward, as a result of My special bequest, to devote your life to My ardent wish to save humanity from the depths of Hell.

Your Work, guided by My Divine Hand, is now completely sacred and free from any kind of interference by the evil one.

No more doubts will assail you but know this. My Word to you will be violated and torn asunder. Every attempt will now be made to sully these Holy Messages even from those who profess to know Me.

Your suffering will be accepted by you, from now on, with complete surrender and joy in your soul. My strength, given to you by the Power of the Holy Spirit, will startle you. You will rise with complete conviction of heart and with a quiet, but determined confidence to deliver My Word throughout the whole world.

No man will or can stop you in this Work. No man can prevent you from this most sacred pure calling from the Heavens.

You, My daughter, are ready to become a lifeline for those souls drifting in the wilderness. They will respond to the call of these Messages no matter how hardened their hearts are. Many will not know why this is happening to them. It will be by the Power of the Holy Spirit, which will ignite a flame of love and joy in their souls, that will draw them to Me through these, My urgent pleas, to bring My children back into My Sacred Arms.

Thank you for responding to this special request to become My spouse in final union with Me. This contract, when you hand Me over your soul completely, will allow Me the freedom I need to conclude this Mission successfully for which you have been chosen.

Go now, My precious daughter, and help Me to fulfil My promise to mankind. My return will be to reclaim My precious children and take them into the New Era of Peace. This transition into the New Paradise will be swift and without suffering because of your gift to Me.

Tell My children, My Heart is swollen with joy at this time as the time to celebrate My birth draws close.

I love you.

Your beloved Saviour and Redeemer
Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (30) Prayer to avert war, famine and religious persecution

O, my Eternal Father, God the Creator of the Universe, in the Name of Your precious Son, I beg you to make us love You more.
Help us to be brave, fearless, and strong in the face of adversity. Accept our sacrifices, sufferings and trials as a gift before Your Throne to save Your children on earth.
Soften the hearts of unclean souls. Open their eyes to the Truth of Your Love, so that they can join with all of Your children in the Paradise on earth You have lovingly created for us, according to your Divine Will.

Friday 24 March 2023

Attempts to introduce World Currency in Europe.... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Attempts to introduce World Currency in Europe

My dearly beloved daughter, how I wish My children, especially those suffering in Europe under the oppression, would just turn to My Father for help.

The evil group, I have referred to time and time again, are now moving closer in their attempts to control all My poor children in this part of the world.

They, innocent pawns in a ruthless plan to introduce a World Currency in order to control the whole of Europe, must pray hard now for help from God the Almighty Father.

Never give in, children, to the persecution, which is being perpetrated behind closed doors. Pray to mitigate these circumstances. Call on God the Father, in My Name, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to avert this crisis and say:

“God the Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, I beg of You to stop this abomination to control Your children. Please protect all Your children in these terrible times so that we may find peace and dignity to live our lives free from the evil one.”

My daughter, prayer can and will bring these sinister plans to an end.

God the Eternal Father will, as I have said, chastise those responsible for this evil plot should they not turn back to the belief in their Almighty Creator.

Trust in Me. Trust in My Eternal Father and pray that this persecution be halted before the real plan to destroy, control and damage these souls is eventually revealed.

Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (29) Protect the practice of Christianity

O, my Lord, Jesus Christ, I beseech You to pour down your Holy Spirit over all of Your children.
I beg You to forgive those who have hatred in their souls for You.
I pray that atheists open up their hardened hearts during your Great Mercy and that Your children who love You can honour You with dignity to rise above all persecution.
Please fill all Your children with the gift of Your Spirit, so that they can rise with courage and lead your army into the final battle against Satan, his demons and all those souls who are slaves to his false promises.

Thursday 23 March 2023

Virgin Mary: I experienced the same suffering... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Virgin Mary: I experienced the same suffering

My child, when I gave birth to Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of all mankind, I was like any mother. My love for this child was so overwhelming, I cried tears of great joy when I first saw His beautiful Face. Yet I knew that the role I had accepted would not be easy, although I never realized, at the time, how difficult this journey would be.

When I looked into the precious Face of my cherished Child, nothing mattered, only my desire to protect Him at all times whatever the cost.

My Heart was conjoined with that of my Son then as it is today. This same Heart suffered in union with Him through every moment of His life on Earth.

Every joy He felt, I too could feel. His laughter brought a smile to my face. His sorrow pained me deeply.

His torture during His Crucifixion was felt in every bone in my body. Every nail, which pierced His Flesh, pierced mine. For every punch and kick He received at the hands of His persecutors, I felt also.

I experienced the same suffering, yet I was not present for much of the torture inflicted on Him, which was hidden from me and His disciples.

Today I suffer with my Son, just as it was then, when He is mocked in the world today and ridiculed in public, on the stage and in the media, especially by atheists, I cry tears of bitterness.

When I see my precious Son weeping at the sins He witnesses every day, I too weep with Him. I see, feel and witness His ongoing suffering for mankind.

Jesus Christ, the Saviour of Mankind, has suffered for all of you, but loves all of you very much.

I will do everything I can to fulfil His dearest wish to save every single soul on Earth from the clutches of the evil one.

When this Mission has succeeded, then and only then, can I rejoice in final peace when my children reunite as one in the New Paradise.

Pray, my child, that all those who pray for the salvation of souls that not one soul is excluded.

Go in peace and continue this most important Mission for my beloved Son.
I will protect you at all times.

Your beloved Mother
Queen of Heaven

(This Message was received after Mass and immediately after a private apparition in front of her statue, which lasted 20 minutes, in which the Virgin Mary remained solemn with her veil blowing.)

Crusade Prayer (28) Prayer for unification of all Christian Churches

O God of the Most High, we kneel before You to beg for the unification of all Your children in the fight to retain Your Christian Churches on earth.
Let not our differences divide us at this time of great apostasy in the world.
In our love for You, dear Father, we beseech You to give us the graces to love one another in the Name of Your beloved Son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We adore You. We love You. We unite to fight for the strength to retain your Christian Churches on earth in the trials we may face in the years ahead.