Wednesday 18 September 2024

God does not expect you to spend your time ignoring day-to-day matters or the time you spend with family and friends.. BOOK OF TRUTH.. VOL 4

God does not expect you to spend your time ignoring day-to-day matters or the time you spend with family and friends

10commandments judgmentMy dearly beloved daughter, when a man begins to believe in his invincibility, he is lost. So many people, who do not accept that life on Earth is but just a small part of their spiritual journey towards My Kingdom, are wasting so much precious time. The time I refer to is that given to you by God, in which you must live according to His Commandments, if you are to achieve Eternal Life.

If you do not accept God, then you cut yourself away from Him. When you do that, your life will be cut short, and so instead of the Gift of Eternal Life, your life will end when you die in this one. You must not waste the time given to you in this life by spending it chasing useless things, which will be but dust, in time.

God does not expect you to spend your time ignoring day-to-day matters or the time you spend with family and friends. It does not mean, if you enjoy the fruits of life on Earth, that you cannot adhere to the ways of the Lord. You can.

My daughter, I wish to make it known that there is much confusion as to My wishes for humanity when I desire them to follow My Teachings.jesus_scroll

Laughter is good. Companionship is important. Enjoying a fulfilling life is good, once you show humility and praise for God and then offer thanks even for the smallest of pleasures. Any Gifts you receive in this life, for the good of others, can only come from God. How you use these Gifts will be important in the salvation of your soul, when the Gifts provided by God are shared with others. Some are given great talents, but all souls are born with Gifts.

They are meant to help you to help others.

Those born with a talent for business, have an obligation to ensure that this is put to good use, for the benefit of others. Others will use their Gifts to care for their neighbor and to bring joy into other people’s lives. And then there are the souls who suffer. Their suffering is also a Gift, for they will help save the souls of others, and by doing so, will gain the greatest Gift of all – Eternal Life.

Life is given by God, for a reason. It is to give Glory to God and to encourage His children to unite with Him, finally, when life will change. God’s children are being prepared for this change, when finally, the glorious Eternal Life promised to Adam and Eve will become theirs. 

It is important to try and show much love and compassion to each other, just as you would expect to be treated by Me, when I come to Judge. Every day you must ask yourself, for every deed you carry out, would this please God? Am I doing enough to follow God’s Commandments? Am I breaking the Laws of God, and if so, what will the consequences be?

this-is-my-commandment-that-ye-love-one-another-as-i-have-loved-you1Ignore the needs of others and your needs will be ignored. Hurt any of God’s children with deliberate intent and you will suffer. Kill any of God’s children and you will have no life. Life on Earth, although it can bring much love, joy and hope, is full of trials. Each trial must be faced and you must accept that it is part of God’s plan in the purification of His children.

When you live your life without acknowledging God, you are living life to suit your own desires. When you do not set standards, laid down by God, you will lose your way. If you wander so far away that you cannot find your way back, then you must pray for God’s Grace to help you.

Every single request made to God, if it is for the good of your soul and for the needs of those who you love, is always answered.

Your Jesus


Crusade Prayer (45) Prayer to conquer negative thoughts

O Jesus, I know very little about You, but please help me to open my heart to allow You to come into my soul, so that You can heal me, comfort me, and fill me with Your Peace.
Help me to feel joy, to conquer all negative thoughts, and to learn the way to make me understand how to please You, so that I can enter Your New Paradise, where I can live a life of love, joy and wonder with You, forever and ever.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Never do this, for it is the one sin which, by its hypocrisy, disgusts Me..BOOK OF TRUTH..VOL 4


Never do this, for it is the one sin which, by its hypocrisy, disgusts Me

My dearly beloved daughter, as I try with all My Might to ignite the souls of believers, first and foremost, in these My Holy Messages for the world, I must warn those who speak ill of My Holy Word, yet again. While I seek out the souls of those lukewarm in their faith, why must those of you who profess to speak in My Name, denounce the Truth, when it is given to you from the Lamb of God through these Messages?

What man would speak to you in this way, in My Holy Name and dare to stand before you? No one. Only because of the Power of God can My Word be made known to you in plain language.

Man will continue to sin, whether he commits sins, which are the same amongst all of you in the world or whether they are of a grave nature. You are all sinners.

One sinner can never condone another in My Name, unless it be by My Authority, through the Act of Confession, which frees you from sin, for a short while. No sinner can condemn another sinner in My Name, for that is not their right. When you condemn another sinner, whether they are guilty of even the most serious act against God, you will become as blackened a soul as that person whom you openly condemn in My Name.

Don’t you know how you cause Me Pain and grief when you hurt one another? Have you not understood Me at all? Did you not learn why I died for you? To those of you who still do not understand the Truth, you must listen now. I do not condemn you for your sins, for I love you and will forgive you for any sin, no matter how terrible it may be. But when you declare yourself, in My Name, to be equal to Me and judge another sinner using My Name, I will condemn you too.

Not one of you, no matter how I love you, can judge another. Only I, Jesus Christ, have been given the Authority by My Father to Judge humanity – no one else. If you commit this sin, you will have to face My Judgement. Never do this, for it is the one sin which, by its hypocrisy, disgusts Me.

The time is almost upon humanity for the Truth to be witnessed. Not many, including those who profess allegiance to Me, will respond to My Call, until My Father casts down many punishments. So blind are you to the Truth of Eternal Life, so immune are you to hearing the Word of God, that the only way you will listen is when chastisements are brought down upon you.

When the first of many befall you, many will say that they are natural catastrophes, but when they rain down upon you so quickly, and when you have nowhere to run, only then will you know that it is the Hand of God, which befalls you.

My Father will shake the entire world. Those of you, who doubt that He Exists, will know that these events cannot be attributed to nature alone. Those of you who believe in Me, but who ridicule these Divine Messages, will eat your words and you will want to cut out your tongues, because you will realise soon, how your vile words insult Me. Not only do you curse God, but you prevent this Divine Mission from saving souls.

For every soul you deny Me, you will suffer an eternity. When you stand defiant in the Face of God you will not be permitted to do so. Remember, no matter how I love you, I will intervene, should you attempt to sabotage the Work of God in this the Final Mission to save humanity.

The time for the Book of Truth to be given to the world has now taken place. If you follow Me, but do not accept Me now, as I Call you, do not worry, for I will not Judge you. But if you try to prevent Me from saving God’s children, I will strike you down.

Your Jesus

Saviour of Mankind

Crusade Prayer (44) Strength to defend my faith against the False Prophet

Dear Jesus, give me the strength to focus on Your Teachings and to proclaim Your Holy Word at all times.
Never allow me to be tempted to idolise the false prophet, who will try to present himself like You.
Keep my love for You strong.
Give me the Graces of Discernment, so that I will never deny the Truth contained in the Holy Bible, no matter how many lies are presented to me to encourage me to turn my back on Your True Word.

Monday 16 September 2024

You must not be frightened, for what I Promise is yours and it is your Inheritance.. BOOK OF TRUTH..VOL 4


You must not be frightened, for what I Promise is yours and it is your Inheritance

Jesus-Christ-3109My dearly beloved daughter, the world must be told that My Time to return is close. My Time has already begun, as I strive to turn humanity towards Me, before My Great Day.

I Am preparing all of you at this time, although many will turn a deaf ear. I do this with love, for every single one of you for whom I love, for every single one of you for whom I gave up My Body. You are going to witness My Intervention, when I will open the eyes of humanity and which will be clearly witnessed.

Miracles will take place when My Mission is accepted. My Presence will be felt and I will make Myself known through Acts of Great Mercy. This plan is to entice you back, to turn those of you who no longer believe that I Exist, towards My Glorious Salvation.

I Am the King, Who will Reign over the New Paradise promised to Me by My Father. To those who do not know Me, hear Me now. You are Mine. I bring you LIfe, not as you know it on this Earth, but Eternal Life.

You must not be frightened, for what I promise is yours and it is your Inheritance.

This Kingdom is what you were born for, so that God, My beloved Father, could re-create the world, as it was in the beginning. He is the Beginning, for He created it. He is the End, for when the Great Day comes there will be no more suffering, for the New Beginning – Eternal Life – will be presented to those who accept God’s Love. You must become more trusting, less cynical and accept the Great Gift of Life, which can only come from a perfect God.

Only God could create such a miracle – the Gift of Life.

Only God can give you Eternal Life, where death will be conquered, and with it all evil.

You must look to the future with anticipation. You must try to listen to these Messages, for they will be the lifeline you will need, as the days ahead will become darker.

It is My Desire that none of you should fret, feel worried, frightened and sad, for My Glorious Day will mean that I will wipe every tear, pain, sadness and suffering from you and cleanse you with My Great Glory.

You will experience pure everlasting happiness, at last. Everything you ever imagined to be a state of Heaven, will be yours.

If you cannot respond to Me now, because of a lack of trust, I will help you if you call on Me. Ask Me for the Gift of Trust through this Crusade Prayer.

Crusade Prayer (109) for the Gift of Trust

O my dearest Jesus,

Help me to trust You.

To trust in Your Promise to come again.

To accept the Truth of Your Second Coming.

To trust in the Promise of God the Father when He said He would give You Your Kingdom. 

Help me to trust in Your Teachings, in

Your Plan to save the world.

Help me to accept, with Grace, Your Gifts.

Help me to trust in You, so that I lose my fear and so that I can allow Your Love to flood my heart and soul.


Oh, how I yearn to comfort you, ease your fears, worries and concerns. How I desire to make the transition as painless as possible, so that you won’t have to suffer by the hand of the beast, whose work will be seen through the enemies of God.

If you trust in Me completely and surrender yourself to My Mercy, I solemnly promise that My Mercy will shorten the time when human suffering will escalate because of the wickedness of those who want to cause your suffering. 

I pledge that My Intervention, through miracles, will awaken those most in need of help – an awareness of the Truth. When the Truth of God, is accepted by those who do not really understand My Promise to come again, but who accept it, within their hearts, then suffering will be reduced and I will show Mercy to billions of souls.

Your trust in Me, however, will help you to see the Truth. When you accept the Truth, you accept the Keys to My New Kingdom.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (43) Save Souls during The Warning

O God the Almighty Father, on behalf of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and in commemoration of His death on the Cross to save us from our sins, I beg You to save souls who cannot save themselves and who may die in mortal sin during The Warning.
In atonement for the sufferings of Your beloved Son, I urge You to forgive those who are unable to seek Redemption because they will not live long enough to ask Jesus, Your Son, for Mercy to free them from sin. Amen.


Sunday 15 September 2024

When the New Jerusalem comes down upon the world to the sound of trumpets, the lights will fill the skies and all will be silent.. BOOK OF TRUTH..VOL 4


When the New Jerusalem comes down upon the world to the sound of trumpets, the lights will fill the skies and all will be silent

jesus-my-love1My beloved daughter, the pain you endure physically at this time is to save souls, who are so far removed from Me, that were you not to offer this to Me as a victim soul, they would be lost to Me forever. Always remember how much it hurts Me and breaks My Heart when I lose even just one soul.

My Love for humanity remains intact, for nothing could ever stop Me from loving each precious soul. I love them so much that the Gifts I have given you, My daughter, of seeing all of God’s children, as He sees them, with a purity of heart, is never ending. This is why you suffer so much, My little one. It is not because of those whose anger insults you, but it is because of those souls who are in terrible darkness and whose destiny terrifies you, that you endure these new physical afflictions.

Please understand that when you become impatient and upset, because of these painful trials, that they are nothing compared to the intense suffering which faces those souls who will be taken by the beast. It will mean nothing when compared to souls who must endure the pain of suffering in Purgatory. How little this will mean to you when you see how I will pluck those souls, who otherwise would not be able to save themselves, from the evil grasp of the beast.

My daughter, no matter how painful this suffering is, it will not matter when I unite God’s children, when the most Glorious Paradise will descend on the Great Day. When the New Jerusalem comes down upon the world to the sound of trumpets, the lights will fill the skies and all will be silent then before the sound of angels, whose singing will reach every soul before the final moment.

This will be the last hour when I come to Judge the living and the dead. 

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (42) Pray of fasting to stop One World Currency

O God Most High, I offer You my gift of fasting, so that You will stop the grip of evil in the world being planned to starve my country of food, including the Bread of Life.
Accept my offering and listen to my pleas for other nations, to prevent them from the suffering being planned by the antichrist.
Save us, dear Lord, from this wickedness and protect our faith, so that we can honour You, with the freedom we need to love and adore You, forever and ever.

Saturday 14 September 2024

My children’s obsession with worldly goods and the adulation of personal wealth separates them from God.. BOOK OF TRUTH.. VOL 4


My children’s obsession with worldly goods and the adulation of personal wealth separates them from God

My dearly beloved daughter, as humanity sinks deeper into sin, they continue to search for material things, which they believe will satisfy the raw pain they feel inside, for nothing can bring them comfort when they are so far removed from Me. Not for one moment do they think of Me, so caught up are they in the pursuit of worldly goods – useless things – which bring nothing, only a longing for more and more.

Then there are those whose love of worldly attractions means that they become insatiable. They seek bigger and what they believe to be more valuable possessions. Eventually they build shrines to themselves. This is when they plunge into despair, because the more wealth and luxury they acquire, the more confused and distracted they become. They will lose interest in other people and soon they will become isolated, as they become caught in a spider’s web, spun by the spirit of evil to trap them and destroy their souls.

My children’s obsession with worldly goods and the adulation of personal wealth separates them from God. Your own love of possessions destroys your love of your neighbor. You will become selfish to the point that you will not care about the misfortunes of others. This is how you disobey the Word of God.

You must stop your pursuit of riches. Then you will become purer of heart. But allow this devious sin to cloud your mind and you will never be pure of soul, and thereby not fit to come before Me. Those who are poor have less to tempt them to separate themselves from Me. Those who are rich are poor in that they have much to learn before they can humble themselves in My Eyes.

When will you learn that when man places worldly pleasures before Me, that he will not be able to prepare his soul in order to enter My New Paradise?

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (41) For the souls of Non-Believers

O my Jesus, help Your poor children who are blind to Your Promise of Salvation. I beseech You, with the help of my prayers and suffering, to open the eyes of non-believers, so that they can see Your tender love and run into Your Sacred Arms for protection.
Help them to see the Truth and seek forgiveness for all their sins, so that they can be saved and be the first to enter the Gates of the New Paradise. I pray for these poor souls, including men, women and children and urge You to absolve them from their sins.

Friday 13 September 2024

I will create miracles all over the world to prove to the skeptics that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who has sent My prophet to prepare all of you for My Second Coming..BOOK OF TRUTH VOL 4

I will create miracles all over the world to prove to the skeptics that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who has sent My prophet to prepare all of you for My Second Coming

My dearly beloved daughter, all of those who know the Truth and who accept the prophecies contained in My Father’s Book, must accept that He has granted the world the greatest Mercy.

Now that the time draws closer for My Second Coming, those who recognize My Voice and who listen to Me, must devote their time to ensure that they spread My Word and pray for the salvation of all their brothers and sisters.

My beloved disciples, My Graces are being poured over you and you must remain confident when helping others to prepare for My Second Coming. Even when they scream obscenities at you, you must remain calm. This Mission will be the most vilified since My Crucifixion, but know that it is the Mission which will save billions of souls. 

This is My time. It is the time allocated to Me by My beloved Father, as agreed. It is the time for My Reign when the New Heaven and the New Earth will merge as one. Just as My Father’s Will is done in Heaven, so too will it be done on Earth. All will become one. Hatred, suffering and the power of evil will cease.

Every effort you make now to salvage your own souls and your prayers to save others will be worth it, no matter how difficult it is.

Let them roar at you, scourge you, abuse you, call you liars and treat you cruelly. The more you will suffer, the more souls you will bring to Me.

I have carved out this path and it is guarded by all of the angels in Heaven. Every evil spirit will cause disruption, create obstacles and try to stop you walking towards Me, but it will be useless. They cannot stop Me reaching out to you or drawing you closer. There will be billions of you. Those who refuse to prepare now will do so in time. You must not allow them to slow you down, for time is short.

Every one of you in My Remnant Army will be given special Graces and I will create miracles all over the world to prove to the skeptics that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who has sent My prophet to prepare all of you for My Second Coming.

Your Jesus

For Clergy:Crusade Prayer (40) Prayer for the Clergy to prepare souls for Second Coming

O my Jesus, I am but a humble servant and need You to guide me, so I can prepare souls for Your Glorious Second Coming.
Help me to convert souls and prepare them, according to Your Holy Will, so that they are fit to enter the New Heaven and Earth, which You promised all of mankind through Your death on the Cross.
Give me the Graces I need, so that I can impart Your Word to thirsty souls and that I never waiver in my duty to You, dear Jesus, to Whom I pledged my allegiance through My Sacred Vows.


Thursday 12 September 2024

Lies, very often, come dressed as good things. BOOK OF TRUTH.. VOL 3


Lies, very often, come dressed as good things

My dearly beloved daughter, how I wish that love would multiply in the world, for then man would truly love his neighbor, just as My Father commanded and there would be no wars.

Wars are the result of a lack of belief in the One True God. They are caused by fear, hatred and pride, all of which are enkindled by the power of Satan. As more people turn away from God and reject the need to prepare their souls for a life of glorious eternity, they will fall into much error. When they cannot see the Truth, they will be predisposed to believe in lies. Lies, very often, come dressed as good things. They masquerade as desirable deeds, rightful acts, pleasure, and as alternatives to what is natural.

Evil will rarely be seen as such, because that is not how Satan plans his deceit upon mankind. He, the evil one, whose works are seen within the words, deeds and acts of weak souls, is careful never to reveal himself. He will, through the poor souls he infests, come across as caring, pleasant and will always present an attractive façade. Cunning, he will draw people into committing acts of evil through temptation and he will do this by preying on their most vulnerable weaknesses. While he normally seduces through the senses, he will also appeal to those who seek the Truth in their faith. This is when he, Satan, will draw souls into a trap where they will accept evil as being good.

It will only be at a later stage, when they feel uncomfortable and uneasy that they will sense that something is wrong. By then, hatred and a disregard for their neighbour will have been manifested within their souls. Then they will believe that those actions, which they embark on, in the Name of God, but which insult God, are for the Glory of God.

When war is created in the Name of God, it is usually not to God the armies of the world pay homage to. When they murder nations and say they honour God, they distance themselves from God and side with the beast.

The beast is planning the destruction of humanity in two ways, at this point in time. In the first instance, he is destroying life through abortion, murder and war. In the second instance, he is attacking My Church on Earth so that all churches, which honour Me, Jesus Christ and My beloved Father, are destroyed. In these ways he will steal souls and prevent them from following the Truth and from inheriting My Kingdom.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (39) Help prepare souls for the New Paradise

O Jesus, my beloved Saviour, I ask You to cover me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I can speak with authority Your Most Holy Word, to prepare all God’s children for Your Second Coming.
I beseech you, Lord Jesus, for all the Graces that I need, so I can reach out to all faiths, creeds and nationalities, wherever I go.
Help me to speak with Your Tongue, soothe poor souls with Your Lips, and love all souls with the special Divine Love, which pours out from Your Sacred Heart.
Help me to save souls, so close to Your Heart, and allow me to console You, dear Jesus, when lost souls continue to reject Your Mercy.
Jesus, I am nothing without You, but with Your generous aid, I will fight in Your Name to help save the whole of humanity.