Wednesday 30 June 2021

Mother of Salvation: Introduce abortion in Ireland and you sever the link to my Heart


Mother of Salvation: Introduce abortion in Ireland and you sever the link to my Heart


ABORTION-NORTHERN-IRELAND_800-e1449083028861I am your beloved Mother, Queen of the Angels, the Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

O how I weep today, as Ireland, the country most dedicated to me, their beloved Mother, falls prey to the evil one.

Great darkness has descended over this nation. So many have lost their faith, just as so many have turned their hearts away from my beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

My children in Ireland have allowed the evil one to turn their hearts to stone.

Those who love my Son are in pain as they witness the secularism, which has taken control over this, once holy, country.

Attempts are now being made to introduce abortion and if this were to happen, it will deeply offend my Precious Son.

My children, should you introduce abortion in Ireland, you will sever the link that has brought you so close to my Heart.

So many people in Ireland now insult my Son through the disrespect they show Him. I also am no longer tolerated and my name is demeaned.

My beloved child

Children of Ireland, chosen as special souls to impart the Word of my Father, throughout the world, you must listen to me.

Pray, pray, pray that these plans to introduce abortion laws do not take place.

Should this happen, Ireland will lose much favour in my Father’s Kingdom.

The sin of abortion is the most grievous in the Eyes of my Father. It is the worst kind of genocide.

You must fight this evil, children. You must do it now or the last Divine link, which needs to be strengthened, will, instead, be weakened.

You must rise, children, and reclaim your Catholic and Christian Faiths, for they are being stolen from you.

Do not allow those in power to sneer at you when you proclaim the Holy Word of God.

This spirit of darkness has now, not only covered your country, but the Holy Shrines at which I am supposed to be revered.

I weep in sorrow as I see my beloved Ireland fall by the wayside.

Yet there is hope, children, but you must now join, in force, to protect your Faith.

Soon you will be forced to abandon, not only your Catholic Faith, but your Christian Faith.

Reclaim your country from socialism and secular dictatorships.

They will plead for the right of citizens, but will deny the very rights they claim to protect, including the right to pray.

They will force you to accept, in law, the right to murder children not yet born.

Remember, each soul was lovingly created by God, the Almighty Father.

Any man who chooses abortion or assists in the wicked act of abortion commits mortal sin.

Pray, pray, pray my Crusade Prayer for Ireland (32)

“O Mother of Salvation, pray for your children in Ireland to prevent the wicked act of abortion from being inflicted upon us. Protect this holy nation from sinking deeper into despair, from the darkness, which covers our country.

Rid us of the evil one, who wants to destroy your children yet to be born. Pray that those leaders will have the courage to listen to those who love your Son, so that they will follow the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Go now, my child, and tell my children in Ireland that they must be strong. They must stand up for what is right.

They must never be afraid to proclaim the Truth, the Holy Word of God, no matter how difficult this may be.

Your beloved Queen of Heaven

Mother of Salvation

The Light of God will shine down on you and I promise that you will not feel alone
new irish /africa link for zoom

The Light of God will shine down on you and I promise that you will not feel alone

My dearly beloved daughter, God has already begun the final preparations to ensure that salvation is brought to all of His children. So many of you are oblivious to what exactly the Second Coming means and, therefore, you do not prepare yourselves. Many of you do not believe it will happen for a very long time.

So, only those who are truly prepared will be ready to greet Me, their Bridegroom, dressed and presented to Me as is befitting. Others will be asleep, unprepared and confused. Some will not believe in Me until I am seen in every part of the world. Some will die of shock, but most will be filled with joy and wonder. Those who allowed themselves to be deceived will be forgiven if they beg Me to grant them immunity.

Sadly, many will refuse My Great Mercy because their hearts will have turned to stone and nothing will open them.

The time ahead will be full of great revelations and special Graces poured out upon you. I do this to make you stronger and stronger, so that you will not sell your soul in return for worldly attractions. More and more of you will become closer to Me and as I speak to your soul, you will feel at peace amidst the horror of the great apostasy. When you witness this horror, you will be better equipped to withstand it and help others.

The Light of God will shine down on you and I promise that you will not feel alone, even if you are rejected by those who know no better. When I walked the Earth the Pharisees turned so many away from Me. The same thing will happen now. Many of you will be encouraged to, not only reject My Call from Heaven at this time, but My Teachings . My Teachings can never be changed because they are the Truth and only the Truth can save you.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (104) Free this soul from slavery

In order to save them, you, My beloved followers, must give Me your allegiance by committing their souls to Me during your prayers and when you receive the Holy Eucharist. You must offer them to Me every day and for every soul you dedicate to My Mercy, I will save a hundred more.

Do this every single day. At the end of every month you will be full of joy because you will know how many such souls have been given this Great Mercy. This is just another Gift I bless you with and the graces you will receive when you recite this Crusade Prayer will be in abundance.

“Dearest Jesus, I present to You the soul of my brother and sister, who has abandoned their soul to Satan. 
Take this soul and redeem it in Your Holy Eyes.
 Free this soul from slavery to the beast and bring it eternal salvation. Amen.”

Tuesday 29 June 2021

All the upheavals you are about to witness will be testament to the Truth of the prophecies given to My beloved John in the Book of Revelation


All the upheavals you are about to witness will be testament to the Truth of the prophecies given to My beloved John in the Book of Revelation

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for the new beginning is close. As the Great Tribulation continues to be felt, many events will take place. The enemies within My Church will, without any sense of shame, try to say that a new one-world secular church, which welcomes all sinners and all religions, is approved by God. When those in My Church welcome the secular world, it will no longer follow the Truth.

When you are a true follower of Mine, your faith will be seen in your deeds and works. When you are Mine, you will remain true to the Word of God. When you keep My Word, you are obedient to everything that I taught you. When you are not of Me, you will curse your brothers and sisters. When you are not of Me, you will hate those who are of Me. When you believe that you will have eternal life without having to earn it, then you are very much mistaken.

If you say that sin is natural and that only a just and fair God would forgive every sin, then this is true. But if you believe that eternal life is your natural right and that you do not need to repent first, then you are denying the Truth. I love every one of you. I would never be cruel, unkind, vicious, abusive, or hurt any of God’s children. But, I will never open the door to My Kingdom to any sinner, unless they show true remorse for their wrong-doing. When I lead you towards salvation, I open every door, so that I can welcome you on the last day. Many doors are opening now, but few are entering them. Not one of you will enter My Kingdom, unless you obey My Word given to you in the Holy Gospels. Your faith must be pure. Your love for one another must be genuine and your obedience to My Word will gain for you the Gift of eternal life.

Many who call themselves Christians are disloyal to My Church. You receive Me in Holy Communion with blackened souls. You ignore My Teachings and condone sins you believe to be insignificant in your eyes. You spread lies with a wicked tongue about others and you condemn many in My Holy Name.

You were given the Truth in the Holy Gospels, yet you do not practice what they teach you. My Love for you means that, while many of you will not earn the Salvation I gave the world by My death on the Cross, I will still give all of you the chance to see the Truth during My Divine Mercy when I come before you to help you decide whether or not you will accept My Gift.

All the upheavals you are about to witness will be testament to the Truth of the prophecies given to My beloved John in the Book of Revelation. When you see the Church enter into union with the secular world, you will know that the time has come for My Mission to gather souls all over the world.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (103) To share the Cup of Suffering with Christ

Recite this, three times, when you can, but preferably during any time of fasting:
I lay before You, dear Jesus, and at Your Feet to do what you will with me for the good of all.
Let me share Your Cup of Suffering.
Take this gift from me, so that You can save those poor souls who are lost and without hope.
Take me, in body, so I can share Your Pain.
Hold my heart in Your Sacred Hands and bring my soul in union with You.
Through my gift of suffering, I allow Your Divine Presence to embrace my soul, so that you can redeem all sinners and unite all God‘s children forever and ever. Amen

Monday 28 June 2021

Mother of Salvation: When a mission, which professes to speak the Word of God, is false there will be no hatred shown towards it


Mother of Salvation: When a mission, which professes to speak the Word of God, is false there will be no hatred shown towards it

this-is-my-commandment-that-ye-love-one-another-as-i-have-loved-you1My dear children, as God’s cherished little ones, you must never allow disagreements to turn into hatred for one another. The evil one creates terrible suffering amongst you by spreading his evil infestation and especially against God’s chosen visionaries and prophets.

When God is present in a Mission, which is sanctioned by Him on Earth, in order to save souls, Satan will always attack it. You will know God’s true prophets by the persecution and hatred, which is shown to them. You will know them by the public rejection of their missions and the wicked actions inflicted by others against them.

When a mission, which professes to speak the Word of God, is false there will be no hatred shown towards it, because Satan will never publicly attack those he deceives. When my Son makes Himself known, He will always be violated, as the sin of man separates him from God. When my Son walked the Earth, everywhere He went they screamed at Him. They cursed Him and threw stones at Him and all those who followed Him. And while they declared Him to be a fraud, they fawned over the many false prophets, who tried to compete with Him. The same will be true as He makes His final journey to gather up all those who remain in Him and with Him.cropped-sacred-and-immaculate-hearts.jpg

He will unite all those who live by His Teachings and who remain true and humble servants. Then, with the help of His Remnant Church, He will fight to the bitter end to salvage as many souls as possible, including the souls of all His enemies and all those who refuse to accept Him.

If you love my Son, you must never hurt Him by hating one another. My Son has told you that you cannot remain in union with Him when there is hatred in your heart.

Pray, pray, pray that all of you who declare yourselves to be Christians will follow the example set by my Son.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation.

Crusade Prayer (102) To sustain faith and belief in God‘s Message for the world

Dearest Jesus, when I am down, lift me up.
When I doubt, enlighten me.
When I am in sorrow, show me Your Love.
When I criticise, help me to remain silent.
When I judge another in public, seal my lips.
When I utter blasphemies, in Your Name, redeem me and bring me back into Your protection.
When I lack courage, give me the sword I need to do battle and save the souls You desire.
When I resist Your Love help me to surrender and abandon myself, completely, within Your Loving care.
When I wander away, help me to find the Path of Truth.
When I question Your Word, give me the answers I seek.
Help me to be patient, loving and kind, even to those who curse You.
Help me to forgive those who offend me and give me the grace I need to follow You to the ends of the earth. Amen.

Sunday 27 June 2021

Many will soon begin to use their knowledge of science to evaluate the Most Holy Gospels.


Many will soon begin to use their knowledge of science to evaluate the Most Holy Gospels

My dearly beloved daughter, many will soon begin to use their knowledge of science to evaluate the Most Holy Gospels. Instead of declaring the Truth of My Word, which comes from the Wisdom of God, they will start to twist it so as to give it a more modern image.

All of My Words, contained in the Holy Gospel, will be interpreted differently. They will say My Word means something new, which will be more relevant in the world today. They will try to give examples as to how I would teach you, were I to walk the Earth at this time.

Gone will be the simplicity of the Word of God, which is for everyone. Those who are intelligent, knowledgeable and who are proud of man’s progress in the world of science, will then begin to make insulting statements.

The Church will embrace so-called new scientific discoveries, which will discredit what is contained in the Holy Bible. They will reveal what they say will be new evidence, which casts doubt as to how the world was created. They will then say that much of what is contained in the Bible are simply metaphors designed to create peace amongst men. They will use the message of humanism, love of one another, in terms of your ability to look after the poor, uneducated and needy, as a substitute for the Truth you were given in the Gospels. Then, the false new doctrines which will seem similar to the Truth, will be embraced by priests, and only those who remain firm to My Word will keep the Truth alive.

My beloved followers, when you find that very few will listen anymore to the Truth – the Word of God – then you must comfort each other. You must continue to remind those in My Churches, who will applaud the heresies, which will be introduced, of the Truth for many of them will be none the wiser. So far will they fall away from Me, that they will readily accept such changes. It will be much easier for those with little faith to accept the word of those who demand reformation, than to remain true to the Word of God.

The call for the first changes will be made soon. With a sweetness that will soothe and passionate talk about the need to rise up as one united world – to show love and tolerance for all – you will be led into the greatest error. Many will be shocked at how quickly My Church will seem to embrace the secular world. Many will be enthralled at the way in which different religions, pagans and heretics, will scramble to join this new, one world charitable church.

They will say: “At last a church which is tolerant has reached out to all.” No longer will they feel ashamed to show disobedience to God. Instead, they will proudly proclaim that their wretched sins are not only acceptable in the Eyes of God, but they are no longer deemed to be sins at all. This will create great rejoicing everywhere.

For the first time in history, those who lead My Church into error will be loved, adored and virtually no criticism leveled upon them.

The greatest heresy, not seen since My death on the Cross, will now devour My Church on Earth. They will fill My Churches with insulting pagan symbols and I will be nowhere to be seen. And while they fill the buildings, which they created to adore Me, My True Church, comprising of those who remain faithful to the Truth, will become the only True Temple of God, for they will never accept the desecration of My Body. Their faith will enable them to spread the Gospels and keep the Flame of the Holy Spirit alight.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (101) Miracle Prayer to feel the Presence of Jesus

O Dear Almighty Father, Creator of all that is and will be, help all of us who can recognise the Presence of Your beloved Son in the Church today, to become very strong.
Help me to overcome my fear, my loneliness and the rejection I suffer from my loved ones, as I follow Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Saviour.
Please protect my loved ones from falling into the trap of believing in lies, which have been devised by Satan to destroy, divide and cause havoc amongst all God‘s children.
Please help all those who follow the abomination in Your Church to be saved from the eternal fires of Hell. Amen.

Saturday 26 June 2021

God the Father: No scientific evaluation will make sense when two suns are seen


God the Father: No scientific evaluation will make sense when two suns are seen

cross-sky-buchanan-michigan-3My dearest daughter, My Desire is to gather all of My children together, very soon, to witness My Promise. My Great Gift will come in the middle of the terrible spiritual persecution, when all that I Am will be denied. New gods, none of which exist, will be presented to the world. Covered with a glittering façade, they will be designed to stop all belief in My Existence. All of this heresy will extinguish the Light of God.

Soon, the stars will no longer shine with their great intensity. Soon, new, unexpected signs, which will defy all human understanding of science, will be shown by Me, to a disbelieving world, as the beginning of My Intervention is revealed. No scientific evaluation will make sense when two suns are seen. No definition, by man’s limited knowledge, will make sense. Yet, they will take every sign, given to the world from Heaven, and say that this other human life exists in the universe.

I Am the Creator of all life. I created man. I created the world. Never deny this, for when you do you will be following a false doctrine. Every intervention from Heaven – and there will be many – will be explained away. When you see these signs, know that the Day of the Second Coming is close.

I ask you, dear children, to never deny Me or to deny My Promise to bring the world the final peace and reconciliation, which is yours if you will accept it on My Terms and not your own. My Will is about to be accomplished at last. To prepare you, I will present to the world many miracles in the skies, in the universe and planetary system. When you witness these events, I want you to be joyful, for you will know then that I Am heralding the return of My Son to complete His Promise of eternal salvation.

Wipe the tears from your eyes. I know how difficult your trials will be. I refer to all of My Children, including believers and non-believers, as well as those guilty of terrible sin – none of you are excluded.  When you become reconciled to My Son, you will become part of Him and you will reign with Him in Paradise, forever.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High.

Crusade Prayer (100) For the survival of Christianity

O dear Jesus, we beg You for the skills to survive the trials we now face, as the last True Pope finishes his Mission for You.
Help us to sustain the terrible abuse we will now have to face because of the collapse of the Church, which we once knew.
Never let us deviate from the Truth of Your Divine Word.
Help us to remain silent when the attacks are placed upon our shoulders to entice us to turn our backs on You and the Sacraments you gave the world.
Cover Your Army with the powerful Love we need, like a shield, to protect us against the false prophet and the antichrist.
Help Your Church on earth to spread and multiply, so that they can adhere to the Truth and help you lead our brothers and sisters on the Path of Truth to prepare ourselves, adequately, for Your Second Coming. Amen.

Friday 25 June 2021

Mother of Salvation: Salvation is yours only through reconciliation with God


Mother of Salvation: Salvation is yours only through reconciliation with God

La SaletteMy dear child, my role as Mother of Salvation is to remind you of all that I have told you down through the centuries. Love one another as my Son loves you. Show compassion for everyone and especially for those who persecute you. Listen to what I revealed to visionaries at La Salette and Fatima and study them in great detail. Very little of what I instructed was carried out by you. My warnings were dismissed and the consequences of ignoring what was given to you will now become a reality.

When Heaven reveals messages to humanity, it is like communicating to a large stone fortress. Some of my revelations seeped through and were followed. Many were simply discarded by those of little faith, and the fortress became impenetrable against the intervention from Heaven, given to you to increase your faith and to keep you safe in God’s Arms.

My role as Co-Redemptrix means that my power against the devil has been strengthened, in a way that has not been granted to me by God before. So now is the time when all devotion to me will be carefully dismissed, by the enemies of my Son. When veneration to me is rushed through and when the request to safeguard countries against Communism is twisted, then my wishes will not have been carried out. I will, from now on, be a rarity in the official patronage normally afforded me, the Mother of God, in my Son’s Churches on Earth.

My power against the beast will be avoided by the removal of my image, my Holy Rosary and other devotions to me from many Catholic Churches.

Then, the temples of God will remove all traces of my Son, Jesus Christ, in preparation for the beast, who will come and sit on the throne in the highest temple of God. Then the true meaning of reconciliation with Jesus Christ will be adapted when they will say that it is no longer necessary to ask God to forgive you for your sins, if you lead a good life. People will start to believe in their own views as to what makes them good in the Eyes of God. But you must never ever forget that salvation, a Gift to every single sinner in the world, can never become theirs unless they ask God to forgive them first. This is the kernel of the Covenant, which was gained for the human race by my Son’s death on the Cross. Jesus Christ won, for the world, the salvation from sin and the Gift of Eternal Life. In order to receive this Gift you must ask God to forgive you for your sins.

Salvation is yours, only through reconciliation with God.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation.

Crusade Prayer (99) For the Salvation of Australia and New Zealand

O God, the Almighty Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, have Mercy on all of your children in Australia and New Zealand.
Forgive us our rejection of Your Holy Word.
Forgive us the sin of indifference.
Rid us of our pagan culture and cover us with the Graces we need to inspire hope, faith, and charity among our brothers and sisters.
We beg You for the Gift of Discernment and ask that You grant all of us the Blessings we need to ensure that only the Truth of Your Holy Word can be heard and that all souls are granted the keys to eternal life. Amen.