Friday 11 June 2021

Pain, persecution, suffering, ridicule and mockery will always be the lot of those chosen souls of God


Pain, persecution, suffering, ridicule and mockery will always be the lot of those chosen souls of God

jesus-my-love1My dearly beloved daughter, when you question why I, Jesus Christ, would allow suffering in the world, then you should understand the Will of God. Many people suffer in the world and always have done so. Suffering is caused because of the fact that sin creates division amongst men. Sin separates man from God and as such, man will sin against man. I allow suffering because it brings souls closer to Me, through the purification which such souls endure.

I do not delight in suffering. Instead, I Am Present in every single soul who has to endure pain and anguishIt is the Will of God that certain souls suffer more than others, because it will be through such victims that other souls, who are less deserving of My Mercy, can be saved.holyeucharist

I suffered willingly, during My Passion but My Pain and Humility defeated much of the power of Satan. Satan can never humble himself, because this is impossible. And so it is through humility, which ensues from the pain of suffering, that souls can dilute his power over others. Pain, persecution, suffering, ridicule and mockery will always be the lot of those chosen souls of God. Such souls are closest to Me and I will use this sacrifice of theirs to draw those other souls, who are most in need of My Mercy, into the refuge of salvation.

This lesson is very difficult for all of you who love Me and it may seem unfair. But know that suffering brings you even closer to Me and that it will yield for you Eternal Life with Me in Paradise. Never blame God for the suffering in the world, for it was caused, in the first instance, by the downfall of the human race, when God’s children succumbed to the sin of pride. 

Pride is the root of all sin and it is the cause of much of the suffering in the world. Pride leads to every other sin and this then creates division in the world and a lack of justice. Be assured that very soon the world will finally understand the true meaning of the Will of God. By then, the will of man will bow in deference to the Holy Will of My Father. Until that day comes, when man rids himself of pride and humbles himself before the Lord God, the Most High, there can be no end to suffering.

I love you child

When the world finally accepts the Truth and the Promise made by Me to come again, I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. I will raise the living and the dead in glory and they will reign in great splendor in the New Heaven and the New Earth, when the two will become one in Me. When you endure suffering, be at peace, as it will end soon.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (88) For Souls after The Warning

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, show Mercy to all of us poor sinners. Enlighten those hearts of stone, so desperate in their quest for guidance.
Forgive them their iniquities. Help them, through Your Love and Mercy, to find it in their hearts to grasp Your great Gift of Redemption. I implore You to forgive all souls who reject the Truth of God.
Cover them with Your Light, Dear Jesus so that it will blind them to the wickedness and snares of the devil who will try to cut them off from You for eternity. I beg You to give all God’s children the strength to be thankful for Your Great Mercy. I ask that You open the door to Your Kingdom to all lost souls who wander the earth in a state of helplessness and hopelessness.

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