Monday 31 May 2021

Spend the month of June in quiet contemplation as instructed by My Beloved Mother.


Spend the month of June in quiet contemplation as instructed by My Beloved Mother.

sacrament holy eucharistMy dearly beloved daughter My followers must spend the month of June in quiet contemplation as instructed by My Beloved Mother.

This month is the time when ,through the Crusade of Conversion,  many people can receive the graces of instant conversion through the sacrifices made by those of you who respond to My Mother, the Mother of Salvation.

You need to be quiet this month.

Please, I urge you to visit your churches as much as you can to recite My Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 O’Clock.

Catholics please receive My Holy Eucharist every day if possible during this month.

For this month will be the time when the plans, silently underway to increase unrest in the Middle East, are being finalised.

Be strong. Be patient. Be humble of heart.

Submit your will to Me and offer your trials and sacrifices for the conversion of all sinners.

Go in peace My beloved followers.

My Holy Spirit is covering you all at this time as I beckon you to this special devotion.

Your beloved Jesus

Mother of Salvation: This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father


Mother of Salvation: This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father

My dear child, I wish to call upon parents of children and young people, all over the world, to consecrate them to my Immaculate Heart. 

My Precious Son, Jesus Christ, desires that I do this, as He will cover them with His Precious Blood and so keep them safe. He wants you, dear children, to do this because He will grant great Graces upon them.

This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, He promises great Graces and those children who are presented to me will be protected from the influence of the spirit of evil. 

My Son will do all that is required to unite all families in His New Paradise and by consecrating your children to me, the Mother of Salvation, great Protection will be given to every family whose children’s names are offered to me.

My love for God’s children is very special, for I am the Mother of all God’s children. It will be through me, the Mother of Salvation, that souls consecrated to me, will be saved through the Mercy of my Son. These souls will not be tempted by the deceit, which will be presented to the world by the antichrist.

You must recite this Prayer once a week, before an image of me, your beloved Mother, and bless yourself with Holy Water before you recite it. 

Crusade Prayer (153) The Gift of Protection for children:

O Mother of God, Mother of Salvation, I ask that you consecrate the souls of these children (List them here…) and present them to your beloved Son.

Pray that Jesus will, through the Power of His Precious Blood, cover and protect these little souls with every kind of protection from evil.

I ask you, dear Mother, to protect my family in times of great difficulties and that your Son will look favourably upon my request to unite my family in one with Christ and grant us Eternal Salvation. Amen.

Go and be thankful for the Love that God has for His children. Great Mercy and Blessings will be accorded to every child and young person whose name you present to me for consecration to my Son.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

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Mother of Salvation: June Crusade of Conversion Month


Mother of Salvation: June Crusade of Conversion Month

Fatima2My child every effort is being made by Satan and those souls he has infected to undermine my Son’s Most Holy Word.

Always remember that Satan plants the first seeds of doubts within the hearts of chosen souls.

The worst condemnation will be poured upon these Holy Messages by those who are intimately united to my Precious Son.

When Satan does this he wins souls.

Do not let him do this My child. Walk away and do not engage with him.

My Son never defended His Holy Word nor should you succumb to this temptation.

The scale of satanic influence is growing and spreading throughout the world.

My poor children suffer so and I weep tears of sorrow when I see their dismay and sorrow.

Pray, my children for peace at this time so that God’s children everywhere will turn to my Son for strength.

Only divine intervention, given through the graces provided through your prayers, can ease your pain and suffering.

My Son yearns for souls to turn to Him for only He can give them the comfort they need. Nothing else will provide relief from the torment you now endure.

I urge you children to dedicate the month of June to the conversion of mankind and to ensure that they will seek salvation.

Call this month the Crusade of Conversion month and pray as one through prayer groups throughout the world.

Here is the Crusade Prayer for the Crusade of Conversion

Crusade Prayer (58) Crusade of Conversion Prayer

O dear Jesus I call on you to embrace all God’s children and cover them with Your Precious Blood. Let each drop of Your Blood cover every soul to shield them from the evil one.

Open the hearts of all especially hardened souls and those who know You, but who are stained with the sin of pride, to fall down and beg for the light of Your Love to flood their souls.

Open their eyes to see the Truth so that the dawn of Your Divine Mercy will shower down upon them so they are covered with the Rays of Your Mercy.

Convert all souls through the graces I ask you for now Dear Jesus (personal intention here)

I beg you for Mercy and offer you this gift of fasting for one day Every week for this month of June in atonement for all sins. Amen.

pray_the_rosary2Children, you must fast for one day each week in the month of June.

You must recite My Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily.

Doing this children, you will save the souls of millions through the Mercy of My Son Jesus Christ.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation.

Crusade Prayer (58) Crusade of Conversion Prayer

O dear Jesus, I call on You to embrace all God’s children and cover them with Your Precious Blood.
Let each drop of Your Blood cover every soul to shield them from the evil one.
Open the hearts of all, especially hardened souls and those who know You, but who are stained with the sin of pride, to fall down and beg for the light of Your Love to flood their souls.
Open their eyes to see the Truth, so that the dawn of Your Divine Mercy will shower down upon them, so they are covered with the Rays of Your Mercy.
Convert all souls through the graces I ask You for now, dear Jesus, (personal intention here).
I beg You for Mercy and offer you this gift of fasting for one day every week (for this month of June*) in atonement for all sins.

* Since this prayer first appeared, we have been asked to fast one day per week, every week.

*Note* This request for prayer and fasting can be used at anytime of the year but the Mother of Salvation asked for it to be done during the month of June.


The plans have been drawn up by the unholy trinity where all that is True will be banished


The plans have been drawn up by the unholy trinity where all that is True will be banished

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My desire that all of My priests, in every Christian denomination, begin to preserve the Most Holy Sacraments. Those in the Catholic Church will be the first to witness the destruction and desecration of the Sacraments. Those who are loyal to Me, Jesus Christ, will prepare diligently for this terrible wilderness into which My Church will be plunged.

You must prepare now, because it will be through your allegiance that all of God’s children will be able to receive the Sacraments in their holy state.

To all other Christian churches I say this. Remind yourselves of My Promise to come again on the Great and Glorious Day of My Second Coming. Know too, that in the years leading up to this, that all those who follow Me will face terrible trials. Those who will succeed to new positions of power, within all your denominations, will be led by the false prophet and all will mouth his words and copy his actions. 

Woe to those who side with the false prophet for he is the antithesis of John the Baptist and will be the precursor of the antichrist who will rule over all of you.

You will be protected by Me, for soon I will be all you have to guide you. Only I can be trusted to tell you the Truth when you will be swayed by the heresies, which will be presented to you as the new form of modern Christian theology. How cunning is Satan, for he will never shock – instead he will, through those who serve him – draw you towards a new twisted, back-to-front interpretation of My Most Holy Word.

The plans have been drawn up, by the unholy trinity, where all that is True will be banished. All that appeals to the secular world, when human greed and desire to ignore sin, will be presented, through all Christian Churches, to the faithful. This day has been written in stone and will be the final insult, allowed by God, before He sends Me, His only Son, to gather all those who remain true to the Word of God. When the lies are presented to you, they will appear to be a good thing. The badge of humility will be common in all of your churches, as it will be adopted by those among them who will deceive you.

Every trait, associated with Me – My Love for the impoverished; My Love for the weak and humble; My disapproval of greed, avarice and lust, will be used as part of the arguments used to force you to accept this new doctrine – this new one world religion, to prepare the world for the rule of the antichrist. 

As a loving God, you are being given these warnings in order to save you. Heed Me now. All I ask is one thing. Remain true to My Holy Word. My Holy Word was given to you, in the Holy Bible. It can never change. But the enemies of God will twist its meanings. When this happens, reject those who tell you that God would approve of such changes. Nothing could be further from the Truth.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (78) Save me from Evil

O Jesus protect me from the power of Satan.
Take me into Your Heart as I release all my allegiance to him and his wicked ways.
I surrender my will and come before You on my knees with a humble and contrite heart.
I leave my life in Your Holy Arms.
Save me from evil. Release me and take me to Your safe haven of protection now and forever.

Sunday 30 May 2021

Seals for distribution


Seals for distribution

Thank you for joining the Seal of the Living God Seminar May 30, 2021. I pray that it has encouraged you to share the Seal Prayer with as many people as possible (family,friends,coworkers,neighbors)

There are many sizes of Seals available to print off on your own or to send to a print shop for them to print off

The large Seal which can be downloaded and printed off on your printer

There are other sizes that can be downloaded

such as, a business card size and a bookmark size
Click here to download

If you are looking for other languages please visit There are over 50 Seal prayers in different languages and most of them have their own website.

The serpent gives the antichrist special messages, which he documents carefully


The serpent gives the antichrist special messages, which he documents carefully

lightning_strikes_vatican_david_wilcock_articleMy dearly beloved daughter, the most unholy trinity, consisting of My three enemies, the false prophet, the antichrist and the dragon, that is Satan, will rise now in defiance against the Most Holy Trinity. Know that they have many thousands and thousands of devout disciples and as the time draws near, many secret and vile ceremonies will take place to honour the serpent.

So careful is the serpent not to reveal his true self, his real wicked intentions against any child of God are disguised, and he presents himself to his elect chosen few as a charming, beautiful prince, where he manifests before them in the most seductive manner. Just as My Own chosen prophets are communicated with, the serpent gives the antichrist special messages, which he documents carefully and then shares with his hierarchy on Earth.

These messages contain instructions to desecrate My Church, in preparation for the antichrist to take up his throne and fool the world into believing he is the Christ, the Saviour of the World.

Heed now, all of you who dismiss this warning. Soon, many of My disciples, who love Me, but who do not believe in these Messages, will face great danger. The plan to take you away from Me has begun, and unless you remain cautious and alert, you will be enticed into the den of darkness. He, the antichrist, will emulate every aspect of My Divinity, made known to him by the serpent.

crossofchristHe, the serpent, watched My Crucifixion and only he has the knowledge of the details, which surrounded this terrible event. He will mock Me by instructing his devoted servants into re-constructing rituals, back to front, in My Church. My Word will be taken and new obscene parts will be added to It, in order to honour the beast, and many will not understand the significance.

Dabble with the devil and place yourself at his disposal and this will lead to great trials. Repeat the vile words he will plant amongst you and you will open your soul to him. Adore him, by loving the antichrist when he struts arrogantly before you and you will place him in your hearts, instead of Me. All I have taught you will be back to front, upside down and inside out. Because so many do not truly understand My Teachings and because so few of you have listened carefully to the Gospels, with regard to the events leading up to My Second Coming, you will be none the wiser.

Oh how My Heart breaks to have to reveal this news. How I wish you did not have to suffer like this. But, I promise, I will ease your pain and his reign ,when it takes place, will be swift.

The souls who are innocently caught up in this travesty of My Divinity will be shown My Mercy. Sadly, those who believe they will reign in a paradise, promised to them by the deceiver, will find themselves thrown into the lake of fire where they will suffer for eternity. There will be no one to help them, for they will have swallowed the lies, designed to gain their trust, which will result in loss of many souls who will follow their false doctrine blindly.

Pray for Mercy for those who will be deceived by the king of darkness.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (77) For Great Britain

O Most Heavenly Father, God the Creator of man, please hear my prayer.
I beg You to save Britain from the clutches of evil and dictatorship.
I ask that You unite all of us, of all religions, creed and colour as one family in Your Eyes.
Give us the strength to unite in defiance of any laws introduced to outlaw Your Teachings.
Give us the strength and the courage to never forsake you and to help save all of Your children through our prayers.
Bring all of my brothers and sisters together in unity to pay homage to Your promise to bring us eternal life and entrance to Your Paradise.

Saturday 29 May 2021

Every new law, soon to be introduced by enemies within My Church, will mock the Truth laid down by My Father


Every new law, soon to be introduced by enemies within My Church, will mock the Truth laid down by My Father

My dearly beloved daughter, if only more people would believe truly in Me, their Jesus, then they would find peace in their hearts. Where there is no trust, there is fear. Fear prevents the Love of God from penetrating your soul and then you become a prisoner. Nothing, only My Light, will lift the burden.

When I tell you the Truth, I do this only because I love you and yearn for the day when we will be united, finally. Do not fear the Truth. My Love will fill you with the courage and the strength to stand firm and remain true to Me in all things. I protect all of those of you who ask Me, but it is only the souls who abandon themselves fully to Me, who will have no fear.

The wickedness of the beast will be disguised as charming and modern and it will be revealed to all behind the veneer of humanitarianism, charity and ‘care for the poor’. Do not believe, for one minute, that Satan’s disciples will ever show you their true colours. Every lie presented, to replace the Truth, will appear to be logical and for the common good of all. Every new law, soon to be introduced by enemies within My Church, will mock the Truth laid down by My Father in the Ten Commandments, given to Moses. Every gesture, subtle though it may be, will be designed to insult Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man. The deceiver, through his servants, cannot resist mocking Me, for he hates Me. He will insult every vessel in My Church through actions, words and the addition of Satanic symbols. Only those who know the Truth will see these abominations and understand exactly what such gestures really mean.

The power of Satan can confuse, distract and torment My disciples. He, Satan, will never leave you alone, especially when you bear witness to the Truth. But know this – he can be overcome when you trust in Me completely. When you abandon yourselves before Me, he will not be given the power to influence your faith in Me. He, Satan, is finished. His reign, painful though it was for humanity, is at an end. His final insult before Me will be carried out through the antichrist, who will imitate Me and fool the world into believing that he is Me, Jesus Christ, and that he has come to save the world.

When you know the Truth, you will be able to withstand this temptation. When you remain firm to the Truth, contained in the Most Holy Bible, you will be saved.

The final attack will be swift and then I will show the world the Truth and only those who are full of hatred for Me will deny it. Do not fear, for I Am the only Saviour of humanity. Only My Love will sustain you. Fear only for those poor souls who will spit at Me as I reach out, finally, to take them into the New Paradise.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (76) The Atheist Prayer

Jesus help me to accept the Love of God as it is being shown to me.
Open my eyes, my mind, my heart and my soul so that I can be saved.
Help me to believe by filling my heart with Your Love.
Then hold me and save me from the torment of doubt.

Friday 28 May 2021

I may be their only true friend, their only salvation, but many of them will ignore My Warnings


I may be their only true friend, their only salvation, but many of them will ignore My Warnings

Jesus-Christ-3109My dearly beloved daughter, My greatest sadness is that those who love Me the most, in their masses, will refuse to hear My Voice, now as I call out to them.

I may be their only true friend, their only salvation, but many of them will ignore My Warnings. Even those who hear My Voice will ignore Me and dismiss My Words as heresy. They will not recognise the times they live in and will only realise the Truth during The Warning. By then, many of them will have cursed Me and removed themselves so far beyond Me that I will not be able to reach into their hearts or save their souls.

Do not underestimate the hatred which the devil has for Me. He betrayed My Father terribly, but he detests Me. This means that he hates My Church and it will be between My Church on Earth and the demons sent by Satan that the final battle will take place.

This battle has commenced and has already stolen My beloved souls, many of whom have failed to see how they offend God.

When My Presence is felt soon, amongst all those who love Me – irrespective of whether they believe in these Messages or not – I will flood their souls with knowledge by the Power of the Holy Spirit.jesus-my-love1

That is My Promise to the world. I will never forsake you to the power of evil, for I love you all so much. You are like a Limb from My Body. You are part of My Body. You are Part of Me.

Whether you want Me to or not, I will follow you until the Great Day and I will fight to save your soul. You may turn your back on Me, but I will not forsake you, for I Am patient. My Perseverance and Divinity are beyond your knowing.

You must never forget Me, Your Jesus, for I Am with you always, waiting for you to come to Me.

Your beloved Saviour

Redeemer of Mankind

Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (75) I assign My Pain to You dear Jesus

Jesus I assign my pain and suffering to that which You suffered during Your Agony on Calvary.
For every insult I endure, I offer it to You.
For every abuse and verbal onslaught I suffer, I offer it in honour of Your Crowning of Thorns.
For every unfair criticism of me, I offer it in honour of Your humiliation in front of Pilate.
For every physical torment I endure at the hands of others, I offer it in honour of Your Scourging at the Pillar.
For every insult I endure, I offer it up in honour of the terrible physical torture You endured during the Crowning of Thorns when they tore out Your Eye.
For every time I imitate You, impart Your Teachings and when I am sneered at in Your Name, let me help You on the road to Calvary.
Help me to be rid of pride and never to be afraid to admit that I love You dear Jesus. Then when all seems hopeless in my life dear Jesus help me to be brave by remembering how You willingly allowed Yourself to be Crucified in such a vile and cruel way.
Help me to stand up and be counted as a true Christian, a true soldier in Your army, humble and contrite in my heart, in remembrance of the Sacrifice You made for me.
Hold my hand dear Jesus and show me how my own suffering can inspire others to join Your army with like-minded souls who love You.
Help me to accept suffering and to offer it up to You as a gift to save souls in the final battle against the tyranny of the evil one.