Saturday 28 March 2015

The enemies of the Jews in all nations will gather together in unity to crush Israel

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for the prophecies foretold in the Old Testament regarding the fate of the Jews is to become evident shortly.

My chosen race will suffer
The Jews who rejected the Covenant of God, laid down by Moses, will suffer as they have done for centuries. Their power over the land of their forefathers will be taken and the only solution will be to sign a treaty where they will become slaves to the antichrist.My chosen race will suffer, just as I did, and little mercy will be shown to them.
The treatment of the Jews will be worse than that shown to them during the genocide, which took place in the Second World War.
It will be in Israel that the Tribulation will be seen, as foretold, clearly.
It will be because of Israel, that wars will escalate, when it will become difficult to determine who the real enemy will be.
The peace treaty will be signed soon afterwards and the man of peace will enter the world stage.
European Union will crush all traces of God
The beast with the ten horns, that is the European Union, will crush all traces of God.
Now is the time to prepare for their cruelty, which will be unprecedented, when it will come to the abolition of Christianity.
How proud they will be when the little one, hidden amongst them, will rise and boast of his power. They will applaud the appointed leader of a new church and his power will spread over the world.
This will develop quickly and to those sacred servants of Mine, who do not accept the Truth of this prophecy, you must know this.
Should you conform to the new laws of Rome, a city, which will be seized by the liar and servant of the antichrist, you will become a prisoner of this new regime. When you see the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist being amended and changed beyond recognition, know that this will be your chance to turn your back on this wicked regime.
My Church is infallible. It will remain infallible. If others, however, within My Church, rebel against My Teachings and change the Holy Sacraments they will be cast away from My Church. The new regime, not of God, will be fallible for it will not represent the Truth. Only My Teachings can be adhered to by Christians.
If you follow a manmade religion you cannot call yourself a Christian. Anyone who says that My Church is infallible is correct.
Anyone who claims to belong to a new church, where My Teachings have been tampered with and where My Sacraments have been abolished, will be living a lie.
This will be a very difficult time for My sacred servants, for they must follow the Laws laid down by My Church. I say to you now that you must still do this. But, as soon as My Sacraments have been desecrated, only follow My True Church. By then only those servants who follow the Truth can claim to lead My people according to the instructions laid down by Me during My time on earth.
Rise of Paganism
The rise of paganism will sweep over the earth and in its wake a false sense of peace will be created. Then you will see the rise in the adulation of celebrities and a fanatical devotion to new age spiritualism and satanic worship, disguised as modern psychological therapy. This is where worship of oneself will be the most important trait to strive for.

Sexual immorality will increase as the Battle of Armageddon intensifies
Abortion and murder will be so common that many will become immune to any feeling of compassion for those who are vulnerable.
It will be during this time that My army will continue, undaunted, in their mission to save souls. Nothing will stop them and for every hour of their prayers I will mitigate much of this suffering in the world.
To the Jews I say this. You have suffered because of your failure to listen to the Word of God through the prophets. You, however, will finally accept the True Messiah soon. Then you, too, will join My Army as it marches towards victory against the antichrist.
You will suffer just as I did for this has been foretold. The House of David will have its day of victory on the day I will raise up the New Jerusalem out of the ashes. As My New Kingdom emerges the king of the pagan world and his servants will be turned into ashes.
My Promise to come to bring you to My Father’s Kingdom is close. To you I pledge My Love and My Loyalty, as your promised Messiah, promised to you so long ago.
This is your inheritance. You did not reject Me, your Jesus when I was crucified. You rejected God.
I Am God. I Am the way for you to enter the New Paradise. Accept My Hand for I love you, I forgive you. You are My People and I Am coming for you.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (87) Protect our Nation from Evil

“O Father, on behalf of Your Son, save us from communism. Save us from dictatorship.
Protect our nation against paganism.
Save our children from harm.
Help us to see the Light of God.
Open our hearts to the Teachings of Your Son.
Help all Churches to remain true to the Word of God.
We beg You to keep our nations safe from persecution.
Dearest Lord, look upon us with Mercy, no matter how we offend You.
Jesus, Son of Man, cover us with Your Precious Blood.
Save us from the snares of the evil one.
We implore You, dear God, to intervene and stop evil from engulfing the world at this time. Amen.”
Your Jesus

When the freedom to speak is taken away, the Truth is hidden

My dearly beloved daughter, the prophecies, when the freedom of nations, which allows them to speak without shackles ends, are about to be revealed.
When the free voice of the media is silenced then you know that you are living in a dictatorship.
Many changes are being forced upon nations through the control of the media. When the freedom to speak is taken away, the Truth is hidden. Then nation after nation will be fed with lies dictated by pagans.
The Book of Truth is being given to the world so that humanity can feel the Love of God and be guided towards the Truth so that they will find freedom.
Freedom to make your own choice is being taken away by the elite group. You are like lambs being led to the slaughter and many of you will be led astray and will become blind to the Truth.
Freedom is a Gift given to every man by God Who respects the free will of His children.
Through your free will you will make many choices: some of these choices are frowned upon by My Father, yet, He never interferes with your free will for He cannot nor will He ever take this away from you.
Slaves of Satan will always attack your free will. They do this by tempting nations to take away the freedom of those over whom they rule. They do this for many reasons.
One reason is to make slaves of you for their own selfish gain. The second is to control the growth of their populations. The third reason is to wipe out all traces of God.
Since My Death on the Cross, this plan has been witnessed in many countries. Yet the western world managed to remain as free from dictatorship as possible. This will now all change.
Each nation will be taken over by another. They will fight amongst each other for power. Many nations will begin to introduce laws, which amount to communism.
Then there will come a time when the Red Dragon and the Bear will control all, but many people will not realise this because much of this dictatorship will be hidden from public eyes.
Know this. When attempts to wipe out the Name of God take root, and you become slaves to lies, then the Hand of My Father will strike.
One third of the world will be wiped out and Divine Intervention will continue until the last day.
To mitigate the evil laws, which will be introduced into your countries, where the Truth will be hidden from you, you must recite this Crusade Prayer (87) to protect nations from evil.

Crusade Prayer (87) Protect our Nation from Evil
O Father, on behalf of Your Son save us from communism.
Save us from dictatorship.
Protect our nation against paganism.
Save our children from harm.
Help us to see the Light of God.
Open our hearts to the Teachings of Your Son.
Help all Churches to remain true to the Word of God.
We beg you to keep our nations safe from persecution.
Dearest Lord, look upon us with Mercy no matter how we offend You.
Jesus, Son of Man, cover us with Your Precious Blood.
Save us from the snares of the evil one.
We implore you, dear God, to intervene and stop evil from engulfing the world at this time. Amen.
Pray, pray, pray for the Heart of My Father is broken at the speed in which sinful laws are being brought before every nation on earth at this time on earth.
Hope, pray and trust in Me so that this devastation can be diluted.
Pray that as many of God’s children as possible will keep their eyes open at all times and that they remain loyal to the Truth of the My Teachings.
Your Jesus

Virgin Mary: A Loving God would not generate conflict or cause a rift

My dear children, you must pray for all God’s visionaries in the world at this time. They suffer much and discord has been created within and outside of their missions.
Many people reject them. Even more reject those visionaries and prophets who have made their missions known to the world.
You must unite as one if you truly love my Son. There must be no room for jealousy, slander or hatred among you. When this happens the evil one has tempted you to dismiss, not the prophet, but the Holy Word of my Son.
This is a time when no division must be allowed to create barriers amongst those who follow the Teachings of my Son.
When there is division there is distraction. This stops the flow of prayer and delays you in helping to save souls.
A Loving God would not generate conflict or cause a rift. To slander another in the Name of God is a sin in my Father’s Eyes.
When you do this you offend my Son who has always said that you must love one another as brother and sister.
When you use the Name of my Son to damage the reputation of others, you must beg my Son to forgive you.
It is time children to be strong and to honour my Son by remembering all that He has taught you.
Many events foretold are now about to be seen in the world.
There is no time for division amongst those who honour my Son.
Soon, divisions will be forced upon Christians. This is why united you will become a strong army worthy to proclaim the Word of God.
Divided, you will be sucked into a vacuum where pagan laws will be forced upon your Church.
When you cause division there can be no unity.
Only those strong of faith, united within the Heart of my Son, will forge ahead in my Son’s army.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

No matter how much your belongings on this earth are important to you, they are worth nothing

My dearly beloved daughter, during the changes, which will very soon erupt in the world, no one must ever forget that it was God who created the world and that it will be by His Hand and through His Power alone that it will come to an end, in the way that you know it.
No government, no leader or man can control the existence of humanity or the death, which only God can decide, when souls can leave the body.
No matter how much your belongings on this earth are important to you, they are worth nothing. Yet many people spend most of their lives pursuing a dream of fame, wealth and the gathering of material things, which can be taken away from them at any moment.
This is why those souls, for whom I feel a deep compassion, suffer loss of wealth. I permit them to be stripped of all so that I can purify them.
Many people in the world have lost much by the hands of corruption and greedy organisations. Yet, while they need to eat and have a home to live in, I permit this suffering.
For it is only then that such souls will turn to Me for help. This is a form of purification so that then a man can come before Me in humility, a quality which is essential to possess, in order to enter My Kingdom.
Do not be afraid when you find yourself in this position. It will only be for a while and is a result of your own making. In time all will be well. This will be a time to reflect on your future and the place, which I hold for you in My New Paradise.
You must earn the right to come with Me. Your time on earth is temporary. Many souls who see the world as a place of material wonders must understand that they are but a glimpse of the exuberant and glorious gifts, which await all those of you who will live in the New Glorious Era.
Your time here is infiltrated with suffering, discontent, hatred and despair due to the presence of Satan.
You cannot see him but he and his fallen angels are everywhere prodding, pushing and tempting humanity all day.
Many people cannot accept the fact of his existence and this is very worrying. Yet, many will not deny the hatred they can feel when they are a victim of another person’s rage. Hatred can only come from one source. It is not something, which exists on its own. It pours from the mouth of the beast.
For souls who leave themselves open, because they will not accept that sin exists; they will be easy targets of the evil one. They will be drawn into the temptations he places before them, usually through sins of the flesh. These souls are easy prey and will not suffer like the souls who resist him. Souls who love Me, their Jesus, and who follow My Teachings with a humble heart are the ones which the evil one concentrates on the most.
These are the souls, which Satan finds extremely difficult to win over. These are the same souls who, through their prayers and suffering for Me, make him cringe and howl in agony.
To those of you who love Me, it is only through your perseverance and endurance that you can overcome the grip which he has, which weakens by the hour because of this Mission.
If and when you are attacked verbally, for no known reason, or when you are slandered in My Name, then know that your prayers are saving souls.
Please remain silent during these attacks, for when you engage with your attackers you give much power to the evil one.
Keep strong, My beloved disciples, for My sake. I will hold you up and soon your suffering will come to an end.
Your Beloved Jesus

My priests, you must not offend Me by declaring Me to be a liar

My dearly beloved daughter, I must explain that many of you who work hard to promote and spread My Holy Word will be attacked more than ever by self-appointed experts who will dismiss these Messages as being of no consequence.
Others, who attack you, will say that you have no right to proclaim My Word or to declare it to be the Truth.
Finally, you will be threatened by certain sacred servants from within My Church and told to stop what you are doing as they are offended by your work. They will say that these Messages are not from God.
They suspect that they come from an evil force. They will say that these Messages are in opposition to My Church’s Teachings. I say this to them.
What part of the Messages causes you such heartache? Why do you not speak the Truth when you criticise My Word?
Why do you boast of your knowledge of spiritual matters which you say exceeds Mine?
Do you speak on behalf of My Body on earth, My Church? If so, then I have not, through My Holy Vicar, authorised this.
Is your campaign to reject these Messages so intensely based on your own views and personal opinions?
You find fault and then threaten your flock that if they read My Word they will be misguided.
My Holy Word you say must be rejected and then you tell My followers that it is their duty to do so.
Why are you afraid of the King to Whom you have pledged your life?
I am not to be feared yet, My Word, sits uncomfortably with you.
There are many self-appointed prophets in the world who are not authentic and need the prayers of many. For those who are authentic, however, they are the ones you will always target the most. It is My genuine prophets who incur the wrath of priests, who are still unsure of the objective of this My Holy Mission.
Be careful about whom you challenge, spread venom, untruths and create aspersions, for I have not given you or My Church the authority to do this. My priests, you must not offend Me by declaring Me to be a liar.
When the day of the Truth is revealed to you, you will feel much shame.
You must put down your weapons and eliminate all the hatred and anger which torments you right now. Then look at what has happened to you. Satan has deceived you in a way so that your verbal and written attacks on this Work goes way beyond that which is expected of you as a priest.
Why has this happened? It is to delay this Mission and to take people away from My Prayers, which have been sent from Heaven to save souls. What you are doing is trying to stop Me, your Jesus, in My Plan for the salvation of humanity.
This is a very serious offense against God.
Here is a Crusade Prayer to help you to respond to My Call and to release you from the torment of doubt.
Crusade Prayer (86) Release me from the torment of doubt
I come before you confused, unsure and frustrated, dear Jesus, because I am worried about the Truth You proclaim within Your Messages.
Forgive me if I have wronged You.
Forgive me if I cannot hear You.
Open my eyes so that I can be shown what it is You need me to understand.
I implore You, to give me the Power of the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth.
I love You, dear Jesus, and I beg You to release me from the torment of doubt.
Help me to respond to Your call.
Forgive me if I have offended You and bring me closer to Your Heart.
Guide me to Your New Kingdom and grant me the favour, so that through my own prayers and suffering, that I can help You to salvage souls so precious to Your Sacred Heart.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (86) Release me from the torment of doubt

“I come before You, confused, unsure and frustrated, dear Jesus, because I am worried about the Truth You proclaim within Your Messages.
Forgive me if I have wronged You.
Forgive me if I cannot hear You.
Open my eyes, so that I can be shown what it is You need me to understand.
I implore You to give me the Power of the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth.
I love You, dear Jesus, and I beg You to release me from the torment of doubt.
Help me to respond to Your call.
Forgive me if I have offended You and bring me closer to Your Heart.
Guide me to Your New Kingdom and grant me the favour, so that through my own prayers and suffering, I can help You to salvage souls, so precious to Your Sacred Heart.  Amen.”

Those who follow the Laws of God will be demonised and sought out

My dearly beloved daughter, My disciples must understand that the trials they endure, in My Name, will only make them stronger.
To all those followers of these Holy messages, you must never allow attacks by other people to knock you down.
Even when they do, when they trample all over you and then kick you while you lie there defenceless, know that I will then raise you up. You will, each time, become stronger and then your fear will be lessened.
Pray for those people because it is not their fault. They are being used by the deceiver to turn you away from this Mission.
Now you must be told that My Mercy will soon wash over humanity like a flame of fire and it will engulf the soul of every man. When this happens the world will be steered into a calmer place. So many will convert and that is good. But like a storm in the night, the antichrist will arrive and dismantle this sense of peace.
He will interrupt people’s lives, although they will not notice at first. He will become a very powerful world leader and you must never look him in the eye. Cast your eyes downwards. Place your trust in Me and pray that those he infests can be redeemed.
Just as it is with any storm which you know is coming, you must prepare well. Do not leave any part of your house without protection. Batton down the hatches. Insulate you and your family from harm. This man has been given many powers by the beast, so you must protect yourselves from him or he will be responsible for causing you to stain your soul.
His wickedness will be carefully hidden from you and you could, if you are not prepared, fall into his trap.
The battle between good and evil will take place both on earth and outside of it, all at the same time.
The problem with this war is that those who side with the antichrist and the false prophet will be seen to be doing great good in the world.
Those who follow the Laws of God will be demonised and sought out.
My Refuge is where you need to flee. My Sacred Heart will, with every drop of My Blood, be poured over you in order to protect you.
Never feel disillusioned. Never feel alone. I have joined all of you together through this and other missions. In time, all those who follow the instructions I give through all genuine prophets and visionaries will help salvage the souls of billions.
Even 20 million of you, through your perseverance, trials, sufferings and prayers can save most of humanity.
This is My promise to you.
Pray, pray, pray for all of your brothers and sisters. For united we will all become part of My New Kingdom and all will be well.
Be in no doubt, however, that much work needs to be done to convert the human race.
It will be no easy feat, but the power and graces, which I will accord to this Mission, will ensure that the Holy Will of My Father can be completed in the way it must be.
Your Jesus

Not for Me will they place a crown of emeralds or precious stones

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am Christ, the Saviour of the human race and I will soon take up My Crown and reign over the earth at last.
The Crown of Thorns still remain, however, in place on My Sacred Head, until the great day comes when I will finally sit upon the throne promised to Me by My Father.
I Am the only True King, the only True God, yet I wear a Crown of Thorns so cruelly placed by the hands of ungrateful man.
Not for Me will they place a crown of emeralds or precious stones. Not even today. No, instead they still hurt Me by cruelly rejecting the salvation which I achieved for them when they crucified Me.
I have waited and waited for humanity to lift their eyes and open them in order to see the Truth.
Yet, so few Christians follow My Teachings. They are weakened by external pressures and remain silent as the world embraces sin as being a good thing.
My Crown has been prepared and I will arrive in Glory. No man will fail to see Me as I come from Heaven.
This event will take place over a number of hours and it will take a strong man of faith to shout and rejoice.
So many will be shamed and frightened when they see Me. Even then, if they ask Me to forgive them, I will do so right up until the very last second.
Beware of those who claim to be Me. This is very important for I will only come on the one day.
I will not walk the earth as a man for this has not been permitted by My Father. Let no such man deceive you.
My reign is near and let all those who fail to acknowledge Me, My Existence, or the prophecies contained in My Father’s Book know that it cannot be stopped.
Satan and those who follow him have no power over Me. The only power which matters is the Power of God who loves all of His children.
Prepare for My New Kingdom and be joyful. Look forward to the day for this will be the day when all human suffering ends for good.
Only those who follow My Teachings will experience My New Paradise.
My disciples must create a circle of prayer in order to save the souls of those who will not come to Me even on the last day.
Please pray the Litany Prayer for the Grace of Immunity for those who do not have the strength to help themselves.
Your Jesus

My beloved priests and sacred servants, fear not My Word

My dearly beloved daughter the persecution against My prophets and visionaries intensifies now as opposition to the messages increases.
I say to those of you, especially My beloved priests and sacred servants, fear not My Word. The fear and uncertainty you are experiencing does not come from Me. If it does not come from Me then you must ask yourselves, where does it come from?
My Holy Word is always resisted.
During My time on earth, the priests of the day, the Pharisees, did all they could to argue with Me. They tried, at every opportunity, to trip Me up, ask Me questions, designed to make Me contradict the Word of God, but they failed.
I remained silent when they tried to get Me to answer questions which they knew I was not prepared to respond to.
You see, although they practised their religion; held many elaborate ceremonies, decked in expensive robes, they lacked one thing. They did not possess one ounce of humility for they, mistakenly believed that, because of their role as sacred servants that they were above their brethren.
They talked, preached and presented in open places, as prophets, the Holy Word of My Father. Yet, they did not really understand the promise made by My Father, nor the lessons He gave to them through the prophets. They failed to accept that the time for the coming of promised Messiah was taking place within their own time.
They believed that this event would take place in the future.
They felt confused by My answers, My teachings and the simple life which I led. Yet, they felt drawn to me and kept coming back, again and again, to challenge Me.
Then they felt threatened because of My knowledge of spiritual matters, a fact they could not deny.
They tormented Me. I answered their questions, according to the Holy Will of My Father. Then I remained silent when they pointed their fingers against Me in a state of rage.
For all their proclaimed knowledge of the Word of God, they fell into the trap laid down by the deceiver. They believed that their knowledge was superior to Mine.
The tiered hierarchy of the church they created was like a royal monarchy. The king they honoured was not God but their own kings, appointed by them. The upper tier had little communication with the lowly servants who managed their tribes. As for the poor humble man, they had little time for him.
How they offended My Father. How they tortured Me. They had the blood of many on their hands, yet they managed, in the public eye, to keep them clean.
Their education meant that they believed that only they could interpret Holy Scripture correctly. My Word was treated as Heresy.
The same is true of today. So few of My sacred servants are prepared for My Second Coming. Their certification as Holy Ministers in My Church can create division, which I have not authorised.
These learned men of theology with many years of training fail to understand My Teachings; the prophecies or the way in which I speak.
To those of you who question My Word or try to create disparity, by comparing it to your own flawed knowledge of Holy Scripture, you must stop now.
Have you learned nothing Do you not accept that the time is close and that I am preparing you?
The enemies of this, My Holy Mission to prepare you for My Second Coming, are many.
The attacks are vicious. Every turn, every corner and every step I take, through these messages, face obstacles.
If you do not accept My Promise to come again then you must ask yourselves the question. What is my role in the Name of God? Is it to simply administer the Holy Sacraments. No this is not just the role for which you were called.
When you attack My Messages in the way that you do you make Me weep with sadness and frustration.
Haven’t you been warned to stay alert, for you do not know the day or the hour for when I will return. It is time for you to awaken your spirit, read the Words contained in My Father’s Book and then pray that I will bless you with the gift of discernment.
Those of you who reject Me, because you are cautious and worried that it is not I, your Jesus, who speaks then I forgive you. I understand how difficult it is but, in time, you will feel My Love envelop you.
For those of you who refuse to listen to Me, then you are guilty of the sin of pride.
To those of you who publicly denounce My Word, pull it apart and claim that My Messages come from the evil one, then you are lost to Me. So far removed are you, despite your arrogant belief that your knowledge of spiritual matters from books, makes you more worthy to speak in My Name, that you must know this.
Bring me a simple soul, with a purity of heart, who loves Me because of who I Am and they will join Me in Paradise.

Bring to Me a soul, full of pride who shouts at the top of his voice the Word of God, and I will cast him aside.

Trust in Me with a humble heart and I will pour My Graces over you.
Love Me without condition and you will recognise My Voice at this time. You are the fortunate souls. Yet, it is the souls who have removed themselves from Me who I crave and long for the most.
O Come to Me, My sacred servants. I give you the Truth because I want you to renew your allegiance to Me. Disobedience to My Teachings and failure to acknowledge your weakness drives a wedge between us.
To those sacred servants who have committed grave sins of the flesh you must come to Me so that I can hold you. Acknowledge your sins and I will renew your souls so that you are fit to help salvage other souls before I come again.
You must listen. If you do have doubts then I accept this. If you, however, try to harm My prophets you will suffer for this. Far better for you to remain silent. You must be willing to listen and humble yourselves before My Eyes. Only then will you be fit to represent My Body on earth.
Your Jesus

God the Father: I offer you the most perfect future

My dearest daughter, the Light of My Love falls over the earth today, in the hope that My children’s hearts can be stirred.
For those who do not know Me, and there are many who are afraid to approach Me, you should know that I desire to take you into My Son’s Kingdom.
I Am the God of Love and the God who bequeathed to you the Gift of Salvation.
You must not discard this Gift for it was given to humanity so that they could unite again to enjoy the Paradise, which I created for them in the first place.
This is the time for the day of the Lord and you, My children, are being prepared for this great day.
The time for My Divine Intervention, so that you can be saved that you can enter the gates of My Son’s Kingdom, is to take place soon.
When the prophecies foretold in My Holy Book begin to take place you will finally accept the Truth.
The Truth I have promised humanity for these times is being given to you now.
Why, you may ask do I need My children to be given the Truth of My Holy Word again?
It is because so few believe in My existence in the world today. They no longer heed My Ten Commandments.
Arrogance has replaced humility amongst My children, including many sacred servants who were appointed to impart the Truth. Many disregard the Truth of My Word and even more have never been taught the meaning of their existence on earth.
So many souls can now be redeemed because of My Love and I have, therefore, given you instructions, through My beloved Son, as to what is expected of you.
Embrace the Truth. Remind those close to you of My Great Love for My children.
As any good Father I will warn My children of the dangers they face. I will never allow them to walk blindly into the web of deceit, which has fallen upon mankind, like a fisherman’s net over an unsuspecting shoal of fish.
I will not allow those who try to stop My Holy Word from being heard to trip up the Words of My Son. Nor will I fail, in My duty, to warn My children of the punishments they will face if they continue to offend Me by their treatment of others.
I Am your Father. I Am responsible for gathering My children together again and I will use everything necessary in order to salvage My children from harm.
Every tactic, every trick will be used by Satan and his dedicated followers to stop you from hearing the Truth.
This I solemnly promise. You will be taken swiftly into My Arms and into the protection of My Son’s Great Mercy.
The battle for souls has commenced, although this may not be apparent to many of you.
In order for you to enjoy My New Paradise on earth, you must accept My Hand, as it is reaches out to you. Do not be afraid for I cover all those who honour Me, their Eternal Father and My Precious Son, with My Seal.
Heed My Call. Be strong. Close your ears to the whispers of the beast as he uses those souls, who are stained with the sin of pride, to take you away from Me.
I offer you the most perfect future. You must not reject this Paradise for this is your inheritance. How many of you would reject an inheritance of great wealth in the world? Very few. Do not make the mistake of turning your back on this Gift.
Anyone who tries to stop you needs your prayers, for I love all of My children.
I, your Father, will ensure that My great plan, to herald the Second Coming of My Son, will not be delayed.
Come to Me, through My Son, and you will want for nothing. I love you. I weep for many of you, too stubborn to see that this is, indeed, the call from Heaven, promised to prepare you for the New Era of Peace.
Your Beloved Father
God the Most High

One half will not deviate from the Truth. The other half will twist the Truth

My dearly beloved daughter, for every stern Message I give to all of God’s children always remember that My Love is ever Merciful.
My patience is all enduring and I will save every single person who calls on My Mercy, irrespective of the gravity of their sins.
How I yearn to free all from the grasp of the deceiver who tightens his hold on every soul he has seduced, so that many are powerless against his strength.
Let no man fail to understand this. When you have sold your soul, willingly, to Satan, he will not let you go free. Only I can set you free.
When those souls, who are lost to Me because of the sinful lives they lead, try to change their ways, they too, will struggle against the beast. For this is a beast who is aggrieved and he is vicious.
For many, even those who are devoted to Me, their Jesus, he will become like a thorn in their side from time to time. Nothing will satisfy him until you yield to his temptation, which differs from person to person.
Because every single one of you is a sinner, and will continue to be one until you are cleansed of sin, accept sin as a fact, but fight it.
To those of you who know Me intimately, you know that you can trust in My Mercy, always.
You know the importance of keeping in daily communication with Me. This can be as simple as chatting to Me during your working day. This is a perfect time to offer little sacrifices to Me.
If someone hurts you, offer this trial to Me so that I can save souls because of it.
If you are disturbed about the struggles you face, which you have no control over, you must allow Me to take your burden away.
Many people work long hard hours both inside of and outside of the home. All I ask is for you to turn to Me in your thoughts when you need support and help, for I will answer your prayer.
Never make the error by thinking that you can only communicate with Me during your time in Church, or before and after receiving the Holy Sacraments. I am there at every moment of the day. I respond to every request, if it is according to My Holy Will.
My beloved disciples, you are all God’s children. I unite you, nation with nation, so that I can bring peace and unity amongst the chaos, which will come.
Let Me bring you into My Holy Family and you will be strengthened.
Then you will rise and surge forward, renewed and with a new lease, to lead My army, which has not yet been formed in many countries.
Keep loyal to My instruction.
Please spread the Seal of the Living God everywhere. It must not be sold. It must be available for everyone. Pass copies to all those who need to be protected.
The division between the loyal followers, those who accept My Father’s Book, the Most Holy Bible, and those who want to change the Truth, is about to become wider.
One half will not deviate from the Truth.
The other half will twist the Truth.
They will do this to suit their own political and personal motivations, which will be hidden behind a couched language.
The Truth will soon be declared to be a lie and God will be accorded the blame.
They will disrespectfully declare that the laws laid down by My Holy vicar are old fashioned and do not suit modern society.
Every cunning argument will be in direct conflict with the Laws of God, which amount to this.
These people want to introduce laws, which legalise sin. They do not love God. They say that they do, and many of those who promote such laws are atheists, but do not reveal their true beliefs.
Many of their plans include the banning of Christian laws.
On the one hand, they tolerate the laws, which allow women to abort children because of lifestyle choices. They use the arguments of choice, but this choice applies to the needs of the mother not the child.
Many women will be tormented after they destroy life in this way. Many will feel a sense of loss because they will know in their hearts that the life that they destroyed was created by God.
Every powerful and convincing argument will be made to bring about the legislation of abortion. Every trick, used to garner support, which amounts to abortion being introduced for all.
For this sin, I will tear down their countries.
The sin of abortion causes My Father great pain and He will not allow this to continue.
The nations, which constantly try to make it available to more women and who promote it as being a good thing, will be taken out and dealt a punishment from which there can be no recovery.
They will be guilty of the sin of murder and will be one of the first groups who will suffer pain during The Warning.
God will not allow you to touch the lives He created.
His punishment will be meted out upon you in the form of earthquakes and many nations will continue to receive punishment after punishment until the day of the Lord.
Abortion and murder will be the two sins for which My Father will cast down a severe chastisement upon the world.
Sin, My disciples, is something like a stain, which blights your souls every day. But when you are in a state of grace, that sin diminishes. The more you receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession, the greater the graces you receive.
To those of you who attend daily Mass, very special graces are given to you. For you, My devout followers will be passed through the Gates of My Paradise quickly.
Go now and spend a little more time with Me. Chat to Me. I like light chatter and it brings Me closer to you. I yearn for you. I yearn for the intimacy I crave, so I can bring you closer to Me.
You can build a wonderful relationship with Me simply by becoming a friend first. Then our love will build until such time that your heart will burst with love for Me and Mine for you.
It is not complicated, to begin a new fresh beginning, to prepare for My Kingdom. Start now. Call on Me.
If you love Me, you will soon trust in Me and this will lead you towards the cleansing of your soul. You will be happier, at peace, and nothing of the outside world will mean anything, except for the pain of sin, which you will witness.
I am right here. I am waiting for you. I want mankind to be able to get to know Me properly.
I love you.
Your Jesus

Virgin Mary: You must pray that those poor souls who continue to crucify my Son turn away from sin

My child, all of my children who love my Son must unite in prayer at this time of strife in the world.
You must pray that those poor souls who continue to crucify my Son turn away from sin and implore my Son to forgive them.
Time is short and only those in a state of grace can enter my Son’s Kingdom.
When before, it took many years of prayer and sacrifice and devotion to me, your Blessed Mother; now there will only be a very short time left for you to seek redemption.
Pray, my little ones, hard for those who insult my Son and who dishonour My Father, God the Most High.
So many have turned their backs on God. The evil one has succeeded in turning their hearts into stone.
Very few honour the life, which was given to God’s children. Your lives are in God’s Hands. Any one who interferes with God’s Creation will be punished.
My child, you must call on all those who have been given the Book of Truth to pray to me, the Mother of Salvation. I have been accorded the task of helping my Son in the redemption of humanity.
Allow me to help you children to see the way to my Son with clarity and love in your hearts.
I will help you to overcome every obstacle, which blocks your journey towards my Son’s Mercy.
Please remember that my Son is all forgiving. He loves all of God’s children, no matter how they torment Him.
All you must do is to turn to Him and ask for His Mercy to bring you close to Him.
Pray, pray, pray for all those who have offended my Son and who have desecrated His Churches, for they need your help.
They are lost souls and must be brought back into the Bosom of my Son. Otherwise this would break His Heart.
Thank you for responding to this call from Heaven.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

This group of twelve, representing powerful nations, is an affront to the existence of My 12 apostles

My dearly beloved daughter, many insults are being flung against Me, the Saviour of man, and they are disguised under a veil of deceit.
Satan has infested Christians, in particular, all over the world at this time. He does this in the most cunning way. He convinces them that they must show allegiance to their brothers and sister by getting them to believe in lies.
People, by their nature, have a caring side born of a natural love for others. This is a gift from God. Satan uses this emotion to draw man into a web of deceit over which he has little control.  He manages to get them to believe in laws which amount to grave sins against God.
By supporting others in their quest to bring about laws, which condone murder, war and blasphemies against God, many people believe that they are doing the right thing.
When you believe that sin is acceptable and that it is justified, because it is for the good of others, you have fallen into a carefully orchestrated trap.
It is no coincidence that excuses for division in Christian Churches are mounting. It is no coincidence that any excuse to condone abortion is presented to you at this time.
Every nation is linked and every public outcry to introduce abortion, condone war and bring about changes in Christian Churches is being planned by one entity. This group has been planning these events for many years. They know exactly who they are and what they are doing. They are very powerful and dangerous.
Stop, watch and listen, for by now you must accept that what I tell you is in the Name of God. All these monstrous and repulsive actions, presented to you as plausible and caring changes in your society, have been planned and coordinated on a global basis by the group of twelve.
This group of twelve, representing powerful nations, is an affront to the existence of My twelve apostles.
They will present and support the antichrist in the world, just as My twelve apostles presented Me in public during My time on earth.
Their power means that each powerful nation supports each other to bring about sinful laws to ensure that they will be accepted.
How you, My beloved disciples, will suffer because of your access to the Truth. The Truth will open your eyes to the evil all around you. You must never fear the Truth. It is only when you accept it that it can protect you from these wicked laws, deeds and acts.
Know that those nations who partake in the introduction of wicked laws will suffer the most during the final purification.
They may believe that they are beyond reproach, but they will only succeed in achieving one thing. That will be a punishment, so severe, that they will not be able to hide or cover their faces to avoid it. They will, first of all, have to answer to Me. Many will spit, even then, in My Face. And then, they will join the antichrist, the beast and all those fallen angels for an eternity of pain.
I now warn you. To those of you who try to bring abortion into your nations; to those who defile My Christian Churches and to those who honour the beast; your days are few.
For you, there will be no future, no eternal life, no access to My Kingdom.
Your Jesus

Turmoil will be evident in every corner of the earth and only a blind man will fail to see the changes

My dearly beloved daughter, there is only one way to Eternal Life and that is through Me, Jesus Christ. There are, however, many paths which lead to Me.
Many who follow My Truth will find it easier than those who know the Truth but who do not pay homage to God.
My followers, you must understand that those amongst you who know the Truth, but who sit back and allow the Word of God to be deemed a lie, that you have a responsibility to Me, your Jesus.
Never accept laws, which honour Satan. You will know, in your hearts, which laws I mean when they are paraded before you. For then they will disgust you just as they disgust Me.
Let it be known that the battle against the Word of God has begun. The way in which this will happen will become clear to you.
Many changes in My Churches on earth; many trials amongst My sacred servants; rows between nations; and the conflict in Israel will all increase, in their intensity, all at the same time.
Turmoil will be evident in every corner of the earth and only a blind man will fail to see the changes all around you. Each of you will be affected in some way, but know this.
I have promised you that I will be with you, guiding you at every turn, easing your pain for every stone you step on in your quest for peace, love and harmony.
Keep by Me. Stand close to My Sacred Heart and allow Me to keep you strong.
Walk through this jungle of pain and confusion, with faith in your heart and trust for Me, your Jesus, and you will survive.
Never allow your conscience or commitment to the Truth of God to be swayed, for anyone, no matter how convincing they sound. No matter how many, so called tolerant, laws they force upon you so that you will accept them.
You will know, in your hearts, the difference between truth and fiction.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (85) to save the United States of America from the hand of the deceiver

“O dear Jesus, cover our nation with Your Most Precious Protection.
Forgive us our sins against God’s Commandments.
Help the American people to turn back to God.
Open their minds to the True Path of the Lord.
Unlock their hardened hearts, so that they will welcome Your Hand of Mercy.
Help this nation to stand up against the blasphemies, which may be inflicted upon us to force us to deny Your Presence.
We beseech You, Jesus, to save us, protect us from all harm and embrace our people in Your Sacred Heart. Amen.”

I have a Message, which I must impart for the American People

My dearly beloved daughter, I have a Message, which I must impart for the American people.
My dearly beloved followers, you must heed My Holy Word now and listen.
You are facing much persecution because of the sins of your fellow countrymen and those who are in control of your laws of abortion. This greatest sin, of which you are guilty millions of times over, has cut My Heart like as if a sword pierced it several times.
Your sins of immorality and your love of material wealth deeply offends Me. You have no allegiance to Me in the way in which it is expected of you.  Those of you who have fallen away from the Truth must call on Me so I can open your eyes.
I love all of God’s children in the United States of America, but I fear that sin has driven a wedge so wide that many of you will fall into an abyss of despair, unless you accept the Existence of God.
It is important that you pray hard as the power of Satan has infiltrated many of your laws. The laws, more of which are to be introduced by those atheists amongst you, will be abhorrent in My Father’s Eyes.
How I weep because of the deceit with which you are presented. My poor sacred servants amongst you will be crushed like insects under the feet of those leaders who deny Me, your Jesus.
This is a time when prayer must be your daily goal so that your nation can be saved and included amongst my twelve nations in the New Paradise.
Here is a Crusade Prayer (85) to save the United States of America from the hand of the deceiver
O dear Jesus, cover our nation with Your most precious protection. Forgive us our sins against God’s Commandments. Help the American people to turn back to God. Open their minds to the True Path of the Lord.
Unlock their hardened hearts, so that they will welcome Your Hand of Mercy. Help this nation to stand up against the blasphemies, which may be inflicted upon us to force us to deny Your Presence.
We beseech you, Jesus, to save us, protect us from all harm and embrace our people in Your Sacred Heart. Amen.
Go, My people, and never, be afraid to demonstrate your love for Me; or deny your Christianity.
Your Jesus

A number of events regarding the Churches, which honor Me in the world, will begin to surface

My dear mystical spouse, My dearly beloved daughter, your trials have given you a new strength and the passion needed to touch the hearts of many.
This is one of the ways in which I will touch the souls of those who need My Graces. I will do this through your work for Me, so that conversion can spread quickly.
During this time a number of events regarding the Churches, which honour Me, in the world will begin to surface.
The schism in My Catholic Church will soon be made public.
When this is done it will be to the sound of applause for those who have separated the Truth of My Teachings from the Commandments laid down by My Father.
The planning and co-ordination of this grand scheme has taken some time, but soon they will announce the schism before the world’s media.
Many, shouting at the top of their voices present lies, not only against the laws laid down by My Teachings. What they really want is to create a new god. The new figurehead of My Church will be promoted as like any high profile election of political leaders.
They will make you want to believe that the Words of old are deceitful. Then they will tell you not to believe in them. They will change the ways in which they have lived My Teachings and change the way they honour Me.
They will now push My Laws to one side and will worship laws of their own making.
They will change their solemn vows to justify their participation in the building of a new temple – the new temple dedicated to the rule of the false prophet
Then they will no longer be servants of Mine, for they will switch allegiance and honour the false prophet.
Then they will worship a false god, a brand new concept, which will allow for certain laws of God to be abolished and replaced with obscenities before My Eyes.
This is My warning to those priests amongst you who will pull away from the Catholic Church.
When you stop trusting in Me fully, your heads will be turned to believe in lies. When you trust deceitful rulers you will fall into terrible sin.  You will honour the beast, who will defile My Church by plunging the crown of thorns on the Head of My Church, My true Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict.
You will suffer terribly when you serve the beast, for you will be depriving God of His children. Turn back to your true roots. Do not allow My Church to be defiled by the sins planned by people who want to destroy Christianity and other religions, which honour My Father.
You, My sacred servants, who disobey your Holy Orders, cut off your hearts from Me, while these deceivers will steal your souls.
The biggest sin you are about to commit is to honour a false god. Dressed in jewels, he will be charming, subtle and with a seemingly good grasp of the Teachings of My Father’s Book. You will fall under his spell. He will twist My Teachings so they become heresy.
This religion, an alternative to the Truth of God, is worthless. Yet it will have an exterior of charm, love and wonder, and dressed with new gold and precious stones, it will feature as the new one-world religion on all altars.
To those faithful priests, I tell you this. I will bless you with the Graces to understand the Truth at all times.
Such idols, presented to you as the Truth, are but clay. They are made of wooden objects. They are nothing. They do not have any meaning. No Graces will be emitted. God, the One True God, will simply not be present in their churches. Only the Living God can be present in My Churches. When God the Father witnesses this final insult, He will exile those who bring alive these pagan practices. Then He will demand an explanation from those who cause the schism in His Holy Church on earth – these same servants who arrogantly dismiss the Word of God so casually.
When they face Me, during the Warning, they will know how they have hurt My Father. No person or sacred servant has control because there is only one Master. Only one God. They are introducing a man-made god. He does not exist, yet they will steal My flock from Me. They will be given every grace and shown much patience. If they do not repent, they will be destroyed.
Each of you will be repaid for every soul you have lost to Me.
Your Jesus

The Crowning of Thorns during My Crucifixion is symbolic

My dearly beloved daughter, the crowning of thorns during My Crucifixion is symbolic for the end times.
Just as the Church is My Body on earth, so it too will be crowned with the thorns of scourging as it was during My journey to Calvary. The Crown of Thorns signifies the Head of My Holy Church on earth. Pope Benedict will suffer much as he will be persecuted for speaking the Truth.
He will be crushed, as Head of My Church, and no mercy will be shown to him. The opposition will mount quickly as he will be declared no longer relevant.
Those who will claim to be more modern in their approach to apostolic ways will swipe at him and ridicule his words. Then the Head of My Church will be replaced by the Head of the Serpent.
The scourging I endured during My Crucifixion will now be reenacted in My Catholic Church. The serpent moves quickly now, as he will try to devour My Body – My Church on earth. Then all Christian Churches will be swallowed up and forced to honour the false prophet as the right hand of the beast.
While many of you may be fearful remember your prayers are delaying these things, and in many instances are mitigating such circumstances.
Prayers, and enough of them, will delay and weaken the work of the evil one on earth.
It is the antidote to the persecution planned by the evil group who are ruled by Satan. With conversion and your prayers, My disciples, much can be overthrown. Prayer can destroy this wickedness. Prayer can and will convert mankind. Then if enough souls follow Me, all will be easy. Then the transition into My New Paradise will be easier.
Your Jesus

Roman Catholics, will need to hold Masses in refuges or Churches of safety

My dearly beloved daughter, you must gather together and search out those souls who are ignorant of the Truth.
Hold out your arms. Beckon them to listen to the Truth. Their lives and their souls may be lost, unless you help them to come to Me.
The Crusade, the Mission of the remnant Church on earth, will be just as challenging as those in the Middle Ages. It will not involve physical warfare, when an army fights a combat in normal war.
The war will be a spiritual one, although some wars will be a trigger, for millions of prayer groups setting up to dilute the power of the antichrist.
These prayers were written in Heaven and promise extraordinary Graces.
They have one purpose only and that is to save the souls of everyone; every child; every creed; each sex; every religious denomination and atheists. This is My greatest desire.
You, My disciples, are under My direction. The Graces I pour over you are already bearing fruit. Soon the powers I will give, through the Graces of the Crusade Prayers, will draw thousands of new souls.
How, you may think, can a small prayer group achieve such conversions? The answer is simple. It is because you are protected by My Father, and guided by Me directly, that you will succeed. You cannot fail. While you will experience many distractions and rows, as well as inner fighting, which is to be expected in this work, I will be at your side always.
Remember we are now preparing for the fallout of My poor sacred servants, which will be as a result of the coming schism, which is to erupt in the Christian Churches.
So, while the remnant army will be led by priests and other Christian clergy, many will be lay servants, as this will be a time where there will be a shortage of priests.
You, My disciples, will need to gather and store Communion Hosts for they will be difficult to access. Those amongst you, who are Roman Catholics, will need to hold Masses in refuges or Churches of safety.
A mission, similar to the German Nazi persecution where the Jews were hunted down, will be created to root out so called traitors of the New World Church, which you will be told is for all religions.
You will be accused of defiling the Mass, and their newly formed presentation of Mass, where I will not be present in the Holy Eucharist, for this will be an abomination in My Father’s Eyes.
My Body and Blood will be present in the Masses held in those centres and refuges where you pledge allegiance to the Transubstantiation to render the Sacrament of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to be authentic and accepted by My Father.
I will continue to instruct you as you continue to set up the Jesus to Mankind Prayer Groups around the world.
Many are already being formed every day. I thank those who have followed My instructions and show obedience.
Be at peace. You must be more confident. Leave fear aside as it is not from Me. We are now growing and spreading to every corner of the earth. Soon all will follow and when that happens, the prayers will change the world through conversion.
I love you all. I am thankful and touched that you immediately responded to Me through this important Mission, the biggest orchestrated in order to bring all sinners home to the Father and safe from the influence and temptations of the beast.
Your Jesus

I solemnly promise you that the transition will be swift

My dearly beloved daughter, it is always important to remember that when you suffer it is not your pain only, which you feel. It is My pain you endure. The pain I speak of, is not that which I endured during My Crucifixion, but that which I face today as I watch and feel the pain of humanity.
People are suffering in the world because of their darkness of soul. Even those who live simple lives and who try to follow My Teachings are suffering. They can feel wretched as they struggle to love each other. They also suffer because of the doubts, which they experience in their faith.
So many do not understand the meaning of eternal life or the fact that life does not end when a person dies on this earth. This is why so many do not prepare themselves for the next life.
Many people in the past did not prepare adequately and are either in Hell or Purgatory.
This generation is being given a Gift, which no other generation has benefited from. Many will simply make the transition from this life instantly without having to experience death, as you know it.
My Second Coming will bring with it this extraordinary Gift. So do not fear. Rejoice, for I come to you to bring you a prosperous future.
Think of it like this. While you will endure some difficulties, and you will have to witness the way in which My Existence will be denounced, it will not last long.
I realise many of you worry but I solemnly promise you that the transition will be swift. Then, when you witness the New Jerusalem as it descends upon the New Earth, the New Paradise, you will be filled with ecstasy.
No words can describe this beautiful Creation. My Heart bursts with Love when I think of how you and your loved ones will react with wonder. That will be when the mystery of the final covenant will become clear to you.
The clarity of My Promise to come again will be truly understood at last.
The world will become one holy family and will live an existence in accordance with, and in union with, the Divine Will of My Father.
This is going to be a time of re-union, as the first resurrection for the dead will take place.  Those who have been cleansed on this earth, through the purification, will join those who have also been purified in Purgatory to live in the New Paradise.
Much will change but all those who follow Me and join Me in My New Era of Peace, over which I will reign through My spiritual direction, will find peace of soul.
At last the suffering experienced, under the reign of Satan on this earth, will be no more.
Every pain, every suffering, every prayer, every effort endured by you to gather the souls who languish behind and who kick and struggle all the way, will be worth it.
The New Paradise is ready. All you need to do is to prepare your souls and walk towards the gates. Those of you, who redeem yourselves, in My Eyes, will be given the keys to open the gates.
Persevere during this coming tribulation for it is something, which must happen as it has been foretold in My Father’s Book.
Your prayers will mitigate much of it and My Father will intervene at every possible stage to prevent evil deeds from being inflicted on His precious children.
Your Jesus

Global Vaccination: One of the most wicked forms of genocides ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler

My dearly beloved daughter, how the Truth can shock you. Although you accept My Holy Word, it is only when the prophecies I reveal to you materialise, that you understand the seriousness of this Mission to save humanity.
The introduction of a global vaccine, targeting infants and young children, will be one of the most wicked forms of genocide ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler.
This evil plan will be possible because many of your governments forced their people to accept changes in their laws giving their governments power to enforce laws against your innocent children.
Remember that the only thing that has stopped My Father from bringing the world to an end is because of the love of those loyal servants amongst you.
My Father has, because of His Love for every child and every Creation of His, held His Hand. Now the time has come for Him to finally dissolve the times, so that the world He created out of Love and according to His Divine Will can continue in peace.
He will now destroy those who perpetrate this wickedness upon His children. He will no longer stand for this evil and now His Hand will fall in punishment.
His Anger will now manifest in a world, which will be startled as to the magnitude of punishment, which will befall the earth.
Those among you, responsible for inflicting terrible suffering on your fellow countrymen and fellow citizens, know this.
You will be struck down finally with the scourge of illness and then you, and those who pay homage to the one world group, will be wiped out before the Battle of Armageddon begins.
You will not be tolerated by My Father and He will not allow you to infest His children any longer. Woe to you and those among you who anger Him at this time.
The time for My Father to show you whose Power will be sustained forever will now be proven to you. Your theories about your creation, which are flawed, will be shown to you for what they are, at last. The Truth, as promised to you in the Book of Truth, foretold to the prophet Daniel, will be shown finally.
So many people are oblivious to the Truth of God. Many well-meaning souls seek nothing in their lives other than titillation. Many waste the time they have been accorded in their lives on earth, as they do not know the Truth of God’s Existence.
Now the Truth is being presented. The time of reckoning has come about.
My Father will make the world alert finally to the Truth. Those who ignore the Truth will deny themselves access to My New Kingdom on earth.
Instead of living an eternal glorious life, full of wonder, joy, love and prosperity, they will be cast away to rot in the depths of Hell.
I urge all of God’s children to heed this warning.
It may be harsh. Many who say: “this does not come from God for He is Merciful” heed this.
The time has come to divide the chaff from the wheat. That day is very near. Whichever choice is made by man will be the final choice.
Free will will always be honoured by My Father up to the final day. The Day of Judgement.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (84) to enlighten the souls of the elites who rule the world

“O dear Jesus, I beg You to enlighten the souls of the elites who rule the world. 
Show them the proof of Your Mercy.
Help them to become open of heart and to show true humility, in honour of Your great Sacrifice, by Your Death on the Cross, when You died for their sins.
Help them to discern Who their True Maker is, Who their Creator is, and fill them with the Graces to see the Truth.
Please prevent their plans to hurt millions of people through vaccinations, shortage of foods, forced adoptions of innocent children, and the splitting up of families from taking place.
Heal them.
Cover them with Your Light and take them into the Bosom of Your Heart to save them from the snares of the evil one. Amen.”

This vaccination will be a poison and will be presented under a global healthcare plan

My dearly beloved daughter, in just two years, millions of souls have now been converted and saved because of this Mission. Your suffering, alone, has saved ten million souls, as I promised you. So while the world’s woes may seem to be increasing, many souls are being saved through your prayers.
Suffering in My Name always gets worse and becomes so painful that it is hard to bear. It is at its most intense when Satan is angry. His anger at present is intensifying and this is why the attacks on you are so distressing. He and his demons are surrounding you, but cannot harm you in a physical way for My Father’s Hand protects you. This does not lessen the scourging you are enduring at this time, the second anniversary of this Mission. But know this.
The most suffering is endured when a Mission, or the work of the victim soul, is succeeding. The more souls who are saved the more violent the attack by the evil one becomes. His actions have been increasingly evident in the world. He, who goes to great lengths to hide his existence, is working his way into the spirit of those poor people who leave themselves open to him, because of their lust for worldly pleasures and love of power.
Satan’s strength lies in his ability to deceive humanity into believing that he is only a symbol used by Christians to explain the difference between good and evil.
Satan knows the danger of exposing his presence. If he did that, then more people would accept that God exists.
He does not want to do this, so he creates awareness of his existence amongst those who pay homage to him. These people, who accept the existence of Satan, worship him just as people hold Masses in Catholic Churches or hold services in churches in order to praise God.
So many souls have been stolen. God, My Eternal Father, intends to win them back through His Warning and the chastisements, which will be inflicted on those, when they gather to honour the beast.
My Father will expose Satan’s followers, who defile His Churches.
They are the target for His chastisements and unless they stop what they are doing, by their own free choice, they will be struck down by the Hand of God.
The rise of these Satanic groups who present themselves to the world, through business and networking organisations, is rampant.
They are everywhere; scheming, holding rallies, plotting and creating wicked plans to destroy millions of innocent people.
They will introduce a form of genocide, through compulsory vaccinations, against your children with or without your permission.
This vaccination will be a poison and will be presented under a global healthcare plan.
Their plans have now materialised and they have already begun to introduce them.Some of their plans in one European country were stopped by My Father because of the prayers of victim souls.
Look in front of you and behind you. Look carefully at seemingly innocent new laws introduced into your countries designed to make you feel as if they are to improve your lives. Many of them are simply to enslave you by getting you to sign away your rights under what appear to be democratic laws.
Democracy will be replaced with dictatorships, yet they will not be presented to nations as such. When millions have signed away all their rights, in the name of new tolerant laws, it will be too late. You will become prisoners.
The main leaders in the world are working together to bring their new plans about. They are part of the elite whose goal is greed, wealth, control and power. They do not accept the Power of God. They do not believe My Death on the Cross was to save them from the fires of Hell.
I must make them see how wrong they are. The time has come for Me to prove to them My Mercy, My Love for them.
Please recite this Crusade Prayer (84) to enlighten the souls of the elites who rule the world.
O dear Jesus, I beg You to enlighten the souls of the elites who rule the world.
Show them the proof of Your Mercy. Help them to become open of heart and to show true humility, in honour of Your great Sacrifice by your death on the Cross when you died for their sins.
Help them to discern who their True Maker is, who their Creator is, and fill them with the graces to see the Truth.
Please prevent their plans to hurt millions of people through vaccinations, shortage of foods, forced adoptions of innocent children and the splitting up of families, from taking place.
Heal them. Cover them with Your Light and take them into the bosom of Your Heart to save them from the snares of the evil one. Amen.
Your Jesus

I need your help. Just as I needed My apostles and disciples when I walked the earth

My dearly beloved daughter, My disciples, sacred servants and members of the clergy are now gathering throughout the world in response to this call from Heaven.
I, their beloved Jesus Christ, am present in their hearts with My special graces.
They recognise this Divine calling, for the Holy Spirit has covered them with the knowledge that it is, indeed, I, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, Who is communicating with them.
You, My beloved and cherished congregation, are entwined with My Sacred Heart at this time.
I am driving you towards the pathway so that you can communicate the Truth to lost souls in need of My great Mercy.
My Gift to you is this. I will touch your hearts in a way in which you will know instantly that this is Divine Inspiration.
Don’t you know how much I love you? How much you are protected under the Power of your Divine Saviour, who has promised the world salvation?
My Second Coming is close and I desire to save all sinners, irrespective as to how blackened their souls are. Remember that it will be by your commitment to allow Me to guide you that such poor souls can be taken away from the grasp of the evil one.
Do not hesitate to respond to My call, but know that you must be careful as to how you do this. I need to build My army in such a way so that they can gather privately, in order to join as one, so that they can present their prayers before Me.
You must act quickly and those souls, once they recite My Crusade Prayers, will be drawn to you.
I need your help. Just as I needed My apostles and disciples when I walked the earth.
Come now. Do not be afraid. Do not listen to those who challenge you, who will poke fun at you or who will cast a slur on My Holy Word. Your time to serve Me has come. Stand up with courage and follow Me. I will fill you with love and joy in your hearts. Soon you will have no doubts as to who is making this request of you.
I thank you for responding to My call. I bless you and guide you at all times.
Your Jesus

Much of humanity will be cleansed and will then be ready for the long awaited Era of Peace

My dearly beloved daughter, all the world will feel the changes, as every country will experience a stillness and a sense of anticipation, yet many will not understand why this is happening.
Life will change and, for those who trust in Me, you will have much to look forward to in the future.
Think of the world as if it is a living person suffering from a terrible illness. He must suffer, feel pain, and endure the period during which the disease is treated by his doctor.
Many people respond to treatment quickly. Others more slowly. Others not at all. Some patients have hope and accept that their body will have to endure a sometimes-painful treatment before he will feel well and healthy again.
The world is suffering from an infestation caused by the influence of Satan where he, and his demons, coax, tempt and convince God’s children that sin does not exist.
They plunge from one crisis of the spirit to the next. How they displease My beloved Father. How much pain they will have to endure before they can live life the way in which the Laws of God dictate.
Once this illness, however, is treated and after the pain has gone, much of humanity will be cleansed and will then be ready for the long awaited Era of Peace. The Era of Peace, promised to all those who follow God’s Teachings, will await those who have redeemed themselves before My Eyes.
Each of you will be shown the Truth. Then you will be able to distinguish between the ugliness of sin and that of the purity, which is required to enter My Glorious Kingdom.
When each person has been shown the Truth, none of them will doubt it, but not all will embrace it.
It is time for mankind to see what has happened to the world because of greed, selfishness and a love of self. No regard is paid to the welfare of those who are unfortunate in life. There is little regard for human life anymore.
You must drop your arrogance, for if you don’t you will be stripped of all that you possess.
The various leaders in different nations will soon join ranks and prepare to destroy Christianity throughout the world.
Because of this, the bowls of fire and lightning will be poured out over the world to punish the wicked.
You must understand, however, that much of the chastisements planned by My Father have been mitigated because of your prayers.
Keep strong. Continue with My Crusade Prayers and never give up hope.
Your Jesus

God the Father: The hierarchy of all the angels in Heaven gather at the four corners of the earth at this time

My dearest daughter, the hierarchy of all the angels in Heaven gather at the four corners of the earth at this time. They prepare now for the onslaught of chastisements, which will be unleashed on humanity.
All these things must come to pass – storms, wars, famine and dictatorships – will befall the earth as the battle commences, as foretold.
The earth will shake in the four corners of the globe and many will be shocked, for they will not have seen such turmoil unfold before them.
You, My children, are in the end times and the period which lies ahead will be difficult. Those of you who are loyal to Me and who place all their trust in Me will withstand these upheavals.
Much change will now erupt in the world and for those of you who know the Truth be thankful. You will realise that, while it will mean the end of the times you have known up to now, it will also be the time, as foretold, to herald a new beginning. A fresh start.  A New Paradise on earth.
This will mean freedom, children. You will be taken swiftly into My Arms to await the new dwelling I have carefully created for all of you.
The times will be hard to bear for many, but only those who accept the Truth will persevere and prosper, for they will be protected.
My Seal must be shared. My Love must be made known to every child of Mine, of every religion, creed and especially, to those who do not know Me, as well as those who reject My Existence.
I prepare My army in the Heavens, just as I prepare My army on earth.
Together, we will fight the wickedness, which is about to be introduced by every nation upon their helpless people.
If you stand up and refuse to accept the Mark of the Beast, I will protect you.
Centres, organised by My prophets over the years, will spring up, each like an oasis in the desert. Here you will be able to pledge your allegiance to Me, your Father. Here you can gather to pray for the souls of those who will be lost under the power of the antichrist.
Pray, pray, pray. Your time has been assigned and the Second Coming of My Son will take place soon.
Only I, your beloved Father, know of this date. Even My precious Son, Jesus Christ, is not aware of it. But know this.
While you are being prepared through this, and other Missions, that it will be announced suddenly, when it will be too late for many to turn. Instead they will run away.
Be strong, My children. My plan is to destroy the beast and save every one of My children. Your prayers can help Me salvage each precious soul.
God the Most High

The earth will groan in pain as the antichrist prepares his entrance

My dearly beloved daughter, the world must now prepare for the great changes, which I have permitted, in order to prepare humanity for the Second Coming.
Much work has been done through My beloved followers, to save millions of souls; through the prayers I have given them.
Your loyalty to Me, your Jesus, My beloved followers, means that you have given souls over to Me who are now safe and who would, otherwise, have been cast into Hell.
So powerful are your prayers, that in time, as millions more accept My Messages of love and hope that billions of souls will be saved.
My work through you, My disciples, saves thousands and thousands of people daily. You must, therefore, never allow doubts, which will naturally assail you, from time to time, and which may prevent you from praying.
Now you must listen.
Much will happen now. The storms will increase all over the world and the earth will groan in pain as the antichrist prepares his entrance. It won’t be long before he will present himself.
Keep focused, My daughter, on the spreading of My Word, although many obstacles may face you. Let nothing delay My Messages from being given to everyone.
It will not be the number of people who will receive The Book of Truth or My Messages, but the number of people who recite My Crusade Prayers, that will make the difference.
The prayers will weaken the power of the antichrist.
It will be the chastisements sent to earth by My Father, which will slay those leaders and groups who dare to hurt His children.
The Power of God will cover those who love Him.
The Power of God will protect those who convert.
God, My Eternal Father, will keep pouring His Graces until His Power covers and protects all of His children on earth.
Go in peace, hope and love. Trust in Me, and all will be well.
Your Jesus

The road to My eternal kingdom is riddled with sharp stones and boulders

My dearly beloved daughter, let no man ever think that he can remain strong in his faith, without having to fight for the right.
There are many obstacles, which block your faith in God, and only those who persevere in prayer can keep the flame of their love for God alight in their souls.
The road to My eternal kingdom is riddled with sharp stones and boulders. It is akin to walking barefoot, for miles, where you experience every cut, every sharp pain, and where you will trip up for every step you take. This is why many, well-intentional souls, fall by the roadside, because the journey is so arduous.
When you follow Me your journey will always be painful. It will never be easy until you say: “Jesus take my pain, heal me and take my cross”.
Only then will you find it easier to follow My journey to My glorious kingdom.
The Crucifixion will be experienced, every single stage now, by all who love God – right up to the last day.
In the lead up to My Second Coming, Christians and all those who love My Father, God the Most High, will have to endure the suffering of My Passion.

It will start with the accusations that God does not exist

I was denounced, as the Son of God. This time, God the Most High will be rejected.
All those believers will be scourged and persecuted, as the pagan laws, of times gone by, will be introduced. Yet, many people, who do not know the ways of the Lord, will not heed such wickedness, so caught up will they be in their pursuit of personal pleasures.
Then there will be the punishments meted out to those who dare to show allegiance to the one True God in public. They will not be tolerated and will have to hide in order to honour My Father.
The daily Sacrifices, the Masses, will eventually cease, as foretold, because the false prophet will declare that a new form of Mass be held, and the old format will no longer be relevant, he will say.
My Presence in the Holy Eucharist will be banished and the Food of Life will no longer feed God’s children. And then will come down the Hand of God on the heathen who dare to say they speak in God’s Name. Their allegiance to the beast will influence many and they will lead those who are misled into the prison of darkness.
The divisions will increase, until finally they, all God’s children, will have to make the choice. They will either follow the false illusion, presented by the false prophet, who will say that he speaks in the Name of God, or they will follow the Truth.
Never believe that you will be strong enough to withstand this pressure from those false priests who will represent the beast. Their influence will be great. Without My help, you will be tempted to turn your back on My Teachings.
Wake up before these times come about. Call to Me every day for My help.
Your Jesus

Soon sin will be no more. The scourge of sin will be a thing of the past

My dearly beloved daughter, when souls fall away from Me, and when they succumb to sin, they must never fear Me.
As soon as you sin, My beloved followers, you must immediately turn to Me.
Never be ashamed or embarrassed to come running to Me after you commit a sin. This is the only way in which you can gain the strength to walk with Me again.
If you don’t turn to Me, and instead avoid Me, you will be weakened even further, and you will leave yourself exposed to the temptations placed before you, every day, by the evil one.
Sin is something every child is born with. Original sin must be eradicated, through the Sacrament of Baptism.  Even then, souls will still be tempted for as long as humanity remains under the reign of Satan.
To free yourselves from sin is simple. Firstly you will know, in your heart, when you have committed sin. Many people in the world today dismiss sin as being of no consequence. Yet, if people were to openly admit how they feel after they sin, you would find that their inner peace has been torn in two.
Sin is felt by most souls until they become so darkened that only sin will satisfy their lust. This is why you must seek the forgiveness of God, each time you sin. If you don’t, then sin will fester within you and you will find it more difficult to resist temptation.
When you feel remorse in your hearts, call on Me, your beloved Jesus, to help you.
No sin cannot be forgiven, except, for the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Always call Me to your aid, no matter how ashamed you are, because of the sins you commit.
My heart goes out to all of God’s children. You are His precious creation and He loves you all despite your sins. Fight sin by seeking redemption, every single time you sin.
Soon sin will be no more. The scourge of sin will be a thing of the past.
Your Jesus

Virgin Mary: Turn and ask my Son to guide you towards His Great Mercy

My child, the darkness, which falls over the world, will be seen in a number of ways.
Laws, introduced, which divide the family unit, will be testament to the influence of the evil one in your governments.
The laws, introduced to condone abortion, breaks the Heart of my Father. No one has the right to interfere with the Creation of God, yet this is what humanity does, on a daily basis, without any sense of shame or guilt.
My child, you must pray hard for the redemption of humanity, for very soon, they will be divided into two halves; those faithful to God, and those who reject Him. Brother will be separated from brother, neighbourhoods divided, and families will be split into two halves.  This time has been foretold.
To ensure that God can save as many souls as possible, He will give them many opportunities to turn back to Him.
Pray now, for your families, your friends and neighbours before the final divide evolves. Then the day for my Son’s Second Coming will be close.
You, my children, are so confused. This confusion, and emptiness of soul, is caused by a lack of belief in God. No soul can survive without the Love of God in their hearts.
They are like empty vessels floating in the sea with no idea of their final destination. They float aimlessly in a wide void where nothing satisfies; where nothing in the world can bring them true peace.
Turn and ask my Son to guide you towards His Great Mercy and He will bring you the peace you strive for. All you need do is to ask.
Ask me, your beloved Mother, to take you to my Son. I will guide you and protect you always, every step of the way.
Your beloved Mother
Queen of Peace
Mother of Salvation

You have been given the armour. Use it

My dearly beloved daughter, you must now rise and gather united in love to prepare for the difficult times, which lie ahead.
You, My strong army, are blessed and you are protected with the Seal of My Father, the Seal of the Living God.
For everything, which will be thrown at you, on every side, remember that I am with you.
Many events, including ecological upheavals, wars, the schism in My Church on earth, the dictatorships in each of your nations – bound as one, at its very core – will all take place at the same time.
So many disruptions will cause many tears and gnashing of teeth, but one thing will remain intact. That will be the Power of God and His Love for all of His children.
This battle will unfold before the world and you, My army, must not tremble in fear. All is well in My Kingdom and your place is secured there. It’s the others you must concern yourselves with now.
You have been given the armour. Use it. My Crusade Prayers will help mitigate much of the horror, caused by the sins of humanity. Please recite this prayer for the mitigation of chastisments.
Crusade Prayer (83) for the mitigation of chastisements
O dear Father, God the Most High, we, your poor children, prostrate ourselves before Your Glorious Throne in Heaven.
We beg You to rid the world of evil.
We implore Your Mercy for the souls of those who cause terrible hardships to Your children on earth.
Please forgive them.
Please remove the antichrist, as soon as he makes himself known.
We ask You, dear Lord, to mitigate Your Hand of chastisement.
Instead, we beg You to accept our prayers and our sufferings, to ease the suffering of Your children, at this time.
We trust You.
We honour You.
We thank You for the great sacrifice you made when you sent Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from sin.
We welcome Your Son, once again, as the Saviour of humanity.
Please protect us. Keep us from harm. Help our families. Have Mercy on us. Amen.
You, My army, are prepared in every way. All you must do is trust in Me. When you trust in Me completely, you will be able to surrender all your love, your suffering, your worries and your pain over to Me, your Jesus.
When this happens you must then leave all in My Holy and Compassionate Hands.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (83) for the mitigation of chastisements

“O dear Father, God the Most High, we, Your poor children, prostrate ourselves before Your Glorious Throne in Heaven.
We beg You to rid the world of evil.
We implore Your Mercy for the souls of those who cause terrible hardships to Your children on earth.
Please forgive them.
Please remove the antichrist, as soon as he makes himself known.
We ask You, dear Lord, to mitigate Your Hand of Chastisement. Instead, we beg You to accept our prayers and our sufferings, to ease the suffering of Your children, at this time.
We trust You. We honour You. We thank You for the great sacrifice You made when You sent Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from sin.
We welcome Your Son, once again, as the Saviour of humanity.
Please protect us. Keep us from harm.
Help our families.
Have Mercy on us. Amen.”

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