Saturday 28 March 2015

Mother of God: The remnant army of Christ will Triumph

My beloved children of God, I am your heavenly Mother, the Mother of Mercy, the Mother of Salvation. You are my precious children and I cover you all with my veil of salvation, as your weary souls struggle in pain.
Pray, my children, to my Son, with complete faith and trust in His Mercy. He will never let you down. While you endure pain and sadness, because you know the Truth, and feel wretched, because of the wickedness you see all around you, you must be at peace. For you are surrounded with the Love of God, my Father, and are blessed with the Graces my Son bestows on you and this enriches your souls.
You must not allow fear and worry to distract you from the role, which my Son has carved out for you. The remnant army of Christ will triumph and bring, in its trail, billions of souls, which it will present before the Throne of God.
What a blessing you have been given. Those amongst you, who will lead and help my Son’s Crusade Prayers Groups, are saving billions of souls. These prayers are like no other, as they have been given to humanity as a Gift, with special Graces attached to them. Unbeknownst to you, the souls you help to save are thirty fold more, when you say these prayers. They enable you to comfort the Heart of my Son by increasing and strengthening in numbers the souls, which He needs in order to fulfil His Plan of Salvation.
Thank you for responding to my Son’s plea from Heaven. Many Graces have been given to you in the last two weeks. The fruits of these Graces will become clearer to you as you forge ahead on the Path of Truth, towards eternal life.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

My Father’s intervention has already commenced and His wrath will shake the earth

My dearly beloved daughter, the destruction of human life, by the hands of those who do not honour the importance of this Gift from God, is escalating. My Father’s rage, because of this abominable sin, has reached such a pitch, that His roars can be heard throughout the Heavens.
The Hand of His Anger will cast out this evil, as He will pluck out those wicked men and destroy them. For every man slaughtered like an animal, My Father will throw the perpetrator into the fires of Hell.
Please know that, as wars escalate, the wicked amongst those dictators will be challenged. They will be weeded out and they will be dealt the Justice which they will bring down upon themselves.
Man cannot see what I see. They do not know the extent of evil, which results in the destruction of life, the destruction of the earth and the persecution of men, by their fellow brothers and sisters.
My Father’s intervention has already commenced and His wrath will shake the earth. Enough. The failure of man to accept the Truth of God’s Existence is at the root of this evil. Man plays with life, as if he controls all that is on earth, over which he has no authority. This evil cannot be allowed to continue. It will be dealt with and the fear of God will be felt by those who do not accept His Laws.
Your Jesus

The rise of hatred, murder and lack of charity is intense and sin has infested the earth like wildfire

My dearly beloved daughter, the rage of Satan pours over the earth as the Holy Spirit increases His Divine Presence within the souls of so many, through this and other Missions, sanctioned by Me.
The rise of hatred, murder and lack of charity is intense, and sin has infested the earth like wildfire.
The time for the preparation for the Great Day of My Return must now begin with great care. As you, My beloved followers respond to My Call, I will increase your faith and you will multiply everywhere.
This Mission is the culmination of all instructions given to humanity through My Father, to all those who came before you. Don’t you realise that the prophets, from the beginning, when they described  the Day of the Lord, that this refers to My Time, the time in which I will fulfil the final covenant?
My Plan is to come and give you the eternal life I promised when I released you from the chains of sin, by My Death on the Cross. To those of you who are wary of Me, know that I could never deceive you in such a Mission as this one. I would not ask you to help Me save souls, fight the evil one, or encourage you to pray, were it not I, your Jesus, Who calls to you now.
My poor little ones, you are living in a wilderness, not of your own making. I Am your only way out. Unless you follow Me, now, you will waste time wandering, getting lost and being distracted.  Your faith can only be kept strong through the Holy Sacraments.  Keep your faith and follow Me. That’s all I ask. Then pray for the salvation of souls.
I will never condemn you for not accepting these, My Holy Messages. But I will never forgive  you if you blaspheme against the Word of God, given to you by the Power of the Holy Spirit. If you do not believe in My Messages, then walk away and continue with your devotion to Me.
My dear disciples,  you will move quickly to create a large army and a strong defence against the enemies of God. As this increases in strength, please encourage as many of My sacred servants, as possible, to help you. It is important that, no matter how much resistance they encounter, that they must still provide the daily Mass and the Sacrament of Holy Communion to those in need.
Your Jesus

Soon, they will pass a law, which will outlaw the meaning of blasphemy

My dearly beloved daughter, tell My disciples that they must never give up their devotion to My Holy Word.
The growth of atheism means that the mere mention of God, or the laws directed by Him, causes outrage. It has become, as if it were, a blasphemy to mention the role of God in your lives.
Soon, they will pass a law, which will outlaw the meaning of blasphemy, in order to stamp out any public allegiance to God.
You, My poor followers, will find it difficult to raise your voices in My Name. They will insult you and declare terrible things about Me, yet you will be unable to defend Me.
Those Christian countries, whose people honour Me, will not be allowed to declare their Christianity because of the creation of these laws, which will defy My Teachings.
So many do not want to know Me. Those of you who do will be persecuted. By this, I mean that every time you try to pray to Me, your privacy will be interrupted.  Every time you try to receive the Sacraments, they will become difficult to access.
Then, when you set up Prayer Groups, you will be told to stop. Each group will find, not only opposition amongst certain quarters, but that imposters will try to infiltrate them in order to spoil the fruits, which will be generated as a result. Never before will you witness such opposition in your devotion to Me, to My Crusade Prayer Groups, or to My Messages.
Many priests and clergy are responding, quickly, to My Call, because they know Me and recognise My Voice.  So, many will continue to be called, as My request to prepare the souls, to whom they have been entrusted, will be responded to.
But, as their numbers increase, others amongst their fold, will rise in outrage and condemnation. They will suffer because of their love for Me. Their enemies will consist of those who do love Me, but who are being misguided by others, to whom they pledge allegiance. Others will be tempted by the spirit of evil to denounce Me. They will do this to prevent My plan, to fulfil My Father’s Will to salvage souls and to embrace all of God’s children in His New Paradise.
You must resist such efforts, but remain dignified, at all times. Keep praying for those sacred servants of Mine who will, like Judas before them, kiss Me on one cheek, while betraying Me with the other.
I will stay with you during this torment, for even you will be shocked by the venom, which will pour from the mouths of those who claim to be My disciples.
Your Jesus

The prophecies, contained in the Book of Revelation, are only partially known

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am bound to inform My followers that you will become chastised, by certain sacred servants of Mine. You will soon be instructed, by some of them, to walk away from this Work.
You will be treated just as My disciples were, by the priests of their time. They, too, were told to walk away from Me and many were not allowed to enter the temples to pay homage to God, My Eternal Father.
Much misunderstanding of My Promises to humanity will be used as a tool to encourage others to reject Me, as I communicate My Holy Word to the whole world, at this time.
You, My disciples, will be accused of heresy and told that you are not following Holy Doctrine.
Terrible errors will be made by My sacred servants when they will follow the wrong fork in the road to My Kingdom. They will do this through ignorance, for many of them assume that they already know the prophecies I Am still to reveal to the world, before My Second Coming.
Oh how they will be confused when they are instructed to do the wrong thing by rejecting My warnings given to all, for the salvation of souls. The prophecies, contained in the Book of Revelation, are only partially known.
No sacred servant in My Church understands the Book of Revelation, yet. They will be informed, and this I will do in parts. It is only for your knowing when I decide the time is right.
Please open your hearts to the Truth. Be careful when you judge the Word of God, given to His chosen prophets. Judge them harshly, and you will be judged, accordingly. Reject them cruelly, and you, too, will be rejected by My Hand of Justice. Accept them with love, and I will envelop you in My Holy Arms.
Nothing I give you now contradicts My Father’s Book, for this is not possible. I come, now, to conclude the Teachings set out by Me during My time on earth. When My Work is completed, My Covenant will finally be fulfilled. Then, I bring the Most Glorious Gift of Eternal Life.
Your Jesus

God the Father: This is why only a miracle can save the human race

My dearest daughter, My Precious Son, who suffered such a cruel death, on behalf of My children, is preparing for His Great Mercy.
I have granted Him, up to now, the time required to bring as many souls as possible under His Divine Mercy without having to forgo one stray soul. The time is very near for My Gift to humanity.
The time when My Son, the Messiah, came to live on earth was squandered by humanity, They rejected Him. The second time, as I grant permission for Him to come again, will be no different. He will be rejected.
This is why only a miracle can save the human race. But this miracle can only be when I, God the Creator of all that is, can ensure that the free will of man remains untouched. This Gift of free will can never be interfered with. When a person offers it up as a gift to Me, it is the most precious and perfect gift of all.
By presenting to them the proof of their sins, My Son can encourage souls to respond to His call. Then when remorse is shown, His Mercy will encompass billions of souls, who could never have been saved otherwise.
I beseech you, dear children, to prepare well.
Your Loving Father
God the Most High

They will sob with relief when they realise that they have a future where death does not exist

My dearly beloved daughter, My Power is surging through the Power of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of man at this time. Even cold and distant souls will be converted through the Gifts I shower over humanity because of your generous response to My Call from Heaven.
Not one nation will fail to accept the Power of the Holy Spirit; not one stone will be left unturned; not one priest unaware of My Messages; not one beloved disciple of Mine left untouched, by the news that I bring. Even those who reject Me will come back a second time to hear My Word because My Spirit touches their hearts.
Rejoice, because it is only two years since this Mission began and My Word is read in over two hundred countries and in almost forty languages. I will continue to spread My Messages, in every tongue; amongst the rich and the poor; amongst atheists and sacred servants of Mine.
I do not differentiate between the person who does not believe in God and those who devote their lives to Me, their Jesus. Each soul is every much as important to Me as those who hurt Me; those who betray Me; who make Me weep; those who assault Me; crucify Me and hate Me – I Love them all. Therefore, I Am patient. I know that when the Truth sinks in, they will come to Me. Then they will sob, with relief, when they realise that they have a future where death does not exist.
This is My Promise and when you are troubled, scourged, abused and made to look like fools, this is all  you need focus on. This New Paradise is for all of you. When you fight to save souls, keep this promise in your hearts.

Your beloved Jesus

Crusade Prayer (96) to Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group

“O my dearest Jesus, please bless and protect us, Your Crusade Prayer Group, so that we become immune to the wicked assaults of the devil, and to any evil spirits, which may torment us in this Sacred Mission to save souls.
May we remain loyal and strong, as we persevere to keep Your Holy Name before the world and never waive in our struggle to spread the Truth of Your Holy Word. Amen.”

I will mitigate much of the suffering foretold, through the power of My Crusade Prayer Groups

My dearly beloved daughter, I desire to instruct My Crusade Prayer Groups to be vigilant when setting up in their nations. They must keep Holy Water close by, have a Crucifix of Me present and recite this special Crusade Prayer to Bless and Protect your Crusade Prayer Group.
Crusade Prayer (96) to Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group
O my dearest Jesus, please bless and protect us, Your Crusade Prayer Group, so that we become immune to the wicked assaults of the devil, and to any evil spirits, which may torment us in this Sacred Mission to save souls.
May we remain loyal and strong, as we persevere to keep Your Holy Name before the world and never waive in our struggle to spread the Truth of Your Holy Word.
Please recite this prayer before and after every prayer meeting.
I must also instruct you, My beloved disciples, to ensure that prayer forms the basis for every prayer meeting. I do not wish you to contemplate negativity or create fear amongst yourselves, because all I bring is Love and Mercy.
My Messages are full of hope and I will mitigate much of the suffering foretold, through the power of My Crusade Prayer Groups. The purpose of this Mission is to save souls. It has never been about anything else. My Messages are given to enlighten you, to alert you to the dangers, which affect your faith, and to prepare you for My New Paradise.
Go now, in Peace. I will cover each Crusade Prayer Group with My Abundance of Graces, including  the Gift of Discernment.
Your Jesus

I urge My followers to remind people of the importance of reading the Holy Bible

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am joyful and pleased because of the love, which My disciples hold in their hearts for Me.
Heaven rejoices at the speed in which My Divine Messages and Prayers are spreading throughout the world. This is the time, foretold, so very long ago, when My Holy Gospel will be preached throughout the whole world.
I urge My followers to remind people of the importance of reading the Holy Bible, the Word set out, according to the Will of My Father.
Today, My Word is spoken, yet again, to instil in the minds of people, today, the importance of My Teachings. Failure to accept the Word of God results in the death of the soul.
Every man on earth was born with free will. For every man, given life by My Father, the Sacrament of Baptism was made available, but not every child of God was given access to this important Gift, which cleanses the soul and rids it of demons.
Every man was entitled to the Truth of My Teachings, yet not every man was given the Truth. In its place, false religions were fed into the souls of innocents.This led to hatred for one another, as the lies, created and spread by such false religions, infested the hearts of man.
The Truth is that My Holy Word is the food of the soul. Without it the soul withers. When it is empty of the peace, which My Love brings to it, it then seeks solace in the arms of worldly things, which drain it of every comfort, eventually.
Now that My Holy Word is being ignited in the hearts of jaded men, My Love will spread when the Truth is given to humanity. This Love will draw hungry souls, and so My Plan of Salvation will continue. I will exhaust every avenue, using the hearts of humble souls – who truly love Me – in order to save the whole of the human race. It does not matter what god they idolise because, very soon, the Truth will be revealed to them. Then, they will want for nothing, only My Glorious Presence.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (95) To help find time for prayer.

“O Mother of Salvation, come to my aid, as I struggle to find the time for prayer.
Help me to give, to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the time He deserves to show Him how much I love Him.
I ask that you, my Blessed Mother of Salvation, seek for me the Graces I need and ask your dear Son for every grace and favour, so that He can envelop me into the Bosom of His Sacred Heart.  Amen.”

Virgin Mary: It is by the power of prayer that my Son’s Mercy can be spread throughout the world

My children, you must strive to devote at least fifteen minutes a day in the recital of the Crusade Prayers, as this is very important.
You must find the time to say these prayers, as they are already mitigating many tragedies in the world, which are caused by those wicked people who carry out acts of evil.
You must never forget the power of prayer, or the fact that, through my intercession, I can help you in your struggle with your Faith.
Many of you are busy with other matters in your lives, but you must make every effort to pay homage to my Son. Prayer can be difficult for many.
It can be difficult to pray in private, and for those who cannot see the most perfect and beautiful Face of my Son, Jesus Christ, they are easily distracted.
Here is a little Crusade Prayer (95) To help find time for prayer.
O Mother of Salvation, come to my aid, as I struggle to find the time for prayer.
Help me to give, to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the time He deserves to show Him how much I love Him.
I ask that you, my Blessed Mother of Salvation, seek for me the Graces I need and ask your dear Son for every grace and favour, so that He can envelop me into the Bosom of His Sacred Heart.
Children, to follow the Path of Truth, all you need do is give the time, which is needed, to prayer. It is by the power of prayer that my Son’s Mercy can be spread throughout the world. It will be by your recital of the Crusade Prayers that the Covenant can be fulfilled by my Son to salvage the world.
Your Beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer Groups around the World

Important notice: We are preparing, with the help of priests, a format for setting up Crusade Prayer Groups around the world. We will also explain to people how to set up a group and how to network with others in their own country. We will aim to post up as much information as possible. Check back with us shortly as we will be setting up a new place on our home page which will keep you informed of Crusade Prayer Groups in your area. Admin

With the Gift of the Holy Spirit, you will prophecy in My Holy Name all over the world

My dearly beloved daughter, My Light will now shine over those nations who have not been taught the Truth.
Where there is no mention of God, My Divine Presence, will now fill every corner of those nations who do not honour Me, although they are aware of Who I Am. The veil of darkness will be lifted and, at last, these starved souls will drink My Holy Spirit and devour My Holy Word. After all this time, they, through the spread of My Prayer Groups, will be given the Truth.
I refer to those nations where your churches lie empty, where the Sacraments are rarely made available, and where daily Masses are no longer celebrated. It is up to you, My beloved disciples, to spread My Holy Word, so that dark souls, and those who know nothing about Me, are enlightened and  encouraged, gently, to come to Me.
I bless you, and by the Power of My deep Love for each and every one of you, I will increase your numbers, greatly. My Prayer Groups will be set up in every country, and with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, you will prophecy in My Holy Name all over the world.
Remind all of My Teachings. Remind souls to read the Holy Bible, one of the greatest Gifts given to  you by My Father. Recite My Prayers; read My Glorious Messages and pray that you can reach even the most hardened of hearts.
I will grant you many Gifts and I will instruct you for every step you take on the Path of Truth.
Your Jesus

My Time, which is entwined with the Divine Will of My Father, is almost upon you

My dearly beloved daughter, My Time on earth may seem to have ended at My Crucifixion, but that was only the beginning.
My Time, which is entwined with the Divine Will of My Father, is almost upon you and, finally, I will come, once again, to envelop humanity into My Sacred Heart.
Much has been achieved, not only by you, My dearly beloved disciples, but by the Faith of My Church in standing up to the persecution inflicted upon My Body on earth by secular governments.
How I love My loyal followers. How much comfort they bring Me, because of their firm and loyal allegiance. The Holy Spirit is rampant in these times and was cast, like a net over humanity, as an antidote to the spirit of evil present in the hearts of men.
Were you, My followers, to see, as I see, the evil spirits who roam the earth seeking a home, you would die of fright. They seek refuge in the human soul and the home they inhabit. Souls who do not love Me, who reject God and who follow false teachings, spread by Satan, including new age organisations – who pose as religious and spiritual organisations – leave themselves wide open to these spirits. Many of these souls would be insulted if they were told that they were carriers of such wicked spirits. They would not believe it, even when they show signs of deep emotional distress.
These evil spirits, and there are many, show themselves to Me where they squirm in blackness before Me. I can see them sneering and spitting at Me from their vile mouths. When they are present in God’s children, they transform the person they have entered, albeit slowly, at first. In time, these poor souls, will spew out obscenities against God and the Laws laid down by Him.  They will promote wicked acts, of every kind, and will go to great lengths to seduce other souls into committing sin. As they increase the speed of their infestation, the Holy Spirit, present in the hearts of My followers, will stage a powerful battle to help eradicate this evil. This is why prayer is so important. Your prayers, offered up to stop the spread of evil laws, which offend God, will be heard and acted upon.
Please continue to recite the Crusade Prayer (87) to protect your nation from evil and so that evil acts of persecution can be mitigated.
Your Jesus

These people will destroy My Churches and few will be allowed to offer the daily Sacrifices

My dearly beloved daughter, I wish that My disciples will embrace the changes, which will lie ahead, without fear. It is because of these changes that man can be purified.
The evil acts of war and the abolition of your rights, brought about to control the way in which your countries are run, will soon come about.  If this final battle between My Father’s Kingdom and the devil and his evil spirits were not to take place, then evil could not be destroyed.
There will be attempts made, constantly, to take over your currencies and your personal access to money. But your prayers can stop these wicked leaders from inflicting this attempt at slavery. These people will destroy My Churches and few will be allowed to offer the daily Sacrifices. Yet, there will be those among them, which will remain standing because of the Grace of God.
They will persecute the Church and cause a big division amongst leaders in the Christian Churches and, yet, there will be priests and clergy still left standing because they will refuse to submit to this pressure.
They will try to stop the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confession and, yet, these faithful and brave sacred servants will continue to serve Me.
Remember your prayers will dilute the impact and severity of these trials.When My chosen souls pray for these acts of Mercy, especially, I will respond to their calls.
Your Jesus

It is the Missions of the true prophets, which cause outrage

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My greatest wish to see unbelievers read My Holy Word. Even, were it only for just a few minutes, they would be tempted to come back to My Script, again and again.
Because Satan deceives the world into believing he does not exist, or that his demons, the fallen angels, do not roam the world freely, seeking refuge in the hearts and bodies of people, he is unknown to unbelievers.  It is only when man accepts the existence of evil in the world, will he truly open his mind to accept the Existence of God.
When evil spirits wander, they seek out places where they can easily enter a soul. Once within the soul, they are very difficult to get rid of. They cling to those poor souls who have no faith or trust in God. They attack My followers in similar ways and only their prayers can offer them protection.  When a prophet has been sent into the world, Satan and his demons will go to extraordinary lengths to fight the Gift of Prophecy.
You, My daughter, are surrounded by the attacks of Satan. This takes many forms. People who respond to My Messages will be tormented, also. Doubts will, firstly, be planted within their hearts by the spirit of evil who will then create anxiety within the soul. This will lead them to question and challenge My Messages until their doubts turn into hatred.
Many souls you associate with, unbeknown to them, will be tempted, constantly, to betray you. Some strangers will come up and say to you that they also are prophets. Some of those souls, who came to you since the start of this Mission, in the pretence that they were also prophets of Mine with special gifts from Me and lied to you, are your worst enemies. They are infested by evil spirits and many, sadly, do not realise this. Those sacred servants of Mine, to whom you confided and who betrayed you, were also stopped from doing their duty to Me, because of the spirit of jealousy.
There are very few who can be trusted to work with My prophets, which is why the genuine ones have to work alone, with just a handful of people they can trust. You, My followers, must never feel hurt or insulted when I will not permit My prophet to meet you, or participate in public events.
As the end time prophet, I cannot permit diversions. I need all of  Maria’s time and devotion. It will be I, Jesus Christ, Who will guide you in your prayers, and through My Prayer Groups. Never underestimate the spirit of evil, which creates doubts and arguments amongst you, along with the temptation to walk away.
Recognise the reasons for this. It is because Satan’s biggest war is being waged in this time. It is the Missions of the true prophets, which cause outrage. It is I, Jesus, Who leads the battle against the evil one and it is I Who will win it.
Your Beloved Jesus

Virgin Mary: You must fight every law and every argument which promotes abortion

My child, when evil acts escalate, as in the way nations attempt to introduce abortion, the Holy Spirit descends upon God’s children, so that they can gain the courage to fight back.
Abortion is the gravest sin in the Eyes of my Father. No reason can be presented to Him, which can justify this vile act against the Creation of God. Abortion is an affront to the Sacred Creation of humanity and brings with it a terrible punishment.
Every argument will be made to justify it amongst your nations, but nothing can make it ever acceptable to God. No one has the right to interfere with the Gift of Life, created by God, the Creator of all that is.
Many poor souls believe that they show compassion when they condone abortion, but all they do is condone murder, which is a grave sin. You must fight every law and every argument, which promotes abortion and safeguard the life of God’s children, inside the wombs of their mothers. You must never feel fear when you proclaim the sacredness of life.
Pray, pray, pray for those souls who cannot accept the importance of life and the Sacred Act of God’s Creation. These souls need your prayers and patience. Show them you will not accept their demands to get you to condone the murder of an unborn child of God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

You devour, so easily, those false words presented to you by liars

My dearly beloved daughter, how easy it is for My Voice to be drowned out by the screeches of the false prophets who infiltrate the world at this time.
How foolish are those amongst you, including My faithful followers, who are so hungry for My Love, that you devour, so easily, those false words, presented to you by liars.
Don’t you know that I only convey My Word to, but, just a few souls? Have I not told you that My Words, given to you, now, are the last of their kind? Why then do you eagerly seek out the words of newly declared prophets who claim to speak on My behalf? Their desire is to seek glory and attention. What they do is feed My flock with a weak alternative, full of words with no substance. For many of those poor souls, they mean no harm as many are being led by their devotion to Me, in order to impart the Love of God. Yet I do not instruct them to do so, for I do not reveal to them My Sacred Word, or details of My Sacred Plan. Others, sadly, are being influenced by the spirit of evil in order to detract from My Holy Word.
While so many voices, from the mouths of false prophets, command the attention of many, My True Voice is cast to one side. To those of you who seek out My Voice, and who witnessed the words of many self-proclaimed prophets, you must listen to Me now.
There are chosen souls through whom I have communicated for decades. I still communicate with them. Since the start of this Mission, I have not given one more single soul permission to proclaim My Word in public at this time, with the exception of those beloved chosen souls who have worked for Me for years.
How do I raise My Voice, so that you can hear Me? What is it you seek? Is it the Truth? Is it sensation? Is it poetry – which reminds you of how My Word should appear on paper? Why then, of all the prophets who say they speak on My behalf, do you reject Me through these Messages?
Oh how you are being deceived. How you are being drawn away from My Loving Arms. How you are being seduced to listen to sweet sounds, which bear no similarity to My True Word.
The time will come when you will be ashamed of your cruelty, your bitter rejection of My Holy Word, your stubborn refusal, borne out of the sin of pride, to embrace My Sacred Word, at this time. For this is the time for the Truth to be revealed to humanity, for the sake of your souls and the souls of every man, woman and child.
I promised the world that the Truth would be revealed to them during this time, yet so many of you are blind and deaf to the Word of God. I ask that you reflect on your quest for My Mercy, My Word and My Promise. Then you must beg Me to guide you and give you the clarity of mind, so that you can see Me, hear Me, trust Me and, finally, surrender in full to My desire to save your soul. You must not waste time pondering, or being led astray, for I need you.
Your Jesus

The abolition of all signs of my Son will mean the beginning of the end

My children, the tide has turned, as sin continues to spread everywhereAs sin becomes acceptable in the hearts of man, the earth will groan in agony beneath the weight of darkness.
The World War is being staged and soon it will reveal the ugliness, which lies in the hearts of world leaders, who are united, as if by an umbilical cord. One feeds the other, but soon none will remain a leader in their own nations, because they will only answer to one master, the antichrist.
To many, the world may seem the same, but, it is not. It is because of the evil, brought about by the demons incarnate who wander the corridors of power, that the whole of humanity will suffer. The power, held by these slaves to evil leaders, will mean that civil rights will disappear. The signs can already be seen. Soon, they will all be abolished and you will have to trust in my Son, and surrender to Him, so that you can withstand the injustices, which you will have to bear witness to.
The abolition of all signs of my Son will mean the beginning of the end. Once this happens, you will know that the time for the Second Coming is close.
You must keep in prayer, children, and continue to recite the Crusade Prayers, for they are very powerful and will help to mitigate the suffering which is being planned by the evil group.
The earth will now shake where the seats of these demonically influenced leaders are located. The Hand of God, the Most High, will strike the earth, but many of those who lead sinful lives can be saved through your prayers.
The influence of the evil one is now being felt amongst the Churches and those who proclaim the Holy Word of God. They are the primary targets of the evil one and the antichrist will not relent in his pursuit to destroy all Christian Churches.
Pray, pray, pray for the army of Christ to remain calm and at peace. It will be when you trust completely in my Son, through the surrender of your free will, that you will become strong. Then you will be able to withstand these trials.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Everything will be done to cause disruption to your Prayer Groups

My dearly beloved daughter, the Fire of the Holy Spirit has intensified amongst My Prayer Groups and they will now spread throughout the world, and multiply, one thousand-fold. The grace bestowed upon these Groups will enable them to set up quickly and grow just as I intended them to.
As the Fire of Truth engulfs the Earth, so also will the darkness descend, like a great thick fog. The evil one and his demons will torment as many as they can in order to take them away from Me. I cannot let him do this.
The pain of being separated from these poor souls, who give in willingly to the lies, fed to them by Satan, is very difficult for Me to bear. Nothing, however, can stop the Word of God, although it may not seem like this to many of you.
By My Power, I will spread love through those souls who respond to My call for Prayers. When they surrender their free will to Me, I can do what is necessary to draw them to the Love of God. This Love has been missing from their lives, for some time. They will then recognise the emptiness they had felt inside, before I bring them this comfort. The comfort they have been missing is the calmness of the soul, which can only come from Me.
Come to Me and I will help you to see all that matters. Listen to My Voice, now, as I gather all nations and bring My family together, so that I can prepare you for your new life where death will no longer exist. Neither death of the body or the soul can exist in My New Paradise. Death will be finished. My New Paradise is ready, but it must be filled with every single soul alive in the world today. This is My great desire.
To My followers, you must prepare now for the terrible trials, which you will have to face because of your response to My call. Everything will be done to cause disruption to your Prayer Groups. Many priests, for example, will try to stop them. You will be told not to attend them. You will be told that they are not permitted.  You will be told My Prayers come from the spirit of evil. You will be given every kind of excuse – all of them simply meant to prevent My Work from being done.
I urge you to work together in peace and harmony. Do not allow differences of opinion to halt this Work. This is a time when Satan will try to drive a wedge between you all, so that the Crusade Prayers are not spread globally, as dictated by Me.
The Jesus to Mankind Prayer Groups must be set up everywhere. They will be an integral part of the formation and co-ordination of My Remnant Army on Earth. You must work closely, in love and harmony, and keep in touch with My daughter, Maria. I have instructed her to assist, where possible, in guiding you. I have sent her a group of people who will co-ordinate these groups in different regions in the world. You must each focus on your own region and link with each other.  Maria will be instructed, by Me, as to how I need them to be managed and the format I desire.
I will bless each Prayer Group, when they agree to My Direction. I need members of the clergy involved and Prayer Books to be used. Maria will let you know what is expected soon.
Prepare for this global Mission, like no other. It is the Final Mission to save souls and every step of the way is dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.  So, I ask that you place all your trust in Me. Rejoice, for you are blessed to be given this role in the most important time in the history of the world. For this, you will receive many Gifts from Me, as I need your help to save souls.
Allow Me to give you the Blessing of Protection for the Jesus to Mankind Crusade Prayer Groups in every single location, as they are being set up.
My Love, My Blessing, My beloved disciples. You bring Me peace, love and comfort at this time.
Your beloved Jesus

Crusade Prayer (94) To cure the mind, body and soul

“O dear Jesus, I lay myself before You, weary, sick, in pain and with a longing to hear Your Voice.
Let me be touched by Your Divine Presence, so that I will be flooded by Your Divine Light, through my mind, body and soul.
I trust in Your Mercy.
I surrender my pain and suffering completely before You and I ask that You give me the Grace to trust in You, so that You can cure me of this pain and darkness, so that I can become whole again and, so that I can follow the Path of Truth and allow You to lead me to life in the New Paradise. Amen.”

Please take this new Gift of Healing I present to you now

My dearly beloved daughter, as this Mission continues to grow and expand around the world, it will come with new miracles, which, in My Love and Compassion, will be given to those who suffer terribly. When I came the first time, My Mercy was extended to those souls who needed My Help.
There will be those who will be infiltrated by a lack of faith and who will be afflicted by terrible physical suffering. Those who come to Me, I will ease their suffering. I will do this to ignite the faith of their souls, but it will be by the Power of the Holy Spirit, by which they can only be healed.
Bring Me your sufferings. Bring Me your worries. Bring Me your pain. Come to Me, through your prayers, and I will listen. I wish to take you all in My Sacred Arms and protect you.
Please take this new Gift of Healing I present to you now. It is in the form of a Crusade Prayer and will cure you in mind, body and soul.
By this prayer, I bequeath the precious Gift of Healing. By reciting it you will know that this request for help will bring down upon you, and those you include in this prayer, great gifts from Heaven. As such, it comes with a special protection for the renewal of those lost, who are unsure of their faith, and who feel a sense of weariness. They may be suffering from doubts. They may be suffering with physical diseases, which are destroying their ability to allow Me to bring them peace, love and comfort.
To receive this blessing for healing please recite this Crusade Prayer.
Crusade Prayer (94) To cure the mind, body and soul
O dear Jesus, I lay myself before You, weary, sick, in pain and with a longing to hear Your Voice.
Let me be touched by Your Divine Presence, so that I will be flooded by Your Divine Light through my mind, body and soul.
I trust in Your Mercy.
I surrender my pain and suffering completely before You and I ask that You give me the grace to trust in You, so that You can cure me of this pain and darkness, so that I can become whole again and, so that I can follow the Path of Truth and allow You to lead me to life in the New Paradise.
It is your faith that must concern you, first. Then, by the grace of My Mercy, will I respond to your request for healing, according to My Holy Will.
Your beloved Jesus

Despite My Divinity, I feel sickened by and disgusted with the sins of man

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for preparation for The Warning is short. This is a time when, no matter how painful the persecution is, you must ignore everything except My Holy Word.
As the preparations begin, let no one stop you, My beloved followers, as you prepare your souls and pray for those who will die in mortal sin during The Warning.
You, My followers and My sacred servants, will endure, now, the pain I feel, as I look down upon wretched sinners. Despite My Divinity, I feel sickened by, and disgusted with, the sins of man, as they are paraded before My Eyes.
Their arrogance, the insolence and the pride, demonstrated by these sinners, emulate, exactly, the traits of Satan and his demons. These same evil spirits have devoured the souls of God’s children, so that they no longer seem like the children they once were, when they took their first breath.
So stuffed with pride, and convinced of their own invincibility, are they, that they are no longer capable of allowing the Spirit of God to touch their souls. This is why they need your prayers.
I bless you with the Grace to save these souls and you must, for My sake, help Me to help them.
Not content in satisfying his own lusts to feed his bodily desires, man then feels he must interfere with My Creation. He then takes steps where he tries, not only to emulate the Power of God, when it comes to the Creation of human life and the taking of human life, he thinks he has the power to replace the Existence of God. He believes now in his own divinity, which is nothing but a lie placed within his soul by Satan, to whom he has pledged his allegiance.
These steps, which man now takes, go beyond the boundaries permitted by God. Now that the Churches of God are to be besieged by the spirit of evil, from enemies and imposters, the punishment will finally descend upon the earth.
My Father’s Power will be witnessed and His punishment will be severe. It will shock even the most arrogant sinner, who will be in no doubt whose Hand has fallen upon the earth. My Father will do this in order to rid the earth of wickedness, while enabling, at the same time, the growth of His army of loyal followers who will help in the salvation of souls.
Sin has damaged the earth you walk on and it can be seen in disease, pollution and the corruption among your governments. The stain of sin covers the world, so that it has become a disgusting and vile thing in the Eyes of My Father. He, who created the world as a place where He could nurture His family, is heartbroken.
My Father is also angry and the scales of justice have now tipped. His punishment cannot be stopped where it has become necessary.
Help your brothers and sisters, especially those who have created laws which interfere with those created by God, the Most High. You must do this through the Crusade Prayers. Be strong. Be brave. Be hopeful and fear nothing, if you love Me.
Your Jesus

Ignore questions or demands made of you to change My Words

My dearly beloved daughter, you must never forget Who your Master is. When you are being dragged in every direction, and when My disciples place enormous loads upon your shoulders, you must resist. Place yourself in My Holy Hands, remain alone and ask Me to handle everything.
You must only respond to My Voice. Any other voice, which commands you to do My Holy Work, according to their ways, their interpretations, must be ignored.
Many, who follow this Mission, must understand that My Holy Word may not be scrutinised, changed or adapted to suit others. My Word is Sacred. Accept what I say, in faith, and be content. Trying to find hidden meanings, sensation, or seek fortune-telling, is offensive to Me.
Learn to listen to My Voice. Let it touch your soul and be thankful that I give you this Gift of My intimate Teachings and desires. I do this out of compassion for you and because I love you. To question and demand that I give you the answers you want to hear is insulting to Me.
My daughter, please ignore questions or demands made of you to change My Words or the meaning of what I say to you. You do not, as I have told you before, have the authority to do so. Even when those devious souls plant difficult questions, to which you do not have the answer, remain silent.
To those of you who continue to try and trip Me up, by challenging and criticising My Holy Word, know that you are but a poor weak sinner. It is not that you ask questions for the good of your soul, which I find displeasing. It is your refusal to accept that I, Jesus Christ, could ever communicate to the world as I do now.
If you take My Word and twist it to suit  your way it will become meaningless. If you then tear it apart, in order to defy this, My Holy Mission to save this last generation, then you will be thrown to one side.
My plan is powerful now as I lead humanity quickly onwards along the Path of Truth. Those who wander and stray will be left behind. There is only so much time left to save each of you. Why do you waste it? Every minute is precious.
Allow Me the chance to lead you, teach you and salvage you. Obedience to Me, your Jesus, is required if I Am to help you. You can only obey Me when you surrender your will to Me. When you do this, confusion will no longer be present in your soul.
Your Jesus

The plan to destroy the Catholic Church, from within its own ranks, is already underway

Saturday, January 12, 2013 15:10 hours
My dearly beloved daughter, this is the time for the next phase in My Plan to prepare the world for the New Era, the New Paradise, the Kingdom, promised by Me, the Son of Man.
My army must now gather and link as one in prayer, for the battle for souls has now intensified. The plans by the evil group, on a global scale, to legitimise wars, murder through euthanasia and abortion, is gathering momentum.
The plan to destroy the Catholic Church from within its own ranks is already underway. Those souls in positions of power, and especially those within Christian Churches, who condone sin and try to legislate for it, know this.  You will suffer terribly. The Hand of My Father will intervene and destroy your plan.
For every man and woman who tries to bring in laws against the Will of God, they will face a terrible chastisement. Not only will they be struck down, their own nations will also be chastised.
Enough has been endured by My Father. He will no longer tolerate such interference in His Creation. The earth will be shaken and not one man will fail to notice.
What wickedness there is. And what cunning is in place, where terrible abominations are being introduced by humanity, which insult God. By these acts, man will have to face the Wrath of My Father. Prayer, and much of it, can halt this wickedness. And it is because of your prayers that the Divine Interventions, to punish mankind, have been delayed. Now those nations, whose rulers are driven by the spirit of evil, will be wiped out.
My beloved followers, you will suffer greatly as you witness the acts of disobedience against the Laws of God.  You must keep praying in order to mitigate the punishments by My Father.
Now, you must set up as many prayer groups for My Crusade of Prayers as possible in every nation. By doing this you will allay the work of the evil group.
My patience is never ending, but man will be punished, before My Second Coming, for his wicked deeds. This punishment has been delayed for some time, but My Father will permit ecological upheavals, in order to purify souls.
Here is an important Litany to help mitigate the punishment by My Father.
Litany Prayer (4) to mitigate punishment by God the Father
O God the Most High.
We beg You for Mercy for the sins of Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of the earth.
We thank You for the Gift of human life.
We treasure the Gift of life.
We uphold the Gift of life.
We thank You for the Gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We thank You for the Gift of Redemption.
We praise Your Divinity.
We surrender, completely, before You, so that Your Holy Will can be completed, on earth, as it is in Heaven.
We thank You for the Gift of the Illumination of Conscience.
We thank You for the promise of eternal life.
We welcome the New Paradise.
We beg You to save all souls, including those who torment You and those who are lost to You.
We thank You for the Love you show all Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of prophecy.
We thank You for the Gift of prayer.
We ask You to grant us peace and salvation. Amen.
My daughter, this Mission will become even more difficult, as the hatred of man against man intensifies and divides.
God’s loyal disciples will be tempted to give in to the sins, which will be disguised as the laws of tolerance. You must resist every attempt to turn your back on the Truth of My Teachings. When you leave all your trials in My Holy Hands, you will find this Mission to save souls, much easier.
Your Jesus

Litany Prayer (4) to mitigate punishment by God the Father

O God the Most High.
We beg You for Mercy for the sins of Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of the earth.
We thank You for the Gift of human life.
We treasure the Gift of life.
We uphold the Gift of life.
We thank You for the Gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We thank You for the Gift of Redemption.
We praise Your Divinity.
We surrender, completely, before You, so that Your Holy Will can be completed, on earth, as it is in Heaven.
We thank You for the Gift of the Illumination of Conscience.
We thank You for the promise of eternal life.
We welcome the New Paradise.
We beg You to save all souls, including those who torment You and those who are lost to You.
We thank You for the Love you show all Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of prophecy.
We thank You for the Gift of prayer.
We ask You to grant us peace and salvation. Amen.

Crusade Prayer (93) For the Tears of Conversion

“O my beloved Jesus, You are close to my heart.
I am one with You.
I love You.
I cherish You.
Let me feel Your Love.
Let me feel Your Pain.
Let me feel Your Presence.
Grant me the Grace of Humility, so that I am made worthy of Your Kingdom on earth, as it is in Heaven.
Grant me the Tears of Conversion so, that I can truly offer myself to You, as a true disciple, to help You in Your Mission to save every single soul on earth, before You come again to judge the living and the dead. Amen.”

I now grant them the Grace of the Tears of Love and Conversion

My dearly beloved daughter, please hear Me and listen as I reveal My Pain. My Head, covered with thorns, is being crushed painfully, as I endure the pain of My Crucifixion, two thousand years after My Time on earth.
The Time for My Second Coming is very close. Let no man doubt My Promise to come again. Let no man doubt that it can be at any time. Prepare your souls, for the time is close. Far better, that you concentrate on the state of your souls, than on the state of your future prosperity.
The pain of thorns is now being felt by leaders in the Catholic and Christian Churches. They suffer, so, as they are being force-fed doctrines, dictated to them by political leaders, which pour forth from the mouth of the beast.
To all those who attack My Word, through these Messages, I must warn you that the battle between God and Satan, at the end time, is now. May My Father pardon you for your misdemeanours. May He pour down His Mercy on your misguided and wayward ways, all of which, condone sin.
The pain of the Crown of Thorns, which are being pressed down, in agony, upon My Christian Churches on earth, is being replicated, at this time, as foretold. The pain of rejection – the rejection of My Word, My Existence and My Teachings – is being felt, not only by Me, but by all of those poor souls who honour Me, who proclaim My Holy Word and who love Me.
My Heart is entwined with them in love and suffering. They will know this, immediately, for I now grant them the Grace of the Tears of Love and Conversion, when they recite this Crusade Prayer.
Crusade Prayer (93) For the Tears of Conversion
O My beloved Jesus, You are close to my heart.
I am one with You.
I love You.
I cherish You.
Let me feel Your Love.
Let me feel Your Pain.
Let me feel Your Presence.
Grant me the Grace of humility so that I am made worthy of Your Kingdom on earth, as it is in Heaven.
Grant me the Tears of Conversion so that I can truly offer myself to You as a true disciple to help You in Your Mission to save every single soul on earth, before You come again to judge the living and the dead.
Go My beloved followers. I promise that I will grant you the Grace of the Tears of Conversion so that you will truly become united within My Sacred Heart when you recite this prayer.
My Heart embraces you, My cherished and loyal disciples. I love you. I Am with you now, in a way, which you will find hard to deny.
Your beloved Jesus

When you take away the Truth, or tamper with it, it is no longer the Truth. All that is left is a shell

My dearly beloved daughter, how familiar I Am, through the tongues of man, every single day, and yet, I Am so far away from them.
Many, instinctively, call out My Name aloud, in moments of expression, without actually realising how they use My Name. Not only Am I not revered; no respect of any kind is shown to Me. My Name is used to curse others, at times of great friction. How this hurts and shocks Me; that I Am used in this way.
Many use My Name in daily conversation, but not in a way, which addresses My Role as the Saviour of the human race.
How I wish that I could call upon those atheists and agnostics, so that they could listen to how they use My Name, in their daily conversations. If it is a habit, then why don’t you use another form of expression? Why do you include Me, if you do not accept Me? Why do you use Me as a form of blasphemy, when you do not believe I Exist?
So many people dismiss Me as not being important in their lives. I Am pushed to one side as if I Am of no consequence.
Many souls, who do believe in Me, do not practise their faith. As such, they fail to prepare their souls. So many do not know when they will be taken from this earth and into the next life and have made a terrible mistake. For, they are not fit to enter My Kingdom.
The day when souls find themselves divided into two groups, the Truth of the future will finally be revealed to them. Woe to the man who has not prepared for this great day and who wasted the time accorded to him on earth.
To the others who have refused to listen to the Truth and who publicly demeaned and rejected Me, their terror will be impossible to describe. There will be weeping, hysteria and shock witnessed on that day, as these souls see that the path they chose led them only into the fires of the abyss.
This is the time of spiritual renewal for souls who have been blessed with the Gift to see how the prophecies of old are now taking place in the world as foretold.
I look at the world and I see terrible confusion, as people are being sucked into lies about how the world was created – these lies, which are designed to turn people away from the Truth.
I see good people being told to reject their understanding of My Teachings and to throw them aside in favour of accepting Sin. Then they are encouraged to applaud sin until they convince themselves that I, Jesus Christ, will turn a blind eye.
The Truth of My Teachings lies at the very kernel of Christianity. When you take away the Truth, or tamper with it, it is no longer the Truth. All that is left is a shell.
It is time to discern whether or not you are prepared to allow yourselves to be deceived by modern new age spiritualism, or to stand firm and defend the Holy Word of God. It may not seem to matter to you now, but when the day comes, when I come to Judge, only the Truth will be acceptable in My Kingdom.
When you accept lies, you are not being honest. You are not being truthful. Therefore, you will not receive Graces.  You will be like an empty vessel, which sails in the seas, boasting of a cargo, which exists only in your minds. It will be of no use to anyone, this false sense of security. It will not give you access to the keys of My New Paradise.
Pray every day, as if tomorrow is your last day, because you do not know the time of My Second Coming. It will happen unexpectedly. When that day dawns, there will be little time to turn back.  You will either accept Me, and My Promise to bring you into My Kingdom, or you will be sent to the place from which there is no return.
Your Jesus

Do not listen to exaggerated claims you may hear about the end times

My dearly beloved daughter, when I wish to prepare the world for My Second Coming, I must ask that all of My followers trust in Me, completely. I love you. I will always respond to your prayers, in order to mitigate the evil acts, which are being planned in the world by the enemies of God.
I protect you, My beloved followers. While I could never hide the Truth from you, I must warn you against the inaccurate prophecies, which are being delivered by false prophets in the world at this point in time, and which create terror in the hearts of souls.
The Hand of My Father, as I have told you before, will fall on those wicked people, when they try to take God’s children from the earth before they are fit to enter My Kingdom.
You must never allow fear to destroy hope, or terror to destroy love. Love will destroy evil. Love will increase in the world and be spread because of the Grace of God, in response to the prayers of His children.
Do not listen to exaggerated claims you may hear about the end times. Do not allow such tales, many of which amount to fiction, to upset you or frighten you.
I, Jesus Christ, in My Mercy, will destroy evil, as I will never give up on souls. God is Love. God’s Power is Almighty.
God is Merciful. Never forget that.
Pray, pray, pray, for you must not allow your hearts to be troubled when prayer can mitigate much of the evil in the world. Surrender to Me in love, hope and joy and I will take away all your fears and unnecessary worries.
When you are preparing for a great celebration you will always be joyful and excited. And, although many disruptions and difficult setbacks may occur before the great day, all will be forgotten when the sun rises at dawn on the much anticipated day.
This is how you must look upon My Second Coming. While the evil you will witness in the lead up will frighten and disgust you, it will be short lived, for soon it will have all been forgotten.
Be at peace. Never lose hope in My Great Mercy. I will never forsake those who love Me.
Your Jesus

Only by the Power of God, do you exist. Only by the Love of God will you live forever

My dearly beloved daughter, you may wonder why, when I communicate with you, that it seems like the most natural thing in the world.
Sometimes you ask why you do not feel overpowered by My Presence. I allow this, for you would find it impossible to stand before My Presence, as you would faint with the Power of My Light. Yet, I allow you to glimpse a little of this Divine Light, as a special Gift. It is because then you will grasp just how powerful My Light, My Love and My Spirit is.
If man were to glimpse, but just a fraction of My Divine Presence, he would be so overwhelmed that he could not stand the Light, as it would blind him.
This is the distance, which sin places between man and his Creator. When My Light is shown to souls, they can only be embraced by Me, in My Kingdom, when they have been purified. Only those of you who humble yourselves before Me can be enveloped within the Light of My Mercy. No matter how much you claim to love Me, you must redeem yourselves constantly before Me, if you are to be given this Gift of My Mercy.
To each sinner, I say this. Not an hour goes by, when, in your thoughts, through your lips and by your actions, do you not sin. But, when you quietly accept your weakness, and are full of love for Me, and I can see your sorrow, then I will forget your iniquities in an instant.
When I come to cover you with My Divine Mercy, before My Second Coming, it will be to offer you the purification needed, so that you can be embraced and taken into the security and safety of My Divine Light. My Light, on that day, will cover the earth. Many, although blinded by the Light of My Great Mercy, will instantly accept My Hand of Salvation.
To be accepted into the Light of My Mercy, you must accept that the Power of God is eternal. Only by the Power of God do you exist. Only by the Love of God will you live forever. Those who reject the Light can only find darkness. Darkness can only mean one thing – that you accept the life of eternal suffering offered to you by the evil one.
Allow My Light to shine down upon you, but first, you must earn the right to share in this powerful Light, which offers you a place in My Kingdom, forever.
I bless you. I call you. Come to Me, without fear, for I wait patiently for you. If only you would come to Me, you would then understand the Truth of My Promise.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (92) For the Grace of Perseverance

“O dear Jesus, I ask You for the Gift of Perseverance.
I beg You to bestow upon me the Graces I need to uphold Your Most Holy Word.
I ask You to rid me of any lingering doubts.
I ask You to flood my soul with kindness, patience and perseverance.
Help me to remain dignified when I am insulted in Your Holy Name.
Make me strong and cover me with the Grace to keep going, even when I am tired, lacking in strength, and when faced with all the tribulations, which lie ahead, as I work tirelessly to help You save humanity. Amen.”

Please recite this Crusade Prayer (92) for the Grace of Perseverance

My dearly beloved daughter, it is through the Holy Spirit that strangers, from all over the world, are now responding to this call from Heaven.
It can only be by the Power of the Holy Spirit that so many thousands of souls have come together with love in their hearts in order to follow My Crusade Prayer Groups.
You will know, immediately, when a Mission from God is authentic, by the numbers who are called and who unite as one in My Holy Name. No questions are raised. No monies sought. No arguments. All simply join together, out of their love for Me. Because of the response of so many souls to My Crusade Prayers, in so many nations, I now give them this Blessing.
My beloved disciples, you bring Me great joy and comfort. For the loyalty and the perseverance you have demonstrated, I bless you with the Gift of Holy Spirit.  From this day, for every task you undertake, to help Me to save souls, before My Second Coming, I will give you a special grace, which you will recognise immediately. It is the Grace of Perseverance in the face of adversity.
Please recite this Crusade Prayer (92) for the Grace of Perseverance
O dear Jesus, I ask you for the Gift of Perseverance.
I beg You to bestow upon me the graces I need to uphold Your Most Holy Word.
I ask You to rid me of any lingering doubts.
I ask You to flood my soul with kindness, patience and perseverance.
Help me to remain dignified when I am insulted in Your Holy Name.
Make me strong and cover me with the grace to keep going, even when I am tired, lacking in strength and when faced with all the tribulations, which lie ahead, as I work tirelessly to help You save humanity. Amen.
Go, My precious followers, and know that My Heart bursts with love and joy as I witness your love when you respond to My Call.
I love you. I cover you with My Precious Blood.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (91) Keep me true to my Faith

“O Blessed Mother of Salvation, protect me in my hour of need, when I am confronted with evil.
Help me to defend the Word of God with strength and courage, without any fear in my soul.
Pray that I remain loyal to the Teachings of Christ and that I can fully surrender my fears, my worries and my sadness, completely.
Help me, so that I can walk fearlessly ahead on this lonely path, in order to proclaim the Truth of the Holy Word of God, even when the enemies of God make this task almost impossible.
O Blessed Mother, I ask that, through your intercession, the faith of all Christians remains strong, at all times, during the persecution. Amen.”

Virgin Mary: The times ahead will be challenging for all Christians

My dear children, you must pray that the Christian Churches wake up to the Truth of these Messages. It will be by the power of their numbers that they will continue to uphold the Teachings of my Son.
He, my precious Son, desires the loyalty of all of His followers. You must pray that those amongst His Churches, with responsibility for the daily proclamation of His Holy Word, remain loyal to Him at all times.
I must urge you not to listen to any new doctrine which will be presented in the Name of my Son, Jesus Christ, which does not come in His Holy Name.
The times ahead will be challenging for all Christians. You will need great perseverance if you wish to remain true to God.
When you are challenged, bullied and persecuted, by other Christians, to accept new laws, which you will know in your heart are not from God, then you must recite this Crusade Prayer to keep you true to your Faith.
Crusade Prayer (91) Keep me true to my Faith
O Blessed Mother of Salvation, protect me in my hour of need, when I am confronted with evil.
Help me to defend the Word of God with strength and courage, without any fear in my soul.
Pray that I remain loyal to the Teachings of Christ and that I can fully surrender my fears, my worries and my sadness, completely.
Help me, so that I can walk fearlessly ahead on this lonely path, in order to proclaim the Truth of the Holy Word of God, even when the enemies of God make this task almost impossible.
O Blessed Mother, I ask that, through your intercession, the faith of all Christians remains strong, at all times, during the persecution.  Amen.
Children, you must remember that when your faith is constantly being challenged, insulted and sneered at, that my Son suffers with you. This suffering and persecution is as it was during His cruel trial, during which He was accused of heresy for simply speaking the Truth.
The Truth, when spoken, attracts controversy, anger and, sometimes, violence. Know that my Son will give you the strength you will need, to endure this time of great difficulty.
Listen children to my call. I will intercede, on your behalf, to keep you strong, and my Son will shower you with special graces to enable you to avoid being bullied into accepting blasphemous laws, which will cause a great rift in the Christian Churches and, in particular, the Catholic Church.
I love you and offer you my prayers at every stage of your journey on the path of Truth.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

I call out to all those who are unsure as to whether I Exist, or not

My dearly beloved daughter, I call out to all those who are unsure as to whether I Exist, or not.
I realise how difficult it is for you to believe in a life, other than the one you live now. I know that you find it hard to accept in My Divine Presence. Yet, know that when you love someone, that the Presence of God, in your soul, allows for this Gift. Use this love to call on Me and I will speak to your heart.
This is an age where, very soon, you will know, instinctively, that many events in the world are being caused by the evil present in the hearts of men with cruelty in their souls.
This is the time when I will make My Voice heard amongst you. I speak through My prophets in order to enlighten you so that I can show you the Love that I have for you. Do not pull away from Me. There is a spark of recognition for Me within your soul. Now is the time for you to ponder on your future, for you must know this. Without Me; without My Love and My Mercy, you will never find peace.
I Am the Truth. I bring news, which may not sit comfortably with you, but I speak the Truth. The Truth is difficult, in the beginning, to accept because it reveals the bad as well as the good. People only want to see the pleasant side, but very often, the exterior of warm pleasantries simply cover up the Truth. Many cannot savour the Truth – the Existence of God, the Creator of all things – yet, they are prepared to accept falsities, which are presented to them.
These are just passing forms of titillation and are meaningless. They succeed in distracting you and give you a false sense of security. But they have no substance.
Remember, your time on earth is simply a form of exile, brought about by sin.
I came to salvage the human race from sin, when I came the first time. Sadly, I was not welcomed. I was murdered and died on the Cross before I could claim My Kingdom. Now I will come again, as foretold, to claim the Kingdom, promised to Me by My Beloved Father. This time, I will prepare all of you for this event, for I promise you now, the greatest gift of all.
You, are a child of God, whether or not you accept this fact. You are very much loved. I will enlighten you, if you come to Me and ask Me to help you. There is nothing to fear, because I am your beloved Jesus, and for you, I died a death of great suffering. Your own suffering, where you wander lost, in confusion, and where you find it impossible to find peace, is almost over.
Come, follow Me. I have great plans and My Divinity will be proven to all. Even those who continue to reject Me will be presented with the Truth, when My Glorious Second Coming is witnessed by over seven billion people.
No one will deny I Exist then. They will find it impossible, yet many will refuse to accept the New Kingdom, which I will unveil for all of God’s children.
Do not turn away, for I wish to save you and take you, and the whole of humanity, into the inheritance for which you were all born.
Your beloved Jesus

Virgin Mary: The reason why so many people are in such pain and darkness is because they do not believe in God

My child, the reason why so many people are in such pain and darkness is because they do not believe in God.
The faith, which was meant to be instilled in every soul, by those appointed ones, has lapsed. So many have turned away from God and find, now, that their lives are empty and without meaning. When a soul turns their back on God, they become restless. They fill the vacuum with a love of false things, which will never satisfy their desire for peace.
True peace can only be found through the Sacred Heart of my Son. When you accept Jesus Christ, as your Saviour, you will never die. Nor will you remain dry of spirit. My Son brings you salvation, and even the weakest amongst you will find an inner strength, when you call on Him.
Those who have never been taught the Truth, because it was denied to them, will be offered the Hand of Mercy by my Son. He will enlighten them because they are the ones He wishes to draw into His Glorious Kingdom.
The Glory of God will, if you allow the Truth to be given to you with an open heart, save you. When you recognise God’s Goodness, you could never again put anyone, or anything, before Him.
Please pray that the Light of Truth will open the mind, heart, body and soul of each one of you during The Warning. It is why God is sending such a Gift of Mercy. Please respond to His Call.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Love all those who persecute you, in My Name. Then pray for them

My dearly beloved daughter, you must inform all of My followers that their prayers will help to mitigate much of what has been foretold.
Prayer is so powerful, that if enough of the prayers I give to the world, through the Crusade Prayers, are said, that much of the difficult tribulation can be curtailed.
I also must point to the power of forgiveness. When you are persecuted, in My Name, you must pray for those souls who torment you. When you pray for them, from the heart, I will cover them with your love. When you pray for your enemies, you delay Satan’s mission to take souls away from Me.
My daughter, I must now instruct you, and My followers, to remain calm in the face of much opposition to these Messages. You must never fear the Word of God, even when it brings you much pain from the outside world.
Do not think that My Kingdom is easy to enter. For each of you who truly loves Me, there will be one or two more people tempted to stop you in your allegiance to Me. This has been the case since My Death on the Cross. It will remain this way until My Second Coming.
My disciples will attract those souls who seek Me out. My disciples will then embrace these souls, so that My followers will swell to become one, in union with Me. It will never be without suffering, this lonely pathway to My Kingdom.
When they throw accusations at you, think of My own journey to Calvary. Think of My silence, and the dignity of simply focusing on My sole objective, to save souls, for every second you endure ridicule, in My Name.
This will make your journey more bearable. Let your detractors scream abuse; let them call you a fool; let them declare My Messages to be heresy. For when you do this, their wicked tongues will have no power over you.
Love all those who persecute you, in My Name. Then pray for them. And when you forgive them, you will destroy the power which Satan holds over them.
This is the secret of humility.
Your Jesus

Virgin Mary: Not all will accept freedom. Many will side with the evil one and reject my Son

My child, much will now unfold in the world and many events are necessary, in order to purify God’s children.
It is important that the hearts of all are opened to the Truth, the Holy Word of God. If they do not open their hearts, they will not be able to accept the Truth of my Son’s promise to humanity.
He will come again, and soon, to redeem His Kingdom on Earth. It will be prised away from the evil grip of Satan. All of God’s children will be offered the freedom they need to become one with my Son.
Not all will accept freedom. Many will side with the evil one and reject my Son. They will be so weak that they will not accept His Promise and will continue to pursue worldly ambitions.
I ask you children to be generous towards these souls. They will, not only reject my Son’s Mercy, they will harass and sneer at all those brave souls, who will stand up and proclaim the Truth of God.
Keep in daily prayer, children, and then hand over any fears you may have to my Son. He loves you and wishes to unburden you of such sorrow and pain. Come to me, your beloved Mother, and I will ask Him to make you stronger in your allegiance to Him.
Your Beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

The Temple of God will be desecrated beyond recognition

My dearly beloved daughter, the new dawn has arisen and the changes have commenced in preparation for My Second Coming.
Wars in the Middle East will now escalate and many will die by the hands of the evil group. They, the evil group, are going to be stopped, however, by the Hand of My Father. Each one struck down, as they pose a greater danger to God’s children.
My Plans are being manifested and those among you, chosen by Me to lead the remnant Church will swiftly build bases throughout the world. These places will be where you will go to honour Me, in peace, when your churches will not welcome you in the way it is meant to be.
Your churches will become no more than places of entertainment where pagan rituals and music will be staged in elaborate ceremonies. Supposedly, these events will be to honour God. Instead, they will idolise sinful acts and they will declare them to be in accordance with My Teachings.
Many will present themselves, soon, as the new servants of God. Many will never have been prepared in the Christian Church and, therefore, will not be fit to present the Holy Sacraments to God’s children. They will be imposters. They will dictate to all, the truth of what, they say, are the teachings of God in today’s world. Their lies will reach the ears of humanity all over the world.
Many will be attracted to what they will perceive to be a fresh, new approach, to My Teachings and the Love of God. All will be a terrible lie. Many will be deceived into accepting the new One World Religion.
As the false church grows and attracts many celebrities, the media and political leaders, My Remnant Church will grow. Many of My sacred servants will be disloyal to Me and join in the new One-World Religion where they will be welcomed with open arms.
These imposters will cause terrible hardship for Christians everywhere, if they do not accept this new, politically endorsed cultural organisation, which will call itself a church of God.
While Christians will be the main target of hatred, the House of Israel will also be sought out and the Jews will be made scapegoats in this war for souls.
Nothing you see will appear to be different on the exterior in the early days. Soon, there will be seen, a rich and powerful building in Rome which will become a meeting place. All religions will be made welcome here until they are forced to swallow the lies presented to them by the New World Order.
It will, in time, become unacceptable for certain Christian practices to be held in public.
These will include the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. They will be deemed to be unacceptable in a modern and secular world and you will find it impossible to receive them. The Sacrament of Marriage will be changed and marriage will be available in a different form. The only way to receive the True Sacraments at that stage will be through the Remnant Church.
To My sacred servants who will suffer in My Name, as they will struggle to hold onto the Sacraments and the Holy Mass, know this. Your duty is to Me, through your Holy Vows, and you must never be tempted to deviate from the Truth. Pressure will be put on you to desert the ways of the Lord. Your voice will become just like a whisper as the enemy tries to drown out the True Word of God.
Gather together. Unite. For very soon the Temple of God will be desecrated beyond recognition. All you need do is follow Me, listen to your heart and your conscience. Be ready at all times, for this difficult journey ahead. You will need all your courage, your strength and your perseverance.
Know that, at the end of your journey, I will be waiting to sweep you into My Holy Arms and into the safe haven of My New Paradise.
Your Jesus

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