Thursday 5 May 2016

Woe to all of you imposters, for you do not come from Me

Woe to all of you imposters, for you do not come from Me

As the true end time prophet reveals to you the Truth, so too will the counterfeit raise his voice, like a lamb who will speak as if it he speaks the True Word of God. Then as the king of the Earth – the evil one – fights against Heaven’s intervention, hundreds of false prophets will rise among you and they will never tell you the Truth. Their visions and their words, which spring from their own imaginations – and in many cases, from the spirit of evil – will reveal to you the good things you want to hear. They will soothe you when you need to be soothed, but they will mislead you. They will speak of peace, where there will be no peace – of Truth, when there will be heresy – of plentiful crops, when there will be famine. You will never hear the Truth, for these liars will not want to incur your wrath.
The Truth prepares you to deal with the reality of difficult times, foretold in My Father’s Book. It is given to you to make you strong. But the false prophets, who roam among you, will confuse you and tell you that all things are good – when they are bad, and holy – when they are not. They will shield the wolves who want to devour the souls of God’s children. Their words of love and their quotes from Holy Scripture serve only to deceive you. Yet, many of you will embrace lies rather than face the Truth.
Woe to all of you imposters, for you do not come from Me. When you come to Me and say: “But, Jesus all we wanted to do was spread the Good News.” I will cast you out and you will be exiled. You have betrayed Me by lying about missions, which were never given to you. You are denying Me by contradicting Me and when you publicly declare My Word to be a lie.
Don’t ever attempt to stand in the way of God’s Ministry, for the Heavens will open and you will be the first to be struck down with the false prophet and the beast, on the last day. Punishment will befall all those who claim to come in My Name and who serve only one purpose. That is to tamper and interfere with the Word of God. As the Battle of Armageddon moves closer and as this raging war is mounted by Satan’s army against God’s children, you must move aside, right now, for if you do not, you will face the Wrath of God and no Mercy will be shown to you or to those who swallow the lies which spew from your mouths, in order to defy the Truth.
Your Saviour
Jesus Christ

Litany Prayer (5) For the Salvation of Those in Mortal Sin

Jesus, save all sinners from the fires of Hell.
Forgive blackened souls.
Help them to see You.
Lift them out of darkness.
Open their eyes.
Open their hearts.
Show them the Truth.
Save them.
Help them to listen.
Rid them of pride, lust and envy.
Protect them from evil.
Hear their pleas for help.
Grasp their hands.
Pull them towards You.
Save them from the deception of Satan. Amen.