Thursday 29 September 2016

Good versus evil is a battle between God, My Eternal Father and Satan. It is that simple.

Good versus evil is a battle between God, My Eternal Father and Satan. It is that simple.

My dearly beloved daughter the battle begins now.
For every grievous law passed by nations, which oppose the Laws of God, the forces of punishment will lash down upon them by the Hand of My Father.
Every evil offense, carried out in defiance of the Laws of God, will be attacked and nations will suffer for their sins.
Just as the Mercy of God is great and will cover the widest possible breadth in order to salvage souls so, too, will the punishment of God be unleashed to stop the spread of evil.
Good versus evil is a battle between God, My Eternal Father and Satan. It is that simple.
Those who follow the Laws of God will be upheld.
Those, for whom they pray and offer personal sacrifice in atonement for their sins, will be dealt with leniently.
Those who refuse to follow God, despite knowing the Truth, and who infest other souls through the wicked laws they lay down amongst their nations, will be punished.
There will be many storms, floods and earthquakes ahead.
For each insult against God will be met with fierce resistance so that, in time, the purification will be and can be fulfilled.
Never forget love for God must come from the heart.
Deny the Word of God and you will suffer for this.
Love for God must be pure. Fear of God is a natural part of the affinity for the Majesty of the Creator of all things and is part of this love.
Respect for God’s Laws must be shown.
When the respect is absent and when man flouts the Laws of God which corrupt humanity, the Anger of My Father will be unleashed.
Your Jesus

Theme: Unite our suffering to the suffering of Jesus on the Cross. approximate time: Litanies & Crusades only: 25 minutes; with Holy Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet: approx. 50 minutes Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Ask your favorite s...

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