Sunday 18 September 2016

Allow Me to lift you, from all harm, to safety away from the Antichrist.

Allow Me to lift you, from all harm, to safety away from the Antichrist.

My dearly beloved daughter  hear Me now as I inform you that My Time is almost upon the world.
Your time is short as the days of darkness fade and a new dawn, a new beginning will emerge.
All  your tears of fear and distress are almost over with little time left for the Glorious Era of Peace to emerge.
The renewal of the Kingdom of the Earth will shortly take place and My Dominion over all of God’s children will replace the seat of Satan.
Your confusion, My followers over the authenticity of My Calling to you now, will disappear.
All will become clear, like the crystal clean waters of a spring from My Heavenly Body, as it gushes forth now to consume the hearts of all God’s children.
The Light of the Truth will inflame the world, despite the ever growing darkness which has settled like a festering disease over every corner of the earth.
Soon the Truth will set you free, clear away all  your doubts, your fears and will release within you a clarity of mind and soul. Then, filled with My Holy Spirit, a global conversion will take place.
Those whose faith is weak will be renewed and the Truth of a new Christian Army will come into being.
Hope, love and prayer will sustain you as I lead the world towards the New Legacy promised to you for so long.
To those of you who are fearful of My messages just remember this.
The world which awaits you is a great Gift for you and your families. It is a Paradise which you should be longing for  as nothing on earth, as you know it, can compare.
If you love Me, then trust in My Goodness, My Love, My promise to bring you into the Glorious inheritance for which you were born.
Surrender all your worries and fears now.
Allow Me to lift you, from all harm, to safety away from the Antichrist.
Recite this Crusade Prayer (71) Prayer to save us from the persecution
Oh Jesus save God’s children from the Antichrist.
Protect us from the plans to control the earth.
Lord, save us from the persecution.
Protect dark souls from the antichrist so that they can be redeemed
in Your Eyes.
Help us in our weakness.
Strengthen us in spirit to rise and lead each other as we march in
 Your army to the Gates of Paradise.
I need You Dear Jesus.
I love you Dear Jesus.
I Glorify Your Presence on earth.
I shun the darkness.
I adore You and I surrender myself in body and spirit
so that You can  reveal to me the Truth of Your Presence so that
I will always trust in Your Mercy at all times.
Go now and prepare your souls so that you remain strong and loyal to Me as I lead you towards Eternal Life.
Your Jesus

For Clergy: Crusade Prayer (135) To defend the Truth

O beloved Mother of Salvation, help me in my moment of need. Pray that I am blessed with the Gifts poured down upon my unworthy soul, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, to defend the Truth at all times. Sustain me in every incident, where I am asked to deny the Truth, the Word of God, the Holy Sacraments and the Most Holy Eucharist.
Help me to use the Graces I receive to stand firm against the wickedness of Satan and all those poor souls he uses to defile your Son, Jesus Christ.
Help me in my hour of need. For the sake of souls, give me the courage to provide the Sacraments to each child of God, when I may be forbidden by the enemies of God to do so. Amen.

Virgin Mary: Failure to proclaim the Truth of my Son’s Teachings means that God is being forgotten

My child the persecution you are enduring is because of the publication of the Book of Truth.
The evil one is placing obstacles along your path and will stop at nothing to wear you down.
It is important to ignore the constant wicked lies with which you are being presented by those who claim to be knowledgeable about the Word of God.
Their dismissal of these messages is not important. Only the Word of my Son is what you must respond to and nothing else.
You must trust in my Son and remain silent when those blinded by lies who try to engage with you to trip you up. Do not listen. Do not respond. Instead, simply proclaim the Word of God.
My child so many followers of Christ are suffering at this time. Their voices are but whispers in a world which shouts about the glory of earthly wonders.
The true Word of God is no longer declared openly even by servants of God in the Church.
Embarrassed to be seen to openly declare the Truth they wander hopelessly trying to find their way amongst the confusion caused by secularism.
The offense which is caused when God, or my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, are mentioned is widespread. Very few souls are brave enough to stand up and declare themselves soldiers of Christ.
Even holy souls are frightened to do this for fear of causing outrage amongst the heathen.
Failure to proclaim the Truth of my Son’s Teachings means that God is being forgotten.
How I weep when I see poor little children who are being ignored by their guardians in the development of their souls.
They lack the nourishment of the Holy Spirit because they are not taught how to profess their love for God. Many do not believe in God the Father. This saddens Him.
You, my child, have been given a difficult task. When you declare to the world the contents of these messages from Heaven you are attacked from three sources.
Those who believe in God but who refuse to listen to the Word of God as it is being given to the world now.
Those who profess to be leaders in my Son’s Church on earth who refuse to listen because they do not accept prophecy.
And then those who do not believe in God at all.
Your voice will continue to fall on deaf ears but you must not let this discourage you.
All you have to do is to obey my Son in all things and leave everything in His Holy Hands.
In time they will listen. When they do many souls will turn to my Son with love and joy in their hearts.
You must never falter or delay in your response to my Son’s request to ensure that everyone in the world I given the Word of God at this time.
I ask all of God’s children to respond to my call to pay allegiance to my Son’s Holy Word now. He loves all of God’s children and wishes to prepare every soul for His long awaited Second Coming.
Do not deny Him. Accept His Hand of Mercy before it is too late.
Your loving Mother
Queen of the Earth
Mother of Salvation

The prayers given are of Divine Origin, they are prayers having been received through the Holy Spirit and are presented here broken down to suggested daily prayer guides. As dictated to God's servant who goes by the name of Maria…

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