Monday 9 November 2015

The Fifth Year anniversary of these sacred messages !

You will stand before Me alone – with no one next to you

My dearly beloved daughter, by the Authority of My Father, God the Most High, I wish to inform all those who are suffering, in My Name, that the time is close for The Warning to take place.
Those of you, who have been given knowledge of this, My Great Day of Mercy, will see the signs shortly. You must confess your transgressions before Me, so that you will be adequately prepared for this event, which will shock the world.
I do this soon, so that I can save those people who have cut the umbilical cord, which ties them to Me, before it is too late. You must trust in Me and gather in prayer so that souls in darkness do not perish before I grant them immunity for their sins. Look now into your hearts and souls and see them as I see you. What do you see? Will you be able to stand before Me and say “Jesus, I do everything You desire of me to live the life which You expect me to.”? Will you say “Jesus, I offend You, because I cannot help it, so please have Mercy on my soul.”? Or will you say “Jesus I have sinned, but only because I need to defend myself.”?
You will stand before Me alone – with no one next to you. I will show you your soul. You will see every stain upon it. You will relive the sin and then I will give you the time to ask Me to show you My Mercy. Not because you are entitled to My Mercy – but only because I decide to give you this Gift.
My Day will dawn, unexpectedly, through the signs which will be shown to you in advance.
I have spent three years trying to open your eyes to the Truth. Some of you have accepted it. Others have thrown it back in My Face. Now is the time of My Divine Mercy and only those who open their hearts to Me, and who accept Me, will be given the chance to redeem themselves.
Be thankful for My unconditional Love.
Your Jesus

Never before will their faith be put to such a test

My dearly beloved daughter, the Light of God shines down upon all of His children, who are in union with Me, Jesus Christ, at this time. All of those Christians in the world who live by My Word, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will experience a spiritual suffering like no other, because of their belief in Me. I refer to all Christians who live by the Truth, who behave as I have taught them and who follow My Teachings Word for Word.
All those, including those who have never heard of these, My Messages for the world, will soon understand what it is like to live in Me and with Me. Never before will their faith be put to such a test and sadly, many will be unable to withstand the pressures they will have to deal with, because of the hatred which will be shown to them. They will do all they can to remain true to the Holy Gospels, but by doing so they will attract terrible hatred and they will be called liars. It will not be long before all Christians, who will defiantly proclaim My Word, will be accused of being right-winged bullies, when the true culprits will be the ones who hurl the abuse at them.
I urge all of you to remain silent and to never respond to bullies who try to destroy your faith and love for Me. Those who will spit venom and scream at you need your prayers and forgiveness. By praying for such souls, you will destroy Satan’s influence and he will find it difficult to vent his anger at you.
Pray, pray, pray for all those who will be used as pawns in the bitter fight to dismantle My Church on Earth. Please recite this Crusade Prayer to withstand religious persecution.
Crusade Prayer (126) To withstand religious persecution:
Dear Jesus, help me to withstand any kind of persecution in Your Holy Name.
Help those who fall into error, in the belief that they bear witness to Your Work.
Open the eyes of all those who may be tempted to destroy others, through wicked acts, deeds or gestures.
Protect me against the enemies of God, who will rise up to try and silence Your Word and who try to banish You.
Help me to forgive those who betray You and give me the Grace to remain firm in my love for You.
Help me to live the Truth, which You taught us and to remain under Your Protection, forever. Amen.
Go, all of you who truly love Me and follow everything I taught you. Love one another as I have told you. Never show hatred for others. Instead, pray for those who persecute you. Show love when hatred is shown to you, because this will be your weapon against the power of evil.
Your Jesus

Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (5) For the salvation of those in mortal sin

Jesus, save all sinners from the fires of Hell.
Forgive blackened souls.
Help them to see You.
Lift them out of darkness.
Open their eyes.
Open their hearts.
Show them the Truth.
Save them.
Help them to listen.
Rid them of pride, lust and envy.
Protect them from evil.
Hear their pleas for help.
Grasp their hands.
Pull them towards You.
Save them from the deception of Satan. Amen.

3 mins


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