Saturday 12 November 2016

God the Father: The hierarchy of all the angels in Heaven gather at the four corners of the earth at this time

God the Father: The hierarchy of all the angels in Heaven gather at the four corners of the earth at this time

My dearest daughter, the hierarchy of all the angels in Heaven gather at the four corners of the earth at this time. They prepare now for the onslaught of chastisements, which will be unleashed on humanity.
All these things must come to pass – storms, wars, famine and dictatorships – will befall the earth as the battle commences, as foretold.
The earth will shake in the four corners of the globe and many will be shocked, for they will not have seen such turmoil unfold before them.
You, My children, are in the end times and the period which lies ahead will be difficult. Those of you who are loyal to Me and who place all their trust in Me will withstand these upheavals.
Much change will now erupt in the world and for those of you who know the Truth be thankful. You will realise that, while it will mean the end of the times you have known up to now, it will also be the time, as foretold, to herald a new beginning. A fresh start.  A New Paradise on earth.
This will mean freedom, children. You will be taken swiftly into My Arms to await the new dwelling I have carefully created for all of you.
The times will be hard to bear for many, but only those who accept the Truth will persevere and prosper, for they will be protected.
My Seal must be shared. My Love must be made known to every child of Mine, of every religion, creed and especially, to those who do not know Me, as well as those who reject My Existence.
I prepare My army in the Heavens, just as I prepare My army on earth.
Together, we will fight the wickedness, which is about to be introduced by every nation upon their helpless people.
If you stand up and refuse to accept the Mark of the Beast, I will protect you.
Centres, organised by My prophets over the years, will spring up, each like an oasis in the desert. Here you will be able to pledge your allegiance to Me, your Father. Here you can gather to pray for the souls of those who will be lost under the power of the antichrist.
Pray, pray, pray. Your time has been assigned and the Second Coming of My Son will take place soon.
Only I, your beloved Father, know of this date. Even My precious Son, Jesus Christ, is not aware of it. But know this.
While you are being prepared through this, and other Missions, that it will be announced suddenly, when it will be too late for many to turn. Instead they will run away.
Be strong, My children. My plan is to destroy the beast and save every one of My children. Your prayers can help Me salvage each precious soul.
God the Most High

Crusade Prayer (14) Prayer to God the Father for protection against Nuclear War

O Almighty Father, God the Most High, please have Mercy on all sinners.
Open their hearts to accept salvation and to receive an abundance of graces.
Hear my pleas for my own family and ensure that each one will find favour in your loving Heart.
O Divine Heavenly Father, protect all Your children on earth from any nuclear war or other acts, which are being planned to destroy your children.
Keep us from all harm and protect us. Enlighten us so we can open our eyes, hear and accept the Truth of our salvation, without any fear in our souls.

The earth will groan in pain as the antichrist prepares his entrance

My dearly beloved daughter, the world must now prepare for the great changes, which I have permitted, in order to prepare humanity for the Second Coming.
Much work has been done through My beloved followers, to save millions of souls; through the prayers I have given them.
Your loyalty to Me, your Jesus, My beloved followers, means that you have given souls over to Me who are now safe and who would, otherwise, have been cast into Hell.
So powerful are your prayers, that in time, as millions more accept My Messages of love and hope that billions of souls will be saved.
My work through you, My disciples, saves thousands and thousands of people daily. You must, therefore, never allow doubts, which will naturally assail you, from time to time, and which may prevent you from praying.
Now you must listen.
Much will happen now. The storms will increase all over the world and the earth will groan in pain as the antichrist prepares his entrance. It won’t be long before he will present himself.
Keep focused, My daughter, on the spreading of My Word, although many obstacles may face you. Let nothing delay My Messages from being given to everyone.
It will not be the number of people who will receive The Book of Truth or My Messages, but the number of people who recite My Crusade Prayers, that will make the difference.
The prayers will weaken the power of the antichrist.
It will be the chastisements sent to earth by My Father, which will slay those leaders and groups who dare to hurt His children.
The Power of God will cover those who love Him.
The Power of God will protect those who convert.
God, My Eternal Father, will keep pouring His Graces until His Power covers and protects all of His children on earth.
Go in peace, hope and love. Trust in Me, and all will be well.
Your Jesus

Theme: Prayers to God the Father approximate time: Litanies & Crusades only: 25 minutes; with Holy Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet: approx. 50 minutes Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Ask your favorite saint(s)to join you in prayer and ...

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