Friday 30 October 2015

God the Father: If I have to destroy cities to stop evil from spreading, then I will do this

My dearest daughter, My Hand of Justice has fallen over the world and I will punish those who hurt My children, in body and soul. You must fear My Wrath as well as accept My Mercy.
I will intervene in your nations in order to stop wars from escalating and if I have to destroy cities to stop evil from spreading, then I will do this. As the wickedness of man spreads like a virus, I will cut those souls in two and strike them down. How the evil sins of abortion, war, murder and the deceit of those who assist in the spread of sin sicken Me. They will pay the price for this now.
Those in political positions, who control the availability of abortion, will be the first to be punished. Await now as you will see how they will suffer for the atrocities which they condone before Me. Those groups, who plot the demise of the world’s population through abortion, will die in agony by My Hand. Justice will be served on them finally, as I will no longer allow them to inflict such wickedness on My children. Their arrogant claims, that they are acting in human interest, will be silenced, for they have cut themselves from Me and now they will have little time to redeem their souls.
Those given the responsibility of teaching My children the Truth of the Gospels will need to heed this Promise. I will raise you up when you tell the Truth, but I will throw you into the abyss, if and when you desecrate the Holy Eucharist. And while the liars will convince you of the need to change the Truth and persecute you, it will be nothing like the darkness, which I will cast over the entire Earth. Then there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, but no one will hear you. You will no longer see, nor will you hear anything, but you will feel the pain of those souls whom you destroyed because of the apostasy, which you helped to fuel until it enveloped the souls of those sacred servants you instruct.
Fear My Wrath, for it will descend on you suddenly and by then it will be too late for you. You will never see My Face. I Am giving the leaders of all those who control My Churches on Earth this final warning.
Failure to defend the Word of God or to uphold the Holy Eucharist will result in death and despair. I will not allow you the time to destroy the souls who have been earmarked by My enemies.
Your Father
God the Most High

Crusade Prayer (159) Plea for God’s Love

O Mother of Salvation, I ask you to intercede on my behalf as I plead for God’s Love. Fill my soul, an empty vessel, with the Love of God, so that when it is overflowing, it will spill over the souls for whom I struggle to show compassion. 
By the Power of God, I ask that I am freed from any feelings of hatred I may harbor for those who betray your Son. 
Humble me in spirit and fill me with generosity of soul so that I can follow the Teachings of Christ and spread His Love into every part of my life. Amen. 

Crusade Prayer (158) Protect me from the one world religion

To ensure that you remain strong, courageous, calm and at peace, as you take up the Cross of my Son on your shoulders, you must recite this Crusade Prayer. For many of you who find it difficult to accept that these things are to come, there will come a day when you will recite this, Crusade Prayer (158) three times a day, because the pressures, which will be placed upon you to deny my Son, will be overwhelming.
Crusade Prayer (158) Protect me from the one world religion:
Dear Jesus, protect me from the evil of the new one world religion, which does not come from You. Sustain me on my journey to freedom, along the path to Your Holy Kingdom.
Keep me in union with You, whenever I am tormented and forced to swallow lies, which are spread by Your enemies to destroy souls.
Help me to withstand persecution, to remain firm to the True Word of God against false doctrines and other sacrileges, which I may be forced to accept.
Through the gift of my free will, take me into the Domain of Your Kingdom, to enable me to stand up and proclaim the Truth, when it will be declared to be a lie. 
Never let me falter, hesitate or run away in fear, in the face of persecution. Help me to remain firm and steadfast to the Truth for as long as I live. Amen.

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