Sunday 12 August 2018

Second Message from the Virgin Mary

Second Message from the Virgin Mary

You, my strong child of God, are very special. I will always work with you, for you have seen both sides of life here on Earth. You, my child, have to comprehend what God’s Work is all about.
Bless you, my loved one, and thank you. Yes, my sweet child, you have been given the graces for your Work. The moment the Holy Spirit entered your soul, you were ready to Work.
My unconditional Love for you will make you stronger as the days pass. Please don’t worry, as it is a negative emotion and will only hold you back. Pray to me, your Eternal Mother, every day. I will never leave you or let you down with your Work.
You, my sweet child, have been given a very special Gift and now you must use it in the way you only know how to. Yes, my child, I understand that this is very frightening for you at this time.
Always be assured I Am with you every step on your journey. Peace be yours.
In your heart, I shall dwell, always. Bless you, my child, and thank you for responding.
Mother of Peace and Hope

Crusade Prayer (165) For the Gift of Eternal Life

Jesus help me to believe in Your Existence.
Give me a sign so that my heart can respond to You.
Fill my empty soul with the Grace that I need to open my mind and my heart to Your Love.
Have Mercy on me, and cleanse my soul from every wrongdoing, that I have committed in my life.
Forgive me for rejecting You, but please fill me with the love that I need, to be made worthy of Eternal Life.
Help me to know You, to see Your Presence in other people and fill me with the Grace to recognise the Sign of God in every beautiful Gift, which You have given the human race.
Help me to understand Your Ways and save me from the separation and the pain of darkness that I feel in my soul. Amen.

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