Friday 20 January 2017

Our goal is only for the salvation of souls

Our goal is only for the salvation of souls

the-crusade-of-prayer-englishFor the new comers, whilst there are over 1300 messages to read and discern which could be overwhelming and takes a lot of time to digest, we invite you  as a matter of urgency to go over the Crusade Prayers and Litanies dictated from Heaven, spend time in prayer and have an open heart and mind to hear God’s call – where the only goal is for the salvation of souls.
We hope that you would help in your own little way to do just that – save souls.
A soul may depend on you.  
In Jesus’ words, “I bring you the Gift of My Crusade Prayers so that by reciting them you will help Me to save as many souls as I can.”  (September 1, 2014)
You will find the tools, the armour to defeat evil in this blog.  All that is required is commitment on your part, and allow God to do the rest.
best-seller-comboCombo containing The Book of Truth Volume 5, Deluxe Crusade of Prayer, 5 pack of Medal of Salvation and A Seal of the Living God Scapular
My dearest daughter, My Intervention to open the eyes of My children to the Love of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, is drawing closer.
I love all of My children and I will call every man, woman and child over the age of seven years, into the Light of My Son’s Mercy. Prepare for My Intervention for it is sooner than you think and be thankful for this Great Gift. The spiritual warfare you are witnessing in the world is manifested on earth and the battle will arise between My enemies, who try to silence all those who refuse to be drawn into falsities, and those who do not betray My Son.

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