Monday 22 August 2016

I, your beloved Jesus, could never undermine My Own Church

I, your beloved Jesus, could never undermine My Own Church

My dearly beloved daughter, I call out to all of God’s children and assure you that I, your beloved Jesus, could never undermine My Own Church.
However, I will not stand back and watch My Church, by the hand of one particular sect, who has no right to play a role in the Holy See, to disintegrate.
For that is precisely what the false prophet and the imposters who idolise Satan, are trying to do. They want to topple the Catholic Church and break it into little pieces.
This, My children, is how Satan will stand in final rebellion against God, the Creator of all things.This wicked plan to destroy My Church has been underway for 100 years, but, since 1967, it has intensified.
Many imposters, who are members of this evil sect, who worship Satan, entered the seminaries to gain a foothold in the Vatican.
Their powers, while allowed by God the Father, were restricted up to now. As the end times draw nearer that will change.
This evil sect will now unleash every power to ensure that they will elect a new replacement for My Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI.
All those who know My Teachings will see changes in the recital of the Holy Mass.
New secular laws will be introduced which will be an affront to My death on the Cross.
Many devout followers of Mine will see this and will feel hurt. Their views will be dismissed and many Sacraments will cease to be offered.
This is why much preparation is needed.
For those Catholic, who will be hurt and dismayed, please, remember that I Am here.
Call out to Me, your beloved Jesus, and know that you must not be afraid to proclaim the Truth of My Teachings.
You must not be afraid to turn your back on heresy.
I will guide and protect you on your journey and you will be guided by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (109) For the Gift of Trust

O my dearest Jesus,
Help me to trust You.
To trust in Your Promise to come again.
To accept the Truth of Your Second Coming.
To trust in the Promise of God the Father when He said He would give You Your Kingdom.
Help me to trust in Your Teachings, in
Your Plan to save the world.
Help me to accept, with Grace, Your Gifts.
Help me to trust in You, so that I lose my fear and so that I can allow Your Love to flood my heart and soul. Amen.

My Remnant Church, the Two Witnesses, referred to in the Book of Revelation

My dearly beloved daughter, I realise that some of these Messages do not make sense to you, but you must trust in Me and know that I must reveal the contents of the Book of Revelation, so that souls know what to expect in these times.
To those of little faith, but who accept My Word, given to you through this prophet, know that your humility and desire, born of a pure love for Me, has brought you closer to My Sacred Heart.
You are My Remnant Church. You are the Church, referred to in the Book of Revelation.
You are the product of the woman who gave birth to a male and who was cast out into the desert, where you will be isolated, yet united as one, to proclaim My Holy Word and preach the True Gospels.
The woman gives birth to My True Church, My loyal flock, who will not be misled by the false prophet.
You, My Church, will be cast aside into the desert for 1,260 days, where you will take refuge. But with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, you will be fed with the Fruits of My Love.
It will be the loyal members of My Christian churches, including My sacred servants and those of My followers who reject the false prophet, who will have to keep My Church together.
You will have to honour Me in secret, because the Mass will change beyond recognition, under the rule of the false prophet.
You are My true followers and all the Graces of Heaven are being poured over your precious souls.
How I love you children and how you ease My suffering. But how much pain is in My Heart because of those of My followers who will refuse to listen to Me. They will be drawn in a web by the false prophet, into the darkness and I cannot save them.
By their own will they will slap Me on the Face.
My Remnant Church will need to spread the Word to My other children, including those who do not know Me at all.
You, My Remnant Church, will need to proclaim My Prophecies and My Holy Word to those, who are not Christian or who do not know the Ten Commandments.
Your job will be to ensure that the Holy Bible is read and understood.
It will be up to you, to inform the world of the full meaning of the Seals contained in the Book of Revelation, which I will reveal to Maria Divine Mercy.
The Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation:
You, My followers, are one of the two witnesses referred to in the Book of Revelation and who will be protected from the Heavens.
My Word, given to you, My Remnant Church, may be cast aside as a corpse, but My Word will never die.
The Jews will be the second of the two witnesses.
The two lamps are My Christian churches, the traditional True Church, and those followers of Mine who will be cast aside by the false prophet.
The two olive trees are the Old Jerusalem Israel and the New Israel.
They, the Jews, will know that I Am the Messiah at last and their preaching of the Truth will also be cast aside and thrown out by the false prophet and the antichrist, to rot like a corpse. Again, this chosen race will not die.
Both will feel defeated, but this will not be the case, for you will form, along with all other religions, the One True Church – the New Jerusalem which will rise from the ashes.
You will survive the terrible evil monarchy, which will arise under the dual leadership of the false prophet and the antichrist, both of whom will be cast into the lake of fire that is Hell.
This persecution will not last long and you will be given great strength and protection.
Help will be given to you and many leaders will arise amongst you to guide you through this period.
Many of you will become saints in My New Paradise and, having helped build My Remnant Church on Earth, will reign with Me in the New Heaven and Earth, which will emerge at My Second Coming.
Those of you who are not with Me, will be given a very short time to choose.
You will either be for the false prophet and against Me or you will be for Me.
Choose the first and your soul will be stolen by the deceiver. Harsh as this sounds, it is the Truth.
Proof of My Presence will be given to all of God’s children during The Warning.
Pray that you will accept the Truth then, that it is I, your beloved Jesus, who calls to you from Heaven to open your eyes so that you can see and so that you will listen, so that you can hear before it is too late.
Your beloved Jesus

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