Tuesday 14 May 2024

Mother of God: The remnant army of Christ will Triumph.. BOOK OF TRUTH.


Mother of God: The remnant army of Christ will Triumph

My beloved children of God, I am your heavenly Mother, the Mother of Mercy, the Mother of Salvation. You are my precious children and I cover you all with my veil of salvation, as your weary souls struggle in pain.

Pray, my children, to my Son, with complete faith and trust in His Mercy. He will never let you down. While you endure pain and sadness, because you know the Truth, and feel wretched, because of the wickedness you see all around you, you must be at peace. For you are surrounded with the Love of God, my Father, and are blessed with the Graces my Son bestows on you and this enriches your souls.

You must not allow fear and worry to distract you from the role, which my Son has carved out for you. The remnant army of Christ will triumph and bring, in its trail, billions of souls, which it will present before the Throne of God.

What a blessing you have been given. Those amongst you, who will lead and help my Son’s Crusade Prayers Groups, are saving billions of souls. These prayers are like no other, as they have been given to humanity as a Gift, with special Graces attached to them.

Unbeknownst to you, the souls you help to save are thirty fold more, when you say these prayers. They enable you to comfort the Heart of my Son by increasing and strengthening in numbers the souls, which He needs in order to fulfil His Plan of Salvation.

Thank you for responding to my Son’s plea from Heaven. Many Graces have been given to you in the last two weeks. The fruits of these Graces will become clearer to you as you forge ahead on the Path of Truth, towards eternal life.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer (94) To cure the mind, body and soul

O dear Jesus, I lay myself before You, weary, sick, in pain and with a longing to hear Your Voice.
Let me be touched by Your Divine Presence, so that I will be flooded by Your Divine Light through my mind, body and soul.
I trust in Your Mercy.
I surrender my pain and suffering completely before You and I ask that You give me the grace to trust in You, so that You can cure me of this pain and darkness, so that I can become whole again and, so that I can follow the Path of Truth and allow
You to lead me to life in the New Paradise.

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