Monday 23 October 2023

God the Father: I will wipe out their false churches, their wicked cults, their false idols, their cities and their nations.. BOOK OF TRUTH..


God the Father: I will wipe out their false churches, their wicked cults, their false idols, their cities and their nations

(Received during Adoration of the Holy Eucharist)

My dearest daughter it is difficult for My children to remain free of sin because of the curse inflicted upon them by the hand of the serpent.

Never do I expect My children to be completely free of sin at all times for this is impossible.

It is important that anyone who knows the teachings of My Son’s Church on earth to seek repentance for your sins as often as possible.

Through repentance it will be easier to remain in a state of grace and this will create a barrier to further temptation.

My children you are now about to witness great everlasting changes in the world. They will happen after The Warning takes place.

While many will ignore these messages from Heaven, it is important for those who accept them as the Word of God to prepare.

You are the link in My armour against the enemy and through your faith I will lift you up and protect you against the persecution.

It will be your love for My Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the universe, that I will be able to salvage those children who cannot abide the Light of God.

Your consecration of love, suffering and prayers will be their saving grace from the fires of Hell.

Be not afraid for yourselves but for those who not only cannot see, but who refuse to see, the times in which you are living today.

The preparations are complete and the time is ripe for the changes to commence for I will not allow the Beast to steal souls.

This intervention, promised to mankind for so long will take place very soon and then the battle will begin to save My children.

Do not fear My Hand for,when it falls, it will be used to punish those who are trying to destroy My children.

I will stop them from deceiving souls.

I will stop them from their murderous intent and I will wipe out their false churches, their wicked cults, their false idols, their cities and their nations if they continue to reject the Hand that feeds them.

They have been warned. You, My beloved children will help My Son to save them.

Never fear because those with the Seal of the Living God are not only protected but are given the graces to defend the Word of God so that as many souls as possible will be given the Gift of Life.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High

Crusade Prayer (67) Keep my children safe from the king of lies

Please dear Jesus I ask you to keep my children safe from the King of Lies.
I consecrate these children (name them) to your Sacred Heart and ask that through the cloak of your Precious Blood, You will enlighten their souls and take them safely into your loving arms so that they can be protected from all harm.
I ask that you open their hearts and flood their souls with your Holy Spirit during the Illumination of Conscience so that they are cleansed of every iniquity. Amen.

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